Magi’s Path (Aether’s Revival Book 3)

Magi’s Path: Chapter 42

Elsa smiled at them when they entered the dining room. “Good morning to you, magi. Baylyss is almost done making breakfast.” Her words were professional, but her tone was friendly.


“Good morning, Elsa,” Gregory returned the smile. “Didn’t expect you to be awake already.”


“We have guests. It would be wrong to sleep in when they might have needs to be seen to,” Elsa said primly, the friendliness chilling dramatically. “If you will excuse me, I need to check on breakfast.”


Gregory blinked after her. “Did I upset her?”


“I don’t think ‘upset’ is the right word, dear one. ‘Miffed’ would be closer.”


“Yuki’s right. Annoyance is a better way of describing it. Elsa is always trying to show us that she’s doing everything she can. She took your greeting to mean that you expected her to be lazy.”


“But—!” Gregory started, but the door opening cut him off.


“Breakfast is ready,” Elsa said, pushing a cart into the room.


Elsa served them as if they were royalty, her face impassive and not meeting their eyes. “Please, enjoy,” she said as she went to leave the room.


“Elsa, wait! Please!” Gregory called out. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to annoy or upset you. You do an amazing job. You’re learning faster than I could if I was in your place. I didn’t mean it the way it sounded.”


Elsa had stopped just short of the door, her head bowed. “I just want you three to be proud of me, and to do everything I can for you. That’s the only thing I want,” her voice nearly broke as she said those words. She quickly pushed on. “I’m sorry I took what you said wrong. I’ll see you for training.”


Gregory wanted to say more, but Elsa left the room. Sitting there, looking at the door, he frowned. Did I make it worse?


“You did the right thing by telling her, Greg,” Jenn said, patting his hand. “Just leave it be for now.”


“Jenn’s right,” Yukiko said softly. “Eat your food and give her time.”


Gregory looked down at his fish and rice and exhaled slowly. “Okay.”




The three of them were in their gis and talking quietly in the courtyard when the door opened. The children came in, smiling and moving to take their spots for meditative stretching. A few steps behind them, Daciana, Nessa, and Victoria entered the outdoor space. Trailing the group was Elsa, who shut the door and went to her usual spot without looking at Gregory. Gregory bowed his head and felt sadness touch his heart.


“Good morning,” Daciana smiled. “We’re ready to train as much as we can.”


“Good,” Yukiko replied. “Children, we are sorry, but after this, we will be sparring exclusively with the novices. We have to get them ready for their tournament. There isn’t enough room for all of you to sit and watch.”


The children nodded, disappointed, but understanding.


“Elsa,” Gregory said, “you’re allowed to watch, and we’d like you to, as you’re the leader of the others. You’ll be the first one to spar in earnest, and will be the one to help guide them.”


Elsa glanced his way. She saw the honesty, but also the hint of sadness. She blinked rapidly for a second before bowing her head. “As you command, sir. I will learn all I can.”


“We know you will, Elsa,” Yukiko smiled softly. “The children will be depending on you.”


Nessa and Victoria exchanged a look, their eyes going from Gregory to Elsa, then to Yukiko.


“Everyone, take the first stance,” Jenn said. “I’ll be the one leading the meditation today.”


“Yes, Sensei,” the children replied in chorus as they set their feet and positioned their hands.




Gregory felt his mind drift shortly after they’d started meditating. Instead of the cavern filling his mind, a memory did, instead.


“He’s trying the best he can, dear,” Marian, Gregory’s mother, was saying.


“I know, but he struggles all the time,” Carmichael exhaled grumpily. “He’s my son, but he’s so weak.”


“Because he is also my son,” Marian said softly, placing her hand on his shoulder. “You don’t fuss at me for being unable to do things…”


“That’s different,” Carmichael said, turning to hold her. “Women should be cared for and protected. The heavy things should be left to us men.”


Marian rolled her eyes. “You forgot one.”


“Respected,” Carmichael said with a small wince.


“Yes,” Marian giggled. “But that’s beside the point, dear. He tries… he wants to be as big and strong as you, but he never will be. He’ll be tall, but not massive. Our dear boy will never inspire fear or anxiety based on his stature. So encourage him. Don’t chide him.”


“I didn’t mean to…” Carmichael exhaled, resting his chin on top of her head. “I just…”


“You see Gunther and Gunnar, and want to be like them?”


