Magi’s Path (Aether’s Revival Book 3)

Magi’s Path: Chapter 80

The knock on their door wasn’t surprising to them, and Jenn opened it to give the novices a smile. “Thought you’d be coming by. Oh, and here come Ling and Clover. Come on in.”


Everyone took seats around the table— luckily, there were enough cushions to go around. Yukiko poured the tea she’d prepared ahead of time.


“Welcome to the clan,” Yukiko greeted them.


“I have a question,” Nessa said, her eyes darting to Ling and Clover before going back to Yukiko. “It has to do with the training we’ve been doing.”


“I did say I would tell you after you joined the clan,” Yukiko smiled.


“What kind of training?” Clover asked.


“Path training,” Yukiko replied. “You two have been working on the mind path since this year, and before that you’d been working on the body path, right?”


“Yes,” Ling replied, Clover nodding along.


“We’ve been doing things differently, and the novices have been emulating us.”


“I was shocked when I saw they were already in their seventh rank,” Clover said. “That’s even more than you were, wasn’t it?”


“Yes,” Gregory said.


“We’ve been progressing faster since we went to the mind path, but nowhere near that fast,” Ling said.


“Would you like to advance faster?” Jenn asked.


“Of course!” Clover said eagerly.


“We want to be strong for the clan and for ourselves,” Ling nodded.


“Very well,” Yukiko smiled. “You should join us, then. We’ve been combining paths, and there’s a long history of doing so in the clan. The creator of Aether’s Guard, Lionel Lighthand, created a technique called the Peaceful Fist. The Peaceful Fist combines spirit and body paths.”


“That would mean changing paths again…” Ling said slowly. “I fear we’d fall further behind.”


“On top of following the Peaceful Fist, we also advance the mind path with Magi Squares and studying,” Yukiko said.


Clover and Ling blinked at her.


“But… isn’t that impossible?” Ling asked, clearly confused.


“We’ve been doing it,” Nessa said. “I was specifically asking Yuki how it’s possible.”


“Have any of you three seen the cavern?” Yukiko asked.


“Once or twice,” Victoria said.


“Occasionally,” Daciana said.


“Frequently,” Nessa added.


“Cavern?” Clover asked.


“If you follow the spirit path, you will see the aether cavern where your flame burns,” Yukiko explained. “If you’re following the body path, you can see channels being made in the walls of the cavern, as those are the channels your aether uses to move through your body.”


Clover listened with wide eyes, clearly intent on hearing everything.


“I’ve seen them, but they’re small… about the size of my pinkie,” Daciana said, holding up her pinkie finger.


“Then you’re following two paths already,” Yukiko smiled, “though many have lost one or the other over time.”


“But all three is impossible,” Ling said again. “We’ve been told that.”


“We study for two hours every morning,” Gregory said, “and normally a little before bed. On top of that, we follow the Peaceful Fist and have been for a little over a year now.”


Ling’s brow furrowed as she stared at him. “But…” She trailed off, clearly unsure.


“You can do as little or as much as you want,” Jenn said, “but we will continue to train as we have been. If you want to join us, you’re more than welcome to. We’d love our friends to soar with us.”


“I’ll do it,” Clover said. “I want to be like you two.” She looked between Jenn and Yukiko. “Can I?”


“Of course,” Yukiko said.


“Ling, we can do it. They want us to, but won’t force us,” Clover said, turning to Ling. “Together. We promised.”


Ling stared at her excitable friend for a few long seconds before she sighed and nodded. “Yes.” Looking back at Yukiko, she bowed her head. “I’m sorry for my doubt. The three of you have only ever helped us, even when you had no reason to do so. It’s stupid of me to doubt you, even more now that we are part of the same clan.”


“We’ve been doing it already,” Victoria said. “We’ve grown faster than our classmates. I’d say that proves something is working for us, as it did for them.”


“Is for us,” Gregory clarified, pulling his medallion out so they could see the seven illuminated rings. “It’s still working for us, and as long as you all believe— truly believe— in Aether and want the best for the clan, I’m sure it will work for you, too.”


“We believe,” Victoria said softly. “And look at us.” She pulled her medallion out of her kimono so she could show them the six glowing rings. “Top of our class.”


“I believe! I believe!” Clover said, lunging over the table to grab Gregory’s arms. “Please, please! Let me grow with you!”


Gregory blushed and looked away, as Clover was inches from his face. Her eagerness had her flushed and breathing fast, reminding him of his wives when they were engaged in carnal activities. On top of that, her kimono had gapped enough at the top that he had a brief view straight down to her pert breasts.


“Easy,” Jenn said, grabbing Clover’s wrist.


