Married to the mafia (season 1+ 2)

Chapter 1

Today is my 20th birthday and I couldn't be more excited, a big milestone for any person's life. I feel like an adult, even though everyone around me still insists on treating me like a little girl. It doesn't matter, the older I get the more my family is going to have to realize that I am an independent woman and that I deserve freedom. Maybe they need a little push to realize it, which is why I am going to talk to my father tonight to ask him for something I've been longing for for a long time: a semester abroad. It has always been my dream to spend a semester in Europe learning about art, my favorite thing in the world, and to enjoy the local cuisine and culture. I've never been out of San Francisco in my life, except for a short trip to Mexico when I was a kid to meet my abuela and I think it is time for me to see the world. Besides, I could really use some time away from my everyday life, I just broke up with Lucas for the hundredth time this year and I could really use some time to myself to heal. Lucas and I love each other and enjoy being together but we also fight too much; we can't seem to be able to be apart for long, and yet we fight every time we are together. It's hard to see eye to eye with Lucas, and yet the attraction between us is undeniable. This relationship has been messing with my life for too long, I need space from Lucas, our relationship has become too toxic and I think it is best for me to keep some distance from him while I figure out what I really want.

"Victoria, your father wants to see you in his office right now," my mother says as she knocks on my door.

A wide grin appears on my face, I thought I was going to have to wait until tonight's dinner to talk to him, but I guess now is as good a time as any. He probably wants to ask me what kind of gift I want for my birthday and, of course, I already have my answer ready.

I go down the staircase hopping with joy as I make a list in my mind of all of the reasons my trip abroad is a good idea, I need to have solid arguments so my father won't say no. He is a stubborn and strong man, not very easily persuaded into anything he doesn't want to do, so I have to be very smart about this.

I walk past my father's henchmen to knock on his door. "Hi, Raul. Hi, Tito," I say to them as I wait for my father's reply. They both give a little nod to me as they maintain themselves expressionless. My father doesn't like it when they act friendly toward me or my sister, his men are here to protect us, not to fool around; at least that is what my father says.

"Come in!" My father yells from the other side of the door.

I twist the door knob, push the door open and step inside with a big birthday-girl smile but my father doesn't smile back, he is seated behind his desk with a grim expression on his face, another man is inside with him. The other man is tall, robust, blonde with blue eyes. I don't think I've ever seen such a tall man before in my life; he must be about my father's age, but there is something about him that I find unsettling, he looks like a Bond villain. The man looks at me up and down, as if he was assessing me like I was some kind of racehorse he was thinking of acquiring. His gaze makes me feel uncomfortable, I have no idea who this person is, but I dislike him instantly. Luckily the man heads to the exit.

"Well, Javier, I'll let you give the news to the girl..." he says before walking out of the office.

I furrow my brow, what news?

My father clears his throat, he seems a little uncomfortable.

"What is going on, dad? Who was that man?" I ask him as I arch my eyebrows.

"That man is Nikolay Ivanov, he is a... business partner, sort of speak," he mutters avoiding looking at me.

I bite my lower lip, I know what kind of business partner he is referring to. Unfortunately, what my father does for a living is not exactly legal, I've known this for a long time and it has always bothered me, but my mother has always insisted that what he does for a living does not affect how much he loves me, so I have learned to live with it because there is not much I can do about it anyway. My dad is the head of one of the strongest mafias in San Francisco and he has no intention of leaving that life behind him. I shrug not wanting to know more about that tall man or his business dealings with my father.

"I have something I wanted to talk to you about," I say trying to change the subject.

"Me too. I have some news for you, Victoria. It's in regards to your future. Today is your 20th birthday, you are a woman now..."

"I know! Which is why I want to talk about my future too! I was thinking about going abroad for a semester. I know you and mom think I'm not responsible enough to take care of myself, but I assure you that I am ready for this. I believe it will be a great opportunity to learn about art and to experience another culture, I was thinking of France, but I am open to suggestions, it can also be Italy or..."

"I'm afraid that won't be possible, Victoria," my father interrupts me.

I snort, a little pissed that he hasn't even let me finish.

"You haven't even listened to my reasons for going," I say frowning.

