
Chapter Making 661

Chapter 661

It was already 9 pm.

Sandra, accompanied by Lilian, arrived on time at the Hilton Dynasty Hotel, heading straight to the presidential suite, Room No. 8. on the top floor.

Sandra stretched out her hand and rang the doorbell.

With a click, the door of Room No. 8 opened.

Neil appeared in front of Sandra and Lilian

Lilian was taken aback. “Wasn’t it supposed to be a meeting with Mr. Ross!

“Why was someone else in the room?”

Sandra was also surprised. She hadn’t expected Neil to be the one opening the door.

Although she had met Neil before, she played it cool as

Mr. Ross’s room?”

eting him for the first time and asked, “Excuse me, sir, is this

Neil, maintaining the facade of not knowing Sandra, nodded and replied, “Yes, this is Mr. Ross’s room. Who might you be?”

Sandra promptly responded. “We have an appointment with Mr. Ross. My name is Sandra. Could you please let Mr. Ross know we’re here!”

However, before Sandra could finish speaking, they heard Mr. Ross’s voice from inside the room, “Neil, let them in. They are distinguished guests I’ve invited for a discussion.”

Neil agreed and stepped aside to let Sandra and Lilian enter.

He then closed the door and led them toward the suite’s sofa.

Lilian and Sandra noticed that the presidential suite was lavishly decorated.

It was like a private palace, with a spacious layout including a living room, bedroom, bar, and more.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room was a handsome man.

The man they were meeting was none other than Jason, the distinguished heir of the Ross family.

Lilian felt relieved to see Mr. Ross and Neil together in the room

It seemed she had been overly worried before.

Mr. Ross didn’t strike her as someone with ill intentions.

Holding a half–filled glass of red wine, Mr. Ross casually gestured towards the opposite sofa and said to Sandra and Lilian, “Please, make yourselves comfortable. No need to stand on ceremony”

Thank you, Mr. Ross,” Sandra replied with a smile, and then she and Lilian took their seats on the sofa.

Neil also sat down beside Mr. Ross.

Setting down his wine glass, Mr. Ross turned to Sandra and Lilian and began, “Sandra. Ms. Morales, our Ross family’s film company is interested in investing in a project with you. We would like Ms. Morales to star in a major Eastern mythological



Chapter 61

“What are your thoughts on this?”

Sandra nodded eagerly. “Mr. Ross, we’re deeply grateful for your interest in collaborating with us.

You’ve made an excellent choice. Ms. Morales‘ acting skills are well–known and widely acknowledged in our country.

“I believe our partnership will surely be a great success”

Lilian felt a bit embarrassed by Sandra’s lavish praise in front of Mr. Ross.

She almost wished Sandra would tone it down a bit.

However, Lilian didn’t dare to contradict Sandra, fearing that it might lead Mr. Ross to doubt her abilities.

She knew that one wrong move could jeopardize the entire collaboration.

Mr. Ross listened to Sandra and nodded in satisfaction.

Then turning to Lilian, he said, “Ms. Morales, I’ve seen your award winning film ‘Amazing Grace. Your performance was indeed outstanding and deeply moving, truly unforgettable.”

Lilian was surprised and flattered that Jason had watched her film and held her in such high regard.

Lilian graciously responded to Mr. Ross, Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Ross. I’ll keep striving to do my best.”

Mr. Ross, looking at Lilian with admiration, said, “I have complete confidence in your acting prowess. That’s the reason why I’m willing to invest a significant amount in having you star in a major Eastern mythological film.

Then he turned to Neil and instructed. “Neil, could you show Ms. Morales and her agent the collaboration agreement we’ve prepared with her and her film company?”

At this. Neil nodded, pulling a document from a drawer in the table where the coffee table was placed, and laid the agreement in front of Sandra and Lilian.

“Here’s the cooperation agreement. Please take a look,” he said.

Sandra and Lilian exchanged a glance and then turned to Mr. Ross and Neil. “Alright, let’s have a look now,” Sandra stated.

They picked up the document and began to review it together.

The agreement was concise, spanning just two pages, but it clearly detailed the partnership terms and profit–sharing


It was a straightforward and transparent document,

“Do you find any issues with the agreement? If there are any concerns, we can discuss them,” Jason asked, looking at Sandra

and Lilian

Both women shook their heads at Jason, ‘No issues, there’s no need for any changes.”

“Well then, if you both agree, please go ahead and sign the agreement, Jason suggested.

Neil handed each of them a pen and an ink pad.

Sandra and Lilian took turns signing their names on the document and then pressed their fingerprints to seal the deal.

“Excellent, with this, our partnership is officially formed,Jason said, standing up from the sofa with a smile, addressing Sandra and Lilian.

Chapter 661

Sandra and Lilian stood up from the sofa.

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Sandra, with a smile on her face, said. “Mr. Ross is right. Our collaboration is now official, and I’m sure it will be a delightful experience.”

Mr. Ross extended his hand to Sandra, “Pleased to work with you

Sandra immediately shook hands with him.

After shaking hands with Sandra, Jason then offered his hand to Lilian, “Ms. Morales, I look forward to our collaboration

r successful

Lilian felt obliged to shake hands with lying. Pleased to work with you, before withdrawing her hand.


Jason then turned to Neil and said, “Neil, why don’t you pour some wine for Sandra and Ms. Morales?”

“Right away, Jason, Neil responded promptly.

On the table was a bottle of Lafite and some empty wine glasses

Neil picked up the Lafite and poured two glasses of wine, offering them to Sandra and Lilian, “Please, enjoy.”

Jason also picked up the glass he had been drinking from and raised it towards Sandra and Lilian. “Let’s toast to the success of our partnership

Sandra quickly took a glass from the table and said to Lilian, “Lilian, pick up your glass.”

Lilian, who usually didn’t drink in social settings, felt compelled to join in due to Mr. Ross’s generosity and Sandra’s urging

She reluctantly picked up her glass.



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