“Clover,” Yukiko said, taking her other wrist in hand, “if you believe and follow the same training we do, it’ll work.”


Ling grabbed Clover’s obi and yanked, pulling her back to sit down again. “I apologize. She gets excited.”


Daciana was grinning widely. “A kindred spirit.”


“Oh, goodness… two of them,” Victoria said with mock worry.


“It’s fine. We understand.” Nessa said, looking at Ling.


Ling exhaled and gave Yukiko, Jenn, and Gregory an apologetic smile. “I want to try. I trust in you.” When she had said “you,” she was looking at Gregory, but quickly dropped her gaze. “Guide us and we will follow.”


Seventh bell began to chime and Gregory smiled. “Well, we have about an hour before it’s time for magic training. Why don’t we study some? The Peaceful Fist will be the break we take later.”


“But what will we study that all of us can do?” Ling asked.


“We can start teaching our juniors about Empire’s Gambit,” Jenn suggested. “Down to the war room?”


“Good idea,” Yukiko smiled, rising to her feet. “Let’s go help our clan grow stronger.” She looked at Ling. “I’ve found that teaching others helps progress the mind path, as well.”


Ling nodded. “I will do my best, Yuki. Thank you for helping me see the way.”


“All magi have to find their own paths,” Gregory said, “but we follow Aether’s path. If you’ve never seen one of his temples, you should look into them. Each has an icon marking them.”


“We will!” Clover beamed as she followed the others to the door.




As the eighth bell chimed, all of them were on the porch. When the chimes died away, a few people came into the archway of the hedge. Inda led the group toward them. Bishop and Dia stood in front of the apprentices and novices, smiling in greeting to the newcomers.


“Welcome to Aether’s Guard,” Bishop said. “Since you are all here, it means you accepted the contracts we’ve given you. Let us introduce you to your students.”


Gregory grinned when he saw Hemet, but was surprised to see Rhea from Alvis Alchemy. The other three he didn’t know, so he paid attention to the introductions.


“Magus William Rockcrusher,” Bishop said, addressing the broad-chested man with long claws on the ends of his fingers. “Your student is Novice Daciana Lyall. Daciana, your teacher is an accomplished magus and soon to be a master-tiered magi.”


“Soon, hopefully,” William told Bishop, then turned to Daciana. “Before you ask, I have mole eurtik blood.” His hands flexed, the claws prominent. “Though some of my heritage helped stop a lot of arguments in my youth.”


Daciana bowed formally. “I’m honored, Magus. I will do my best to learn all I can.”


“Next, we have Master Samuel Eagleeye,” Bishop said, “a prodigy of wind magic. Your student will be Novice Nessa Jimae. She’s the champion of this year’s novice tournament.”


Nessa looked startled when Bishop named the white-haired man with piercing golden eyes. “I’m honored, Master. I’ve read a book about you in the archive. It, uh… helped me win a match during the tournament.”


Samuel’s head tilted sideways slightly. “Did it, indeed? Hmm… We shall talk shortly about that.”


Gregory was surprised at how high Samuel’s voice was, but his eyes were already going to the next magus.


“Magus Leah Riftwalker, a name she took when she became a magus,” Bishop said with a smirk. “She is a spatial magi who was a troubled child when she was studying at the academy.”


Leah glared at Bishop. “Says the woman who was always fighting.” The glare faded and she laughed. “And now look at you. Leading a clan when your elder isn’t here.”


“Your novice is Victoria Wilson. She managed to punch an opponent in the throat via a rift during the first tournament.”


The red-headed magi gave Victoria a long look, her green eyes seeming to cut straight to Victoria’s core. “Did she? Maybe this will be better than I feared.”


“Magus, I will give you everything I have. I only wish to be the best I can to support my clan and friends,” Victoria said, bowing formally.


“And humble, unlike someone I know,” Leah said, giving Bishop another smirk.


Bishop ignored the remark and turned to Rhea. “Magus Rhea Alvis, daughter of Aldor Alvis and an accomplished alchemist like her father. Your student is Clover Clougdah. She is eager to learn and can be excitable, but she is very intelligent.”


Clover’s ears twitched and she bowed to Rhea. “It’s true, I’m excitable, but I’ll learn everything you teach me.”


Rhea gave Clover a smile. “I will push you hard. My contract was very specific on that. An eager student makes teaching much more enjoyable.”


“And while he may be last, he is not least,” Bishop smiled kindly at Hemet. “A former member of the clan, Hemet Herstat. He is a grandmaster enchanter and the owner of Hemet’s Curiosities here in the city. Your student is Ling Lao. She has a keen mind and asks sharp questions.”