“Yeah…” The word was soft. “Our son won’t be able to work in the mine beside me like Gunther’s boy will beside him unless he has a growth spurt to fill him out.”


Marian’s arms tightened on her husband. “Dear, he’ll never be in the mine. His road will be a far different one. I know what you hope will be, but my dreams tell me differently.”


“I’ll do the best I can,” Carmichael murmured, kissing the top of her head. “Besides, you’ll be there to help guide me to the right path when I stray.”


Marian didn’t answer him. A single tear fell as she stood there, holding him back, her expression one of sorrow.


Neither of them noticed the small boy peeking around the edge of the hallway, watching them.


Gregory blinked when he found himself back in his cavern, his body still moving to the pattern of the Peaceful Fist. His body moved on its own as he watched the flames and the drifting sparks.


“Was that memory because of my misstep with Elsa…?” Gregory asked the flame. “I hurt her as surely as Father hurt me that day.”


Taking a deep breath, he silently promised to do better for Elsa.




Victoria hit the mat hard, and Gregory was on her in an instant, his hand lashing down before she could get her arms up to defend herself. He slammed his palm into the mat beside her neck.


“Match,” Yukiko said. “Break and bow.”


As Gregory got up and moved away, Victoria sighed. “I need to do better.”


“You already are,” Jenn said. “I recall how raw you were last time. Your movements have more precision to them now.”


“How did he get her into the clinch?” Elsa asked.


“He snagged her sleeve,” Yukiko smiled. “He used that moment of contact to bring her in closer. That’s all for today. We should wash up before we head back.”


Everyone rose to their feet and started for the door except Gregory, who went to the far side of the room to grab a towel to wipe his sweat off.




Turning back to Elsa, he gave her a questioning look. “Yes?”


Elsa fidgeted, then bowed formally. “I’m sorry for my reaction at breakfast.”


“No,” Gregory said softly. “You have no need to apologize, Elsa.” He draped the towel over his shoulder and crossed the room to her to stand a few feet away. “My unthinking words hurt you. I know how much you do above and beyond merely your assigned tasks. I’m sorry, and I’ll try my best to do better.”


Elsa glanced up at him, then away. “Okay. I’ll try to do better, too.”


As she turned to leave, Gregory spoke again, “Elsa, all three of us are proud of you. I never want you to doubt that.”


Elsa didn’t look back, though she did pause in the doorway for a moment. “I won’t doubt it again, Greg.”


Staring at the empty doorway, Gregory exhaled. I hope she believes me, but that’s all I can do. I’d have been thrilled if he’d done even that much for me…




Dressed and ready to leave, Gregory was surprised that the novices weren’t waiting with Jenn and Yukiko. “Where’d they go?”


“Back. It wouldn’t be good for them to be seen returning with us,” Jenn reminded him.


“Right,” Gregory said, feeling foolish.


“Are you okay, dear one?”


“I remembered something during meditation,” Gregory admitted. “It was when my father chided me for being a failure, before Mother died. I hurt Elsa the same way my father hurt me on that day. More than that, though, I recalled how Mother looked when Father said she’d always be there to help him with me…”


Both women were beside him in seconds, each touching one of his arms.


“Are you okay?” Yukiko asked again.


“Shaken. I know she saw into the future, but not how far. She knew I’d be a magi and that I’d have a rough life, but that’s all I know of it.” His lips ticked upward for a scant moment. “She also said I’d know love. She was obviously right in that, but did she see you both? Would she be happy for us?”


“She would have been,” Jenn said. “She loved you. How could she not have been happy for you to find love with us?”


Gregory blinked at her, then felt his sadness fade a little. “Yeah, that’s a good point. I’m sad you both never got a chance to speak with her, though.”


“As are we, dear one.”


“I’m sure she could have told us so much about you,” Jenn said, trying to lighten the mood a little. “She would have all the best stories.”


Gregory’s lips twitched again and he snorted. “Yeah. She’d have had a few, at least.”


“Magi, if you are ready, I can show you out,” Elsa said from the doorway.


Gregory looked over Jenn’s head toward Elsa. Elsa was standing in the doorway, her uniform spotless and in perfect order. Her hair was drawn back and kept out of the way with combs, and her hands were crossed and resting on her navel.


He gave her a smile before looking at his wives. “I think we’re ready.”


“We are,” Yukiko said, turning to Elsa. “Please show us out, and thank you for your hospitality.”


“It is our pleasure to serve, magi,” Elsa replied as she stepped back out of the room. “Please, follow me.”

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