Married My Ex's Alpha Uncle (Silver and Elliot)

Chapter 0180

Silver's POV

We all stared at her dumbfounded. She looked so confident, and I had to admire her for that. I couldn't believe what she was saying though. She must have had a vision about what my brother was planning, and she knows how to put a stop to him? ""Are you serious?" I asked her.

"Yes," she told me as she made her way into the kitchen. Elliot was trailing behind her, looking a bit apprehensive. I could tell he didn't like what she was about to say. I walked over to him and put my hand on his arm to soothe him. "Is everything okay?" I asked him.

He met my eyes and gave me a small and very forced smile.

"I'm not entirely sure," he said. "She insists that you hear her out, but I don't really like the plan she came up with."

"How about you grab a plate of food," Mariah suggested as she piled more food onto a couple more plates.

"Don't mind if do," Charlotte said, sitting at the counter. "I'm starving. My vision was tough, and I woke up with such a headache."

I pulled Elliot with me towards the counter and took my seat, while Elliot wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my head, his front to my back.

"So, what exactly is this plan?" Rebecca asked through a mouthful of food.

Charlotte frowned at her; the look of distaste on her face as she narrowed her eyes.

"And who exactly are you?" Charlotte asked.

Rebecca put her fork down and turned to face Charlotte.

"Rebecca," she answered, holding out her hand for Charlotte to shake. "Silver's best friend and confidant."

Charlotte sized her up before turning and ignoring her outstretched hand.

"Interesting," Charlotte murmured.

Rebecca only scowled and then looked at me; I only offered her a shrug, not really sure what else to say.

"So, are you going to enlighten us with this plan?" I asked; picking up a piece of bacon and bringing it to Elliot's mouth. I smiled when I felt him take a bite.

"Yes," she answered simply as she took a sip of the coffee Mariah placed in front of her. "Great coffee, Mariah."

"Thanks, dear," Mariah beamed.

"Char, focus," Elliot scolded, yet his tone was casual.

Charlotte rolled her eyes.

"Oh, fine," she muttered. "Yall are no fun."

"Maybe we'd be more fun if our lives weren't in danger," I suggested; I was unable to hide the aggravation in my tone.

Charlotte turned to me.

"I had a vision," she told me. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her.

"Obviously," I murmured. "What happened in this vision?"

"There was destruction," she told me. "He changes everyone's scent. All the high-ranked wolves. Not just in this pack though; in every pack. Everybody is fighting one another and it's pretty much a blood bath." She paused to take another big bite of bacon.

"He doesn't just want this pack; he wants all the packs. However, he wants us dead more than anything so he can avenge his family. He tries to convince Silver to join him so they can rule together." "And I said no, obviously. Right?" I asked, raising my brows.

She shrugged.

"I saw two outcomes. One where you say no, and one where you say yes," she answered.

My mouth almost fell to the ground. In what world would I agree to go along with my brother's plans? Why would I say yes to something like that? Something didn't add up and an uneasy feeling formed in the pit of my stomach. I looked behind me at Elliot and his eyes were dark.

"Silver would never go along with anything like that," Rebecca said, shaking her head. "There has to be a mistake or something."

Charlotte glared at Rebecca, her lip curling in disgust.

"There's no mistake," Charlotte murmured. "I saw what I saw. Silver was pretty evil, and she was doing terrible things alongside her brother. She was fully committed."

"Did you see why I would say yes to something like that?" I asked.

"Destiny is never set in stone; it's the reason why my visions aren't always accurate. They can change at any moment she explained. "But in this timeline, something happened where you started to believe that maybe your brother was right.

Maybe it would be better if you two were in control."

"Blackmail," Emma whispered.

We all looked at her; Emma was typically the quieter of the bunch, so hearing her speak just now immediately drew our attention.

"What did you say?" I asked her.

She looked at me and I could see she was working out something in her head.

"What if you were being

blackmailed? Miss Charlotte

mentioned that all the high-ranked wolves got their scents changed and everybody was attacking everybody. So, what if Alpha Elliot was in danger, and the only way to ensure his safety was to go along with your brother's plans?"

I was stunned; could that really happen? Could I go along with Scott's plans to protect Elliot?

"That's a possibility," Charlotte agreed.

"So, how do we stop him and prevent Elliot from getting hurt?" I asked, my voice rising.

"Protecting me isn't what I'm worried about," Elliot said, putting his hands on my shoulders. "My concern is protecting you and my pack."

"Then let protecting you be my concern," I said, looking back up at him. He sighed and I knew he wanted to argue more, but he didn't. I looked back at Charlotte and asked again, "What do I need to do?"

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