Magi’s Path (Aether’s Revival Book 3)

Magi’s Path: Chapter 12

 They followed the schedule that had been laid out for them— Gregory progressed past making the basic self bow, and was starting to learn what to look for in subpar craftsmanship. Yukiko had moved on to making bracers and greaves while being drilled on how to tell quality from rushed craftsmanship. Jenn had finished making her sword— which was now in her room— and had gone back to assisting Kassidy, actually working with her now instead of just helping on the bellows.


Their morning meditation and stretching was peaceful, and few of the townsfolk even realized they were using the park for it. Dia was excited, as she was able to see the embers in her cave with slightly more frequency.


They all eagerly looked forward to each meal Brown came up with, as he continued to surprise and delight them with inventiveness and flavor. Even when Magus Yang joined them for one of their dinners, they were still able to enjoy themselves because the food was so amazing.




Tonight, we’ll likely finish our third game, Gregory thought as he stripped off his clothing. It’s been a rough one, but I’m in the lead for once. Buldoun is by far the easiest to plan for. It all comes down to how much vela you have. The fact that the empire isn’t even on the board makes it easier, too. Magi give Buldoun the hardest time…


“We’ll be waiting for you, dear one,” Yukiko said as she and Jenn went toward the bathing chamber.


“Oh, right,” Gregory said, pulled from his thoughts. “Be right in.”


“I’ll have a wash bucket ready for you.”


“Thank you, Yuki.”


Gregory finished disrobing a minute later and stuck his things into a basket, then put it on the shelf next to the others. I’ll need to watch out for Yuki’s tricks… She’s been reserved the last few turns. I know she has something planned. I think Jenn is waiting to counter her… or they could both be teaming up to come for me?


Lost in his thoughts again, Gregory walked into the bathing chamber. Yukiko and Jenn were seated, and Jenn was washing Yukiko’s back. The sight of the two beauties drove thoughts of the game straight out of his mind.


“Greg, will you wash my back?” Jenn asked. She’d almost managed to sell it as an idle question, but her voice trembled just a touch.


“I can do that,” Gregory replied, his own voice hitching slightly.


Going over to the seats, he found a bucket of lightly steaming water waiting for him, along with a bar of soap. He wet his hands, picked up the soap, and got a lather going before turning to face Jenn’s back.


His hands shook slightly as he began to scrub her. Jenn’s soft inhale slowed him for a second, but when she didn’t say anything, he continued. Didn’t realize how large my hands are compared to her… Her skin is soft. It’s a little rougher than Yuki’s, but it’s still soft and tender… She’s so small and seemingly fragile, but tough and fierce… Similar and different from Yuki in so many ways…


“You’re done, Yuki,” Jenn said.


“Thank you, Jenn. Dear, you should use a little more force, like you do with me. She’d like it,” Yukiko said, looking over Jenn’s head once she’d turned to wash herself.


Those words sent Gregory’s thoughts down a far different path than what she’d meant. Coughing, he pulled his mind back to a more appropriate place. “Oh, yeah, I can do that. Tell me if this is too hard for you, Jenn?”


Gregory started to knead Jenn’s back, massaging her as he worked the soap into her skin. Jenn let out a soft sound and arched her back into his hands, just like Yukiko did when he was doing it right.


“That feels nice…” Jenn murmured. “You were right, Yuki.”


“I know, and I’m glad you enjoy it,” Yukiko said as she continued cleaning herself. “You’ll have to get Greg’s back in return for him.”


“Gladly,” Jenn sighed happily.


Gregory smiled. He continued massaging long after he’d finished soaping her back, as Jenn would let out happy sounds and position her back a little differently so he could get a new spot.


Yukiko kissed his cheek when she was finished. “I’ll be waiting for you both.” Lowering her voice, she whispered to him, “She was so worried about asking. You did the right thing, dear one.” After another kiss to his cheek, she left them to go soak.


“Okay,” Jenn sighed a moment later. “I’ll get you now.”


Gregory turned around so his back was to her. He didn’t have to wait long, as Jenn’s hands were on his back in moments. Hers were a little rough— her time in the smithy was causing her to form calluses— though Gregory didn’t mind. He knew she was proud of working in the smithy and that she viewed them as badges of honor.


“Did you want me to return the favor?” Jenn asked hesitantly, her hands pausing on his shoulders.


Gregory almost said “no,” because he didn’t really feel like he needed a massage, but her tone penetrated his brain. “That would be nice,” he said after a small pause.


“Okay.” The happiness in her voice was clear and her fingers dug gently into his back.


