Magic's Return: I Can See The Spirits

Chapter 256 If we are diving into it, might as well start with the deepest sea there is, no?

Chapter 256 If we are diving into it, might as well start with the deepest sea there is, no?



"Hahaha! This works!"

Vaan laughed out loud as he created a big fireball in his arms.

"It is definitely stronger than the normal fireball. This thing is actually working!"

"I worked hard!"

Little Flamey flew around him with an excited look on her face.

"Yes, yes, you worked hard and you did amazingly well," Vaan nodded, acknowledging Flamey's efforts. He could feel that his current fireball was 10% stronger than the original version, and this was just when Flamey was limiting the use of Faith Energy she had gathered. If the little spirit went all out, raising the output to 30% or even 50% was not impossible, or at least that's what the little Flamey said.

"My turn! My turn!"

While Vaan was praising Flamey, little Splashy flew in front of his face and looked at him with an excited look on her face. It was clear that the girl was having a hard time holding herself back and also wanted to bless Vaan just like her elder sister did. After all, she had been working hard to do this and now wanted to show the results of her hard work to Vaan. Breazy, on the other hand, sat on Vaan's shoulder, patiently waiting for her turn and allowing her elder sisters to show off their skills first.


The youngest sometimes had to act like the oldest…

If only her elder sisters could be more mature and let the youngest take the first turn.

Little Breazy shook her head as she sighed again.


Vaan then shot the fireball towards the wall of the training room. Without any surprise, the wall was destroyed. Soon, however, its regeneration function kicked in and it started regenerating.

Vaan turned towards Splashy and asked, "Should we start?" with a smile on his face.

"Yes!" Splashy nodded with a big smile.

Vaan gathered Mana and circulated it throughout his body. Soon, the processed Mana formed his normal Magic Circles with four Inner Circles. Suddenly, Splashy flew above his head and closed her eyes.

Vaan noticed a whirlpool of energy rushing into his body. He felt a strange warmth all over his body, and the Water Shield he created automatically thickened up.

"It works!" he exclaimed.

He saw Splashy, who was secretly nervous the entire time, couldn't help but jump in excitement and joy.

"Yaayy!" she shouted as she started flying around in excitement. Now, all the pressure was on the youngest.

Breazy lowered her head. Vaan, who noticed the tense look on her face, frowned.

"Breazy, it is alright if you still need more time, okay? You don't have to rush yourself," Vaan spoke in a gentle tone.

Little Breazy nodded as she stood up. With a determined look on her face, she flapped her wings and flew above Vaan's head.

"...ready," she said, her eyes shining with intense determination. contemporary romance

Finding her adorable, Vaan chuckled. Then, he canceled the Water Shield he summoned and summoned a wind blade.

"Your turn," he signaled to Breazy. The little girl nodded and closed her eyes.

For a while, nothing happened. Unlike Flamey and Splashy, who could already bring out the Faith Energy they had absorbed the instant they tried it, Breazy was taking her time.

Vaan, of course, was patient with the little girl and gave her all the time she needed. Ten seconds later, Vaan could see Faith Energy coming out of Breezy's body and rushing into his own. Just like with Flamey and Splashy, Vaan could feel a warm energy entering his body, and the wind blade that he had summoned strengthened.

"Breazy! You did it!" Vaan exclaimed. Breazy, who still had her eyes closed, opened them in an instant. Her big silver eyes shone brightly as she heard Vaan's words, and just like her two sisters, she started jumping in joy as well.

"Did it! Did it!" her words were still unclear since she had just started speaking and was the youngest of all the three spirits. However, that only made her more adorable, and Vaan couldn't help but smile when he saw the excited smile on her face. His little spirits were simply too precious. He still couldn't believe that he was having a hard time thinking about how to treat them when he realized that they were the incarnation of the God of Magic.

"So all three of them can bless you..." Suddenly, Vaan heard his fiancée's voice. He turned towards Elara and, seeing the wry smile on her face, a disappointed look appeared on his face as well.

"It still didn't work?" he questioned.

Elara shook her head. "Why is this not working?" Vaan couldn't help but frown in confusion. "I am sure we aren't messing up the prayers," he spoke as he glanced at Elara to confirm his words. Elara nodded in agreement. The prayers were definitely correct; both of them had rechecked them countless times. Since they had seen Veronica use it in front of their eyes, the two of them knew that they weren't wrong. The problem was something else. The problem was in Elara.

"No Faith..." Flamey shook her head as she pointed at Elara. "Faith needed for Faith Energy..."

"Are you saying Elara has no Faith, so she cannot generate Faith Energy even if she prays?" Vaan interpreted Flamey's words, and the little spirit nodded.

Elara frowned in confusion as well. "How am I supposed to generate Faith?" She questioned as she glanced at Flamey. Vaan wasn't the first one to volunteer when the spirits said that they wanted to try and bless them; it was Elara. Since it hadn't been a long time since she met the three spirits, she wanted to use this opportunity to get close to them and, at the same time, try to get stronger so she could protect Vaan.

The spirits, however, shook their heads the instant Elara stepped forward. The reason they gave was clear: the Faith Energy that they have absorbed from other sources can only be used on Vaan since he was the only one who had a 'link' with them. For others, they could only use the Faith Energy they generate, and that too, not just Faith Energy targeted for any random God, but to them, the spirits, or in other words, the Incarnation of the Magic Gods. So to get Flamey and other Spirits' blessing, other mages were required to pray. However, even when Elara tried it, she was unable to generate any Faith Energy.

Little Flamey glanced at Elara, then she flew towards her and placed her little hand on her chest, right on top of her heart.

"Faith Energy... Heart..."

Since even she, the eldest of all the spirits, couldn't speak more complicated words, Flamey simply pointed things out physically.

"From my heart..."

Elara, who understood her words, muttered to herself, placing her hand on her chest as she continued to ponder.

Vaan, who could see how troubled his fiancée was, walked towards her and placed his hand on her cheek as he then lifted her face.

"You are worrying too much, Elara

. You have no reason to rush things either; we have time, be patient," Vaan spoke in a gentle voice.

Elara, however, was still troubled. "I would have been patient if it was a matter of time. If I knew what I had to do, I would have patiently followed the steps and worked hard till I achieved what I wanted, but I don't even know what I am supposed to do here. I have no path; even if I want to work hard and improve, I cannot because I don't even understand what is it that I am doing wrong."

"How about we visit the Church?" Suddenly, Vaan suggested.

"What…?" Elara was surprised. The Vestas never went to church; there was no specific rule that didn't allow them to. It was just that considering their history with churches, the Vestas just preferred to stay away from the church. Vaan was the same; he had no plans on entering any church because he didn't like the concept in general. However, now things were a little different.

"We need answers to our questions, Elara. Things related to Gods are not something we can just discover on our own; we need to use the resources we have in our hands. The Churches have been in existence for thousands of years; I am sure they would know how to 'generate' Faith. Who knows? They might even show you the path you were trying so hard to find," Vaan spoke with a smile on his face.

Elara, who observed her fiancé's face, paused for a moment. Then, after considering everything,

"Where should we go?"

She questioned, ready to listen to Vaan's suggestion and move.

"The Church of Light," Vaan answered in an instant.

Elara stared at him with a strange look on her face. Vaan, however, just chuckled,

"If we are diving into it, might as well start with the deepest sea there is, no?"

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