Magic's Return: I Can See The Spirits

Chapter 214 I Suggest You Give Up As Well.

"Eeeh? Vaan, did you train a little too hard for our match? Why is your face bruised up?"

Alaric questioned with a playful smile on his face.

Right now, the 5 of them, him, his teammate Kaelen, Elara, Vaan, and the judge were all standing on the stage, ready for the battle.

However, before the battle, Alaric commented on the unusual thing he saw.

Vaan, on the other hand, just snorted, he didn't even look at the Box where Isabel and that dear father of his were in, so as to not give away the secret behind his bruises.

However, seeing the hateful smile on Alaric's face, he couldn't stay silent.

"I tried to hit myself in order to give you a handicap, the battle wouldn't be too interesting if we win within the first few minutes, now would it?"

"Or maybe… it is your way of saving yourself from embarrassment after you lose the battle that you suggested. It's quite a way even if I do say it myself." Kaelen was quick with his remark.


Vaan turned silent.

Not wanting to say anything any further.

Seeing this as his win, Kaelen's smile widened but before he could say anything,

"Step back, take your positions."

The judge spoke with an expressionless look on his face.

Vaan and Elara stepped back, the two Swordsmen doing the same thing. The two sides observed each other intensely, the tension in the stage was palpating. 

"Professor Alistair, who do you think would win today's battle?" Finley questioned with a curious look on his face.

The three commentators who were commentating on the battle were the same ones in Vaan's previous battle.

Finley, the main commentator, and the one to show out the student's perspective, Professor Alistair, the Professor from the Swords Division, and Professor Isadora, the Professor from the Magic Division.

The intent behind Finley's question was simple, he wanted to make this battle more entertaining. After all, for the students, the Professor's opinion was akin to an expert's, however, last time, Professor Alistair's opinion was proven to be wrong and it was not by a small margin.

It was an embarrassing experience for Professor Alistair, however, for students, it was a topic they could gossip about, a topic that would keep them entertained for a long time.

Finley wanted to put Alistair on the spot again, wanting to him give another opinion. This time, however, Professor Alistair had learned from his mistakes.

"From a Logical Point of View, there is no need to think, not to mention that it is commonly known that in a 2v2 battle against Swordsmen and Mages, the chances of Swordsmen winning the battle are high, just the fact that Alaric and Kaelen are two 4 Star Swordsman facing one 4th Circle Mage and one 3rd Circle Mage gives them an overall advantage in terms of power.

It is simple to say that the winner would be Alaric and Kaelen.

However, if things were that easy to predict, then this battle, which was held on just the 5th day of the Academy wouldn't have a fully packed stadium.

The ones Alaric and Kaelen are facing at Vaan and Elara, both of them come from the Vesta Family. One of them had already shown just how monstrous he was, showing abilities that even the Magic Professors aren't able to wrap their heads around.

The other one is Elara Flameheart, a Star Student from the Vesta Family, a 21-year 4th Circle Mage, her speed of improvement alone is enough to place her on a different level, however, with how confident Vaan sounded when he challenged the two swordsmen, I firmly believe that even the Magic Division's Star student is hiding something.

To be honest, rather than asking me, you should be asking Professor Isadora since she has more opportunities to interact with and know about these children. Perhaps she could actually give us some answers we wish to know."

Professor Alistair was quick to shriek of the responsibility and with the attention now turned on Professor Isadora, the woman could only shake her head and sigh,

"It is only the 5th day of the Academy, Professor Alistair, I am sure you know that it is nearly enough to know anything about any student. Especially considering that the first few classes are not practical classes but theoretical classes where Professors discuss their subjects and form a connection with their students.

I have enquired with other Professors of the Magic Division and from what I was told, the impression they have of Elara Flameheart is on the positive side, she is a bright girl who is willing to learn more, as for the depth of her abilities, well, they are still hidden."

Professor Isadora replied, however, she didn't forget to add an interesting point to gather more students' attention,

"Though I will say one thing which might help us,

That girl…

She is Lady Astra's Pupil, so I guess you can have a rough estimate about her ability."