Closing his eyes, Gregory tried to reconcile his feelings. She’s a good friend… a great friend, really. I know she’s interested, and Yuki thinks we should allow her in… I’m just afraid that if things go wrong, it’ll ruin that friendship, or Yuki will get hurt. Dammit… I need some reassurance. Maybe there’s a tea house in town? I could ask Dia, and if so, maybe go visit it? I know Darkness has an easier time talking to me during the ceremony… she might know if this is the right path.


“I’m done, Greg,” Jenn told him.


“Okay, thank you, Jenn,” Gregory said out of reflex, pulled from his thoughts.


Turning to face the front, he washed up, catching glimpses of Jenn doing the same beside him. He didn’t have the same reactions that he had during the first few baths, but he still was very aware of her hands gliding over her taut body.


Jenn was done before him and went over to join Yukiko in the tub. Gregory exhaled as he considered asking them if they wanted to go with him if there was a tea house. Once he was finished getting clean, he joined them in the tub.


“I’m going to ask Dia about a tea house,” Gregory said when he slid into the water. “If there is one, I’m going to see if we could get the time to visit it.”


Yukiko’s lips formed a soft smile as she guessed his intent. “Looking for a little extra assurance?”




Jenn glanced between them. “I’m missing something.”


“During previous tea ceremonies, Gregory has been able to speak with Darkness,” Yukiko explained.


“Oh…” Jenn said, suddenly understanding. “Because of me?”


“I can’t shake my fear of things going wrong and you, Yuki, or both of you being hurt by it,” Gregory admitted. “I’m hoping for a little reassurance, as she can help push moments of future clarity.”


Jenn looked down into the water. “Now I feel bad… as if I’m pressuring you into something you don’t want.”


“No,” Gregory said simply. “You have stated a wish and I am not opposed to it, Jenn.” Taking a deep breath, he went on, “I’m intrigued and hopeful, actually, but I don’t want it if it costs us you as a friend or my heart’s love. You are not pressuring me at all.”


“You’ve done better than I would have,” Yukiko added, scooting over to sit beside Jenn. “It’s only made me more certain that this path is correct. We both saw the visions during our ceremony, and your parents consented to the idea, as well.”


“I was surprised that Father agreed, but I think Mother helped,” Jenn said.


“And my mother will do the same with my father,” Yukiko said.


“Huh?” Gregory asked.


“When we had the tea ceremony, we discussed what we hoped for with our mothers,” Yukiko said. “I made sure they knew it wasn’t certain, but that it might be a possibility that Jenn and I were considering.”


“Your mothers know that Jenn wants to join our relationship?” Gregory asked, the shock clear in his voice.


“Yes, dear one,” Yukiko said softly. “I’m sorry. I’ve felt bad for keeping it from you.”


“No, it’s okay,” Gregory sighed. “We never talked about what we each did, not really. Uh… speaking of… I’ve felt bad about Felina’s.”


Yukiko’s eyebrows shot up. “Father took you there?”


“Hang on!” Gregory said quickly. “We just had massages and enjoyed a Limaz feast. That’s all that happened.”


“At least he kept it tame,” Yukiko said, shaking her head, “but yes, Jenn’s parents know that she is hoping to become our wife.”


Gregory thought about it. “That would explain some of the looks your father gave me after the parties. I only caught him doing them obliquely, but I knew he was watching me for a reason. I thought he was judging me as a friend of yours.”


Jenn’s lips creased upward. “No, he knew you were good for that. My wish of becoming a second wife to Yukiko had him questioning what made you special enough for me to willingly accept that role.” She looked up, meeting his eyes. “You aren’t upset with us?”


“A little flustered that your parents knew before I did… both of your parents, at that. I wonder if they told my father?”


“I don’t believe so,” Yukiko said.


Gregory splashed water onto his face and exhaled slowly. “No. I’m not angry with either of you. The fact that you both worked this well together for this purpose helps ease my mind… It also terrifies me some,” he admitted, giving them a crooked smile. “How will I ever win an argument if you are in lockstep?”


Yukiko giggled and bumped Jenn with her shoulder. “He’s spotted the trap.”


Jenn laughed. “I told you he would.”


Gregory felt his heart lighten with them smiling and laughing. Definitely need to ask Dia.


They didn’t linger long in the tub after that. They were all eager to learn if there was a tea house in town. Leaving the bath, they were dressed and in the taproom in short order. Dia glanced their way with a smile and motioned them to the table.


“I was going to send a staff member to warn you that dinner was almost ready,” Dia said when they sat down.


“We lost track of the time,” Gregory said. “Dia, do you know if there’s a tea house here?”


Dia shook her head. “This town is much too small and remote for a tea house.”