Hemet gave Ling a grandfatherly smile. “I will enjoy spreading my knowledge to one of the clan. I do need to speak with you and the elder, Bishop. I think it is time for me to rejoin.”


Bishop blinked, clearly not expecting that. “I will inform him, Grandmaster.”


“Hemet. Everyone may call me Hemet. I’m past the need for my rank to define me.”


“I am honored, sir,” Ling said, bowing deeply. “I will do my best to absorb all you can teach me.”


Hemet’s smile grew wider. “Good. I will push you to expand your mind and see things outside of what the normal texts say.”


“Now that you’ve all met, you can begin your first class. Dia will show you,” she pointed to Hemet and Rhea, “to the rooms that have been set up for you.”


“Follow me, please,” Dia said smiling. “Ling, Clover, you, as well.”


“William, the rock garden to the side,” Bishop motioned, “is set aside for you and Daciana.”


“Very well,” William said. “Come on, Novice. Let’s see what you can do.”


“Samuel, one of the staff will show you to the roof,” Bishop said.


Samuel looked up and nodded. “Even with the wall, that’s a good place. Novice, follow me.”


“Yes, sir,” Nessa said, following Steva and Samuel.


“Leah, you and Victoria have the other side of the manor,” Bishop said.


Leah nodded. “We’ll start there, at least. Come, Victoria. I want you to demonstrate the rift you used.”


“Yes, ma’am,” Victoria said.


“Yukiko, you and Inda will be using the inside garden,” Bishop said.


“Understood,” Yukiko nodded, turning to find Inda right there.


“Leap,” Inda said as the shadows swallowed her.


Yukiko gave Gregory and Jenn a smile before her shadow did the same.


“Gregory, watch any or all of them as you see fit, per the elder,” Bishop said. “Jenn, we have front and center.”


“Yes, ma’am,” Jenn said, walking into the yard.


Gregory stayed where he was for a moment, feeling a rightness with everything around him. With a grin, he opted to watch Victoria first.




Magic training came to an end, and Dia led the teachers off to show them to their rooms. Gregory hadn’t expected the teachers to stay within the clan hall, but it made sense. The novices would learn every day, and the apprentices’ schedule was so odd that they had to be there just in case.


Gin had looked over the new students before starting them off as he did every day— stretching on the roof and a lap around the walls. With that done, they went back down to the yard proper and worked on unarmed combat. Inda and Indara were there to help Gin teach them all, making it easier.


Clover and Ling were struggling to keep up with the novices, and Gregory could see the strain it was having on them. When they stopped for weapons training, Gin had the apprentices step aside, as the novices had to find their affinities first.


Gregory took a seat next to Ling, and Clover sat on Ling’s other side. “They’ve been training hard for the last six months using a similar pattern,” he said softly. “Don’t compare yourselves to them. They will be combat magi, while alchemists and enchanters aren’t.”


“We should still be good enough to assist you three, but we aren’t,” Ling sighed.


“You will be,” Gregory said. “If you focus on improving and don’t give in to thinking you’re inferior, you will improve faster than you think.”


Clover nodded. “We will. I believe we can be everything we need to be if we just try as hard as we can.”


“You’re always so positive,” Ling chuckled as she nudged Clover. “I want that, too, so I will.” Taking a deep breath, she turned her head to Gregory and smiled. “Thank you. I’m sorry. I will come to terms with everything.”


“We know,” Yukiko said from Gregory’s other side. “Everything is in flux for you right now. Some anxiety is natural.”


“The cases are all open,” Jenn said. “I wonder what weapons they’ll pick?”


When the novices were done, Gregory was surprised. Daciana was holding two hand axes and wore a large grin. Victoria held a dagger, looking thoughtful as she flipped it and caught it. Nessa was frowning at the bow she had.


“Well, that’s a different collection than I thought I’d see,” Gin said. “Hmm… this will require us splitting up the training more than I thought.”


“No need,” Dia said, leading a few people outside. “I have people to assist you, Gin. Samuel will teach Nessa the bow, as it is his preferred weapon. Leah happens to be skilled with daggers and can teach Victoria. As for axes… well, I am known to prefer them, so I will teach Daciana. For Ling and Clover, who both prefer the bo staff, Rhea will teach you.”


Gin chuckled. “We just so happen to have weapon teachers for all of you. I’d say it’s a coincidence, but with Elder Lightshield, I’m not sure that’s true.”


“The elder does what he can,” Dia smiled. “We are ready to teach if you are.”


“Very well,” Gin said. “We will divide the yard and begin weapon training.”

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