Isadora revealed and all the students widened their eyes in surprise.

"Oho~ Now that's an interesting reveal~

Are we about to witness the performance of Lady Astra's pupil? Maybe she would help us rewatch the dominance that Lady Astra made us all so used to all those years ago.


She might bring shame to her teacher's name.

The only way to know would be to see how the battle carries on." Finley spoke up, his words successfully garnering the students' interest.

There was no way he could not use the news that was just revealed. It was simply too important to outright ignore it, he just had to raise the stakes of the battle.

Elara, who heard his words momentarily had a lost look on her face,

"Heeh? You don't think that we would lose, do you?" Vaan, who noticed her expression questioned with a playful smile on his face.

"W-What if I hurt them too much…? Would that harm Teacher's reputation?" Elara questioned with a worried look on her face.

Vaan couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Don't worry, Elara. If anything, you injuring them would only make the claim of you being her pupil stronger.

Mother wasn't the easygoing type, trust me."

"…but I would still prefer if they give up before getting too hurt.

They came this far even though they come from a common family, they must have worked hard…"

"I will talk to them but don't forget what we discussed earlier, if they do not listen…"lights

"I will not hold back."

Elara spoke, her eyes shining with determination.

In her eyes, her battle against Elric played out. A battle she wanted to forget, a battle, where she was fooled despite being the better mage. Thinking about it, Elara clenched her fists.

"Show them what you are made of, my fiancée.

It's your show today."

Vaan spoke those words as he stepped in front of his future wife.

Noticing that everyone was ready, the judge stepped forward and,


He spoke, and in an instant, the two swordsmen rushed towards Vaan and Elara but then, something surprising happened.

Instead of gathering Mana or trying to widen the distance between them, Vaan actually started running towards the 2 Swordsmen.

"What the hell is he doing…?" Finley questioned with confusion all over his face. The two Professors beside him had no answers either.

"Hahaha! Are you that eager to get eliminated!?" Kaelen questioned as he laughed out loud.

Vaan, however, didn't answer his question. While running he was absorbing the surrounding Mana, however, he knew that by the time he would clash with the two swordsmen, he wouldn't have his Mana ready to fight back.

But even then, 1 and a half seconds later, when the two sides were close to each other, without caring about anything, Vaan took out his sword and,


Gathering all the power in his body, he attacked.


His sword was blocked quite easily.

"You are stronger than I thought."

Kaelen praised.

"Thank you." Vaan replied.

But then, Kaelen's smile widened,

"But it is still far from enough!"

Saying those words, he pushed Vaan's sword away, Vaan's chest was wide open, and,


Kaelen was quick to get the first hit.

"Aaggghhh!!" Vaan screamed in pain, there was a deep cut on his chest. However, he clenched his teeth and jumped at Alaric,

"I'll get one of you out!" he shouted.

"In your dreams."

Alaric simply blocked his attack before kicking him right where Kaelen's sword had cut him,

"Ugghhh!" Vaan groaned in pain, more blood coming out of his wound and he could feel his consciousness slowly fading away.

Then suddenly,


Kaelen kicked Vaan's right leg with all his might, the attack was so strong that Vaan's leg jolted away, in one kick, Vaan lost his balance, falling on the ground face first.


His sword fell out of his hand. 

"Brave of you to have a 1v2 against us when you can't even defeat us in a 1v1." Kaelen laughed.

However, Alaric had a grave look on his face.

Swordsmen only had 3 to 4 seconds to capitalize their advantage against Mages…

However, in their 'fight' against Vaan, they had lost that time.

"Judge." Suddenly, the injured Vaan called out.

The judge glanced at him and,

"I quit."

Vaan spoke as he quickly activated his Instant Spell.

Diamond Veil.

The Instant Spell he used against Karl, the Defensive Spell that even an Intermediate Mage would have a hard time against.contemporary romance

Vaan glanced at his two swordsmen friends and,

"I suggest you give up as well.

My fiancée does not like people who hurt me and I am currently bleeding with you two standing next to me."

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