“Oh, okay,” Gregory said, his disappointment obvious.


“I’m sorry, Gregory. When we return to Wesrik, we can see about going to a tea house there,” Dia said.


Before Gregory could reply, Brown was beside the table. “A tea house? Are you hoping for the meditative state one can put you in?”


Gregory twitched slightly, not having seen Brown until he was there. “Uh… yes, sir.”


“Hmm. I can try to craft a meal that would do the same. That would both be a challenge and a tweak to the noses of the Green Leaf clan,” Brown said, looking out into the distance.


“We wouldn’t wish to troub—” Yukiko started to say.


“I’ll work on it,” Brown said, coming out of his reverie and cutting her off. “Tonight’s dinner is a soup that I hope you enjoy.” With no more comment, he placed a small cauldron and some bowls on the table before walking away, clearly lost in thought again.


“Dia?” Yukiko asked, uncertain of what’d just happened.


“He loves a challenge when it comes to food. I’ve seen him prepare an entire meal blindfolded and with his hands bound, just to see if he could. He’ll either succeed or fail. Let us enjoy dinner.”


The three friends exchanged a glance before they served themselves and dug into the soup.




Gregory was thoughtful as they climbed the stairs to their rooms. “That was close. I almost had it, but Yuki pulled that trick and devastated my army.”


“Which left her open for mine,” Jenn grinned. “Zealots gain power if a magi is in play.”


“You playing a Priest of Krog on the same turn was disastrous for my army,” Yukiko sighed. “I was going to use the hasty retreat card on the fire magi I brought in to deal with Greg, but there was no point once your priest showed up.”


“I kept waiting for your answer,” Jenn laughed. “You’re almost as bad as Greg in that regard.”


Yukiko shook her head. “Not this time. I barely had the answers for Greg.”


“I thought I had another turn,” Gregory shrugged. “The combo of attentive scouts and rapid deployment was not something I’d considered.”


“Still wasn’t enough,” Yukiko said. “Jenn took the field this time. That’s two for her now.”


“I enjoy how Krogga plays,” Jenn said. “They’re better at aggressive offense. It also helped that you went for Greg like you did and sapped his strength. It gave me a chance to deal with his better-equipped army and to mop up yours.”


“I’m going to win next time,” Gregory said. “Can’t fall too far behind you both.”


“I’m going for a repeat,” Jenn said.


“And I must keep pace with her,” Yukiko added.


They shared a laugh as they paused outside their doors.


“I hope Brown can come up with something,” Jenn said, bringing their attention back to the earlier conversation at dinner.


“So do I,” Gregory nodded. “We’ll find out when he tells us. Good night, Jenn. To the victor,” he said, stepping forward and lowering his head to kiss her an inch to the side of her lips, “go the spoils.”


Jenn beamed as her face reddened slightly. “More incentive to win,” Jenn said.


“To the victor,” Yukiko said, moving forward when Gregory stepped back. She cupped Jenn’s face as she bent her neck and kissed Jenn full on the lips.


Gregory blinked in shock, his face flushing slightly. Jenn’s eyes went wide and she became the color of a beet. Yukiko stepped back, taking Gregory’s hand and pulling him into their room, while Jenn just stood there, her hand going up to lightly touch her lips.


The door clicking shut got Gregory’s attention, and he found Yukiko watching him. She chewed her bottom lip gently, and her brow contracted. Seeing her looking worried and uncertain, Gregory swept her into his arms and held her.


“Did I go too far, dear one?” Yukiko whispered.


“I don’t know,” Gregory replied softly. “She didn’t seem offended.”


“Did I go too far for you?” Yukiko clarified.


Gregory held her as the memory of Yukiko kissing Jenn replayed in his mind. “I… don’t know,” he finished lamely. “If we do move forward, then no, but if we don’t…”


Yukiko swallowed and leaned into him. “I know it was a terrible risk, but I wanted to see if she was really okay with it being all of us together.”


“I think she was smiling,” Gregory said. His brow furrowed as he tried to recall Jenn before the door shut, but all he kept seeing was the kiss.


“Oh,” Yukiko whispered. “I guess you didn’t mind at all.”


Gregory flushed when her hand brushed his crotch. “It was… intriguing,” he coughed at the end.


“It wouldn’t be fair of me to ignore the problem that I’ve caused,” Yukiko murmured as she caressed him through his kimono.


“That would be horrible,” Gregory swallowed as he tilted his head to the side and nibbled Yukiko’s neck. “Maybe we should retire to bed and make sure we’re both ready for sleep?”


“As my heart wishes,” Yukiko shivered as his teeth grazed her neck.

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