"I don't need to hear them, my plans for you are different. Victoria, that man, Nikolay Ivanov, is a man to fear. He is merciless and cold-blooded, he and his people don't fool around. He has grown stronger these last couple of years and he just recently took over San Francisco. No one saw it coming, he became the most powerful boss in the area in the blink of an eye..."

"I don't care, dad, you know I don't like to hear about your businesses!" I say dismissing what he is saying. It is bad enough to be aware of what he does, I don't need to know the details of his mafia activity. "Listen to me, Victoria! The Russian mafia, under Nikolay's leadership, has managed to kill every other competitor, the bosses of the other gangs are death now. They are all gone: the Chinese mafia boss, the Italian mafia Don... all wiped out from this city, the gangs have been dismantled and their leaders have been brutally murdered by Nikolay's men. I'm the only one left and I am next... I mean, we are next. Nikolay's man will not hesitate to kill our entire family if he orders them to do it," he says and, for the first time in my life, I see the fear in my father's eyes.

I've always regarded my dad as a brave, stubborn, and fearless man; seeing him scared makes me shiver. What is happening?

"But if that man is planning to kill us... why was he here? Why did you let him come into our home?" I ask with a trembling voice.

"Because he just made me an offer: our lives in exchange for you," he says.

I shake my head in disbelief. In exchange for me? What does that mean?

"I don't understand... what does he expects me to do?" I ask in a whisper.

"Victoria, Nikolay Ivanov's offer is a very generous one: he is going to spare our family if you marry his older son," my father declares.

"That is ridiculous!" I exclaim bursting out in a laugh. "So crazy!"

I keep on laughing until I notice my father's grim look, he is not joking. He is serious.

"Victoria, this is not a laughing matter. You have to marry Nikolay's son to save us," he says firmly.

I feel a shiver of cold prickle my scalp. This is absurd, it can't be happening.

"No, I won't do it. Have yo lost your mind? I won't marry a complete stranger! No! I refuse!" I shout outraged. "How can you even ask me to do that?"

"I am not asking you. I am ordering you!" My father yells.

"I don't care. You can't force me to marry anyone, I won't do it!" I yell back before I storm out of his office and run to my room.

I slam the door and I slide down

against my door. I can't wrap my

mind around what is happening, it is too absurd. A few minutes ago I was planning to spend a semester in Europe and now my father is trying to marry me to the son of a Russian mobster. How did this happen?!

My mother pushes the door to come in but since I am leaning against it she can't open it all the way. I get up from the floor and go sit on my bed. My mother comes in with a disapproval gaze on her face.

"Mom, have you heard what dad is

planning to do? He has lost his

mind! He wants me to marry the son

of a mobster!" I cry out as I shake my head in disbelief. "You have to

talk to him, he has gone too time." .


far this

Luckily, my mother is the only person that can make my father come to his senses, so I trust that she can stop this nonsense right away.

"Victoria, grow up. Our lives are at stake, stop being so selfish," she says to me.

My jaw drops. Is she being serious? Not wanting to marry a stranger is selfish?!

"Have you lost your mind too? I won't marry the son of a mobster; how can you do this to your own daughter?!”

My mom takes me by the shoulders and squeezes hard.

"Enough with the drama, Victoria. You need to stop being such a spoiled girl! You have to marry that man and do your best to keep him happy," she warns me. "What are you talking about?! No!" I say as tears run down my cheeks. How can she be so cruel to her own daughter?

My father comes in, he looks tired and dejected.

"I'm afraid we don't have a choice, Victoria. Our future depends on you," he remarks.

I shake my head. "No, you can't do this to me." My eyes go from my dad to my mom and back.

"Victoria, if you don't marry that man's son, he is going to kill us all. This is the only way to survive," my mother says to me.

"Please, Victoria, I get that you are upset, but we need you. The life of this family is in your hands," my dad says in a kinder tone.

I shake my head even harder. I refuse to marry a criminal stranger.

"If you won't do it for us, do it for Jenny," my mom says. "Do you want your little sister to die?"

The air escapes my lungs. My lower

lip starts to tremble. She just said the magic words. Saving my sister Jennifer' life is reason enough to marrying whoever. If I refuse to marry and she dies, I would never forgive myself. My sister is

everything to me.

"Fine, I'll do it," I say, my voice shaking.

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