Magic's Return: I Can See The Spirits

Chapter 258 Pure Faith.

Chapter 258 Pure Faith.

"I just want to know how you turn a normal person into a believer.

How do you generate their Faith in the God of Light?" contemporary romance

Elara questioned and Selene turned silent.

It wasn't difficult for her to answer Elara's question, however, from her expression, it looked like she was hesitating.

Vaan, who noticed that expression narrowed his eyes, then, he just sighed,

"Elara, we should leave.

I don't think the President has the answer we are seeking."

He then turned towards Selene and with a fake smile on his face, he nodded and slightly bowed his head,

"Thank you for giving us the time of your life, President Selene. We will be taking our leave now."

'I was expecting too much.'

Vaan sighed inwardly as he grabbed Elara's hand and stood up.

Seeing him act like this, Elara understood the problem.

She had mixed truth and lies together to come up with the story of the God of Magic being unable to bless its believer and them trying to connect with him again. They did it because if in the future, they found a way to use the Spirit's blessing on someone other than Vaan, they could continue further with this story, generating more and more Faith Energy for the Spirits in the process.

What they were doing was no different than reviving the Faith people once had in the God of Magic, if that happened, many believers would lose their Faith and return to the God their family once believed in.

It would be the revival of the Tower of Magic, a force that once dominated the entire Agresia. Obviously, it wouldn't be a good news for the current powers and anyone who is a part of a powerful faction wouldn't want it to happen.

Including Selene.

As someone who is dedicated to the Church of Light, the girl would never want another force as strong or even stronger than the Church of Light to originate and take their place.

She had no reason to help them and Elara understood the reasoning behind it and even found it reasonable.

It was selfish yes, however…

Elara knew that if, in the future, she needed to make a decision that might put Vaan at any sort of risk or even uncomforted him in any way, she would never do it either no matter how selfish it was.

In her heart, Elara didn't blame Selene.

She was disappointed, but it wasn't like they came here with high expectations in the first place, they just needed to think of something else.


Just when Vaan and Elara were about to turn around and walk away, Selene called out.

Vaan and Elara turned around and saw Selene frowning at them,

"I do not like your expressions."

Selene didn't hide her feelings.

Vaan frowned, however, before he could say anything,

"Are you thinking that I do not want to help you because I am from the Church of Light?"

Her guess was on the spot.

Vaan however, wasn't surprised, he already knew that the woman was much more intuitive than others.

Selene, on the other hand, sighed,

"Yes, I am dedicated to the Church of Light, as the place that has raised me ever since I was a child, I am attached to it and only want what is best for it.

However, as a believer of the God of Light, who is the symbol of peace, harmony, and love, what I care about more are people, than a particular faction.

As much as I love the Church of Light, if it is about the possible return of the God of Magic, I would like to help you the best I can since that would be best for the people."

Selene explained herself.

"The reason I was hesitating was because I think the solution you are looking for is not the actual solution for your problem."

"What do you mean?" Vaan frowned in confusion.

"You wish to try and connect with the God of Magic, correct?"

"That is correct." Vaan nodded.

"Then you cannot use the method other churches use to introduce Faith to new believers, or at least that is what I feel."

"What do you mean?" This time, Elara was the one who asked the question.

"Other Gods already have a connection with our world. They have countless believers who believe in them, it is a system that is already perfected to the point that even a new believer whose faith isn't the strongest can receive his God's blessing.

For the God of Magic, however, things are not the same.

If you try and pray to the God of Magic, you do not feel the connection because, one, it is no longer there, or in other words, what is written in the history is the truth and the God has indeed abandoned us.

Or two, the Faith Energy the people have is not enough to connect to the God. The possibility the two of you are trying to explore."

Both Vaan and Elara nodded in understanding. Selene's words weren't complicated and she was trying her best to keep it as simple as she could.

"What you need to connect with your God, is not the way other churches introduce Faith to new believers, but have pure Faith, the one that comes from your heart."

Selene spoke as she placed her hand on her chest.

"A faith that comes from my heart…"

Elara muttered to herself. It was similar to what Flamey had spoken, so these words had somewhat settled in her mind.

"The other Gods now have established System, the God of Magic, however, might need a clear, pure Faith, to be able to hear and later, spread your blessings to you."

"How do I generate pure Faith?" f(r)ee

The base question was still the same.

And again, the answer to the question was the same as well,

"It comes from the Heart."

This time, however, Selene tried to elaborate,

"The Faith itself is a complex word to explain. It is like Love.

From a broader view, Love is a simple feeling of liking someone, however, the more you look into it, the more and more complex it gets.

Love, which, from afar, looks like a positive feeling, also shows its negative side when explored more deeply, while it brings joy and excitement in one's life, it also brings sadness and tears.

The deeper you go, the more complicated Love's definition gets, to the point where everything gets blurry and there is no specific answer.

The same is true for Faith.

There is no specific answer, but from a broader point of you,

Faith is just believing.

Believing that your God is always there with you.

Believing that your God will always protect you.

Believing that your God will always reward you for the effort you put in.

Believing that your God will always… love you…

This is Faith.

The purest Faith a believer could have."

Selene then glanced at Elara and,

"Watch this."

Suddenly, she took out a knife and slashed her wrist.

Both Vaan and Elara were surprised, Selene's actions were so sudden that none of them could react to it.

More and more blood came out of Selene's wrist, Selene, however, simply shook her head and,

"O God of Light,

Please bless your child,"

Selene spoke and suddenly, Vaan could see a certain amount of Faith Energy forming over Selene's head, soon, the energy entered her body and healed her in an instant.

Both Vaan and Elara were shocked.

This woman… she didn't even complete her prayer and was able to invoke her blessing.

No, let alone complete it, she didn't even start it correctly!

She simply said those words, rather than a prayer, it was more like a request!

"Prayers are simply a way to think about God, not connect with him. If your Faith is strong enough, you don't even have to pray for him to listen to you."

Selene spoke and with a gentle smile on her face,

"So don't focus on praying like others do,

Generate pure Faith, embrace your God, believe in him, love him,

Once you do, then if what you said is correct and the God of Magic has indeed not abandoned us, then you will be able to connect to him.

Who knows? This might even be the start of a new Era with you as the center of it.

I wish you luck in your future endeavors, Elara Flameheart."

Selene spoke and both Vaan and Elara nodded with smiles on their faces. This time, the smiles on their faces weren't fake, although they didn't get the definite answer they were looking for, they were satisfied with the conversation they had.

At the very least, they found the Path they could walk on and explore.

"Also, I will keep this conversation between the three of us for now and I suggest you do the same as well.

I am sure I don't have to clarify why, correct?"

Selene spoke and once again, the couple nodded.

"Thank you, Selene."

Vaan spoke as she glanced at the blonde in front of him.

This time, his perception of this woman had changed a little.

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