Magic's Return: I Can See The Spirits

Chapter 221 I am not jealous of anyone!

Chapter 221 I am not jealous of anyone!

?"It hurt when I saw blood on your chest…"

Elara's eyes turned moist.

Vaan gently held her hand that was on his chest,

"I am perfectly fine, you don't have anything to worry about."

He spoke in a soft voice.

"But you were still hurt, what if the wound was even deeper and reached your heart?" Elara retorted, just imagining that scenario made her tremble.

If something happened to Vaan then…

Unconsciously, she tightened her grip over Vaan's hand.

Vaan, who could sense her emotion couldn't hold back, he gently kissed her head and,

"Hehe~ To think you would care so much about me.

It feels so good."

Elara pouted as she glanced at Vaan's face with an angry look on her face.

"I am not joking!"

She shouted.

It was probably the first time she had raised her voice in front of Vaan.

Vaan was taken aback, obviously, he had drunk the same amount of wine Elara had, he wasn't in a perfectly sane state either.

"Elara, everything we did was preplanned, it was a duel against Swordsmen, people are bound to get hurt."

"Then why are you the only one who got hurt!?" Elara questioned and Vaan looked at her with a deadpan look on her face.

Did this girl forget about the opponents?

One was traumatized for life because he saw an overbearing spell like Flame Bomb explode right in front of him, he literally saw his life flash before his eyes.

As for the other… he had it even worse, if nothing was done, his life would be ruined since the Church of Haste would never leave him alone.

The little cut on his chest was nowhere close to what their opponent had to go through.

What's worse? This girl in front of him was the reason why they were in such a state. How could she possibly act like nothing happened to them?

Where did that cute and innocent girl go?

And as if knowing what Vaan was thinking, Elara spoke up.

"Those two do not count!"

Vaan blinked in surprise.

"I warned them even before the start of the match, it was just a duel, why did they have to go as far as wounding you? Couldn't they have just placed a sword on your neck and asked you to surrender?

Aren't the swordsmen supposed to act noble and knightly? Don't they always talk about how pride and all that? What happened to their pride when they faced you, a Mage, in a 2v1!?

They got what was coming for them!"

Elara snorted as she gulped down another chunk of wine, her voice getting more and more tipsy.

"They should be glad that I managed to hold back, if I lost control over myself, their end would have been a lot worse!"

Elara shouted, forming a fist that was trembling nonstop.

"I would have attacked them with 100s of Flame Bombs if my Mana allowed me to!

T-The two of them are bad men!"

Hearing her curse their opponents, Vaan couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Yes, he knew Elara was angry but she was just so adorable that he couldn't control himself.

And Elara didn't like it.

"Why are you laughing?"

She looked into Vaan's eyes and questioned in a tipsy voice. At the same time, she shifted all her body weight onto Vaan before she rolled over and directly came on top of him.

Vaan was taken aback by her sudden action, out of everything in his mind, this certainly wasn't what he was thinking about.

Elara, on the other hand, gulped down more wine, liking this independent, free feeling she was feeling, and then looked into Vaan's eyes. Even going as far as using her free hand to hold Vaan's face, not allowing him to look away,

"Are you laughing at me?" She questioned with a pout on her face.

Vaan, on the other hand, just couldn't fathom the fact that the woman in front of him was really his Elara.

Yes, drunk Elara did some surprising things, today, however, she was a little too bold.

"Are you laughing at me?" Elara repeated her question, this time, her tone was a little stricter than before.

"N-No, of course not. How can I possibly laugh at my fiancée?" Vaan stuttered.

For some reason, he felt like a prey being eyed on by a predator.

A feeling he had never felt before, neither was it something he would ever like, however… if the 'predator' was this adorable woman in front of him…

'Fuck it…'

Vaan was quick to give in.

"Then why are you smiling?"

Elara questioned.

"That's because you are next to me, so I am happy."

"Y-You think these flowery words will help you?" Elara wasn't willing to back down.

"They sure will." Vaan was confident, looking right into Elara's eyes.


Elara momentarily paused, trying to think what to do next.

Unable to come up with anything, she drank another mouthful of wine, wanting to cloud her mind even further.

She wanted to let her desires take complete control over her. By this time, Vaan couldn't keep his hands away in innocent places either.

Knowing that he won't be needing any more wine in this situation, he placed the uncorked bottle on the small table next to the bed, then, his hands moved, touching Elara's lower back, right above her soft butt.

Elara's body jerked when she felt Vaan's arm around him, soon however, she collected herself and placed her forehead on top of Vaan's.

"They will not."

She spoke.

"Nothing is going to help you today."

"Oh? Then what are you planning to do to me?" Vaan questioned, his hand continuously rubbing Elara's lower back.

A strange vibe could be felt inside the room.

"I-I will not tell you what I am going to do," Elara replied.

Clearly, she still hadn't thought of anything.

Vaan couldn't help but laugh out loud. In the end, however, he decided to let the drunk Elara take charge, and,

"Alright then, you can do whatever you want to me, I won't resist. I accept all my punishment."

"Then promise me you won't get hurt again," Elara spoke.

"That is not possible."

Vaan shook his head.

"I want to become the greatest mage the world has ever seen, I am bound to get hurt during the process.

But what I can promise you, is that I will always calculate every single risk I take and will never put my life on the line.

Also, with you being there by my side, I have no need to take any life-threatening risks, do I?"

"I will never allow you to!" Elara spoke with a determined look on her face.

Vaan just smiled.

Elara's eyes turned moist again and then,

"You are bad as well…"

She spoke.

"You don't listen to me."

"…" Vaan couldn't say anything and just smiled wryly.

"I will get hurt as well."

Suddenly, Elara spoke.

"What?" Vaan was taken aback.

"If you get hurt, I will get hurt as well."


Before Vaan could retort, Elara placed her finger on his lips, and with a playful smile on her face, she replied,

"Since I need to follow you to your goal, I am bound to get hurt as well.

But I will promise you, that I will always keep protecting you so I make sure you don't put yourself in life-threatening positions."

She spoke, her eyes shining brighter than ever.

Vaan was momentarily taken aback by those eyes, but then suddenly,


Elara called out.

Vaan tilted his head and the moment he heard Elara's next words, he blinked in surprise,

"Stay away from that Isabel.

You are not allowed to team up with her like Father-in-law suggested you to.

Only team up with me!"


Vaan was taken aback, however, before he could say anything, he suddenly felt something soft on his lips.

Knowing exactly what it was, he closed his eyes and stopped thinking about everything, accepting the kiss. His hands moved down towards Elara's butt, gently kneading them as Elara's body trembled with his every touch. contemporary romance

Elara placed the bottle of wine on the bed, then, with her other hand free as well, she now held Vaan's face with both her hands, strengthening her grip and not allowing him to go away.

She was claiming her Vaan.

A move that might have come from her jealousy.

Vaan, of course, had no complaints, the more Elara acted like this, the better his heart felt.

After all, who didn't like a little crazy?

Especially an innocent crazy like Elara.

The kiss ended, Elara looked into Vaan's eyes. A playful smile appeared on Vaan's face as he questioned,

"Were you jealous of Isabel?"

Elara blushed,

"I am not jealous of anyone!" her retort was quick.

"I am just telling you not to team up with anyone other than me or else…"

"Or else…?"

"I will deregister you from the Academy and take you back to the Vesta City where you will only have me."

With the alcohol taking complete control, Elara's true thoughts were finally coming out.

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