Mated To The King’s Gamma By Jessica Hall

Chapter 84

Read Mated To The King’s Ga*ma by Jessica Hall Chapter 84 – Gannon POV
Abbie was still passed out when I reached the room. Clarice, however, stood in the hallway. My bedroom door was open as she
stood by the door, watching Tyson while rocking Hunter in her arms and putting him back to sleep.
She glances at me, covered in vomit, and chuckles. “I am glad you find it so funny,” I tell her. She smiles at Abbie, who was
snoring in my arms, her mouth open. She was out cold but wouldn‘t be once I put her in the shower.
“At least she had fun and got out of this room for once,” Clarice tells me, and I nod. The moment she took off with Tandi, I had
Liam looking for her, and he promised to stay with her. She needed time with Azalea and Tandi. Even if I thought Tandi was a
little wild, she was familiar, and I knew I hovered too much.
“Let me set him down in his crib,” Clarice says, walking off toward Damian‘s room, only to stop when we hear voices. Or more
like arguing. I roll my eyes, and Clarice pauses. “On second thought, I might lay him down on your bed for a minute,” Clarice
says when I recognize the voices to be Tandi and Damian. I wander into my room, finding Tyson where I left him, fast asleep on
Abbie‘s side of the bed.
Clarice sets Hunter next to him, propping pillows around him before following me into the bathroom. She turns the shower on for
me while I pull Abbie‘s soiled clothes off. I place her in the shower.
My chest pangs when I glance at her marred
flesh. Long slits ran up both arms. My mark on her neck had covered Kade‘s and removed his, yet the guilt
I felt about marking her without consent still coiled inside me.
“She‘ll forgive you,” Clarice says. The woman was too observant and could read me like a damn book.
“I know; it just doesn‘t feel right,” I tell her, glancing at her. She nodded, grabbing soap and a loofah as Abbie
stirred under the water.
“She will forgive you. You were trying to save her,” Clarice says as I tug my shirt off, tossing it in the hamper.
“I am not worried about her forgiving me for marking her, that she will forgive,” I tell her, sticking my head out the door.
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