Magic's Return: I Can See The Spirits

Chapter 169 How brazen.

Chapter 169 How brazen.

"And while you do all this, you better take care of this angel I chose for you because if you hurt her like you used to in the past,

I will be personally kicking your damn ass."

Astra spoke as she slammed her glass on the table again, by now, Vaan was actually wondering how the Glass hadn't broken yet.

This was his first time seeing Astra act like it, in the memories of the previous Vaan and all the time he had spent with his mother, Astra had always come off as an Elegant, Noble woman who had answers to all his questions and was powerful beyond the limit.

Today, however, now that Astra was drunk, her 'elegant' image was being ruined. She was using crass words she would normally never use, Vaan never thought he would see her act like that and was actually taken aback.

Elara was the same, she couldn't believe her teacher was acting like this as well, right now, however, her mind was stuck on something else.

For some reason, the words, 'this angel I chose for you' made her feel a strange feeling and she couldn't help but smile and blush at the same time.

"Oi, you two."

While Vaan and Elara were thinking about different things, Astra suddenly called out.

"Y-Yes?" Both of them reacted together.

Astra then narrowed her eyes and, "Why are the two of you not drinking…?" She questioned.

And Vaan, who saw her asking that while holding the bottle of wine in her left hand and her glass on the right, stared at her with a deadpan look on his face.

'Are you giving us any chance to drink? I would have drunk if you weren't hoarding the damn bottle! You think I enjoy taking care of drunk women!?'

Of course, he couldn't say those words out loud.

He didn't have a death wish.

In this situation, he could only stay silent and lower his head, just like his fiancée.

Astra on the other hand, didn't like the current situation.

"This feels like a setup.

It is as if the two of you have set all this up to get me drunk and later get me to say something I normally wouldn't say and use it against me in the future.

It looks like a well-crafted plan against me.

I expected something like this from this useless boy of mine, but Elara you too? I thought you were on my side."

Astra spoke and Elara panicked.

"T-Teacher you are misunderstanding. We haven't planned anything like that!" She tried to explain herself as she continuously shook her head and waved her hands.

"Hmmm? Prove it." Astra ordered.

Then, pouring the drink into their glasses, she ordered,

"Drink it in one shot."

"…" Elara turned silent.

The Mystic Wine seemed like an expensive wine, she felt like it wasn't right for her to drink something like this.

Vaan, on the other hand, quickly grabbed the glass and drank it in one shot.

After all, this was the moment he had been waiting for. He did drink quite a lot of this drink before, back then, however, he was focused on the changes in his body and whatever the two spirits were doing.

Now, however, with nothing to distract him, he could finally enjoy the drink in the best way possible.


Vaan exhaled deeply as he slammed to glass onto the table as well, acting just like his mother.

"Are you satisfied now? I can drink one more time to show you that I haven't set up anything." He spoke as he glanced at Astra.

Astra poured the wine into his glass again, not saying anything and just staring at him. Vaan understood what he needed to do and drank the entire thing in one gulp again.

"Do you believe me now?" He questioned.

"Why isn't she drinking?" Astra narrowed her eyes as she glanced at Elara. Vaan turned towards Elara as well,

"Elara, why aren't you drinking?"


With all the attention falling on her, Elara felt embarrassed.

"Come on Elara, it is your day tonight, you did so well today, I was so proud."

Vaan spoke up as he hugged her.

"You were so amazing, just what I would expect from my wife. Absolutely perfect." Vaan spoke as he brought his face close to Elara. The red-haired woman blushed as she lowered her head, Vaan however, brought her wine glass close to her mouth, and,

"Especially when you kicked that bastard's nuts, hahaha! That was such a satisfying moment, we need to drink to that!

Drink up, Elara~"

Vaan spoke and under his influence, Elara opened her mouth, drinking the wine Vaan was offering her.

"Are you satisfied now?" Vaan questioned Astra after Elara finished her glass.

Astra glanced at the two children sitting in front of her, then, a wide smile appeared on her face as she filled hers and their glasses again and then,


The three cheered together before gulping down the entire thing again.

The party had just started.

The three glasses were filled and refilled again and again, soon, the 4th Bottle of Mystic Wine was uncorked, this was probably the first time Astra had used so many bottles when she drank together with someone.

Normally, it was just her using one bottle for the sake of formality.

Today, however, wasn't a day to be Formal. She was spending time together with her own son and future daughter-in-law. contemporary romance

More and more wine was poured, the three continued to drink like there was no end to it, and by now, both Vaan and Elara were completely under the alcohol's influence.

"Vaaan~ Why are you touching me like that~?"

Elara questioned as she pushed Vaan's hand that was placed around her neck away.

Then, she suddenly stood up, walked towards Vaan, sat on his lap, and placed the hand that she pushed away onto her waist as she leaned onto him.

"Why are you sitting on my lap…?" Vaan questioned with a confused look on his face, from his flushed face, it was clear that he had no idea what he was doing either.

His instincts had taken over.

"That's because sitting on Vaan's lap feels good," Elara replied in her tipsy voice.

"But how would I drink if you sit on my lap…?" Vaan questioned.

"You don't have to drink." Elara's solution was simple.


"You can watch me drink instead~"

"Why would I want to do that?"

"B-Because I am pretty," Elara replied with a blush on her face.

"A-And because I kicked B-Brother Elric's l-lower r-region." Elara justified herself and the moment he heard that answer, Vaan couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Hahaha! You did do that! I remember! He screamed like the little bitch he is." Vaan left. "You should have made sure he never gave birth to any little Elrics, we don't want more of those things in the world."

"I-I will do that next time…" Elara answered and hearing her answer, Vaan frowned.

"Hmm? Weren't you close to that bitchy Brother Elric of yours? You even said you won't hurt him. What happened? Is it because of those words he said to you…?" Vaan's expression changed, even though he was drunk, he didn't like the sad look on Elara's face.

"He said… a lot of things…" Elara spoke, her voice was lighter than before. It was clear that Vaan was correct, she still hadn't forgotten things Elric said to her during their duel.

"Mother, would it be a problem if I kill him, won't I be doing the world a favor? It won't be a very big problem if I have one less subordinate, would it?" Vaan turned towards Astra.

He had made up his mind.

That thin bastard, he would tear his neck away.

"Of course it will be!" Astra however, poured water on his dreams. "His mother won't let you go. I am strong, but I can't face the entire Vesta Family alone,

If you are in the wrong, I can't protect you."

Astra shook her head.

"What if I bury him very deep in the ground? No one will know what happened." Vaan spoke but again, Astra's opinion didn't change.

"You cannot kill him, Vaan.

Rather than wasting your time on something like that, focus on developing your relationship with Elara. Isn't it actually a good thing for you that Elric had shown his true face in the duel?

Now you won't have to worry about him pursuing your fiancée since Elara now knows what kind of person he actually is."

"Heh, as if he had a chance with my Elara to begin with." Vaan snorted.

"Punishment or not, I would have killed that bastard if he approached my Elara. She is mine."

"Y-Yes, I w-wouldn't have chosen him either… I-I belong to V-Vaan…"

Suddenly, Elara spoke up as she looked into Vaan's eyes, Vaan paused, seeing such an expression on Elara's face as she looked into his eyes, he couldn't resist his urge and,

He sealed her lips.

Elara widened her unclear eyes when she felt Vaan's kiss, she however, did not resist, rather, she simply closed her eyes and let Vaan do whatever he wanted to her.

The couple shared a hot kiss and Astra, who was watching the entire scene play out smiled.

Her eyes shone with a light that didn't look the one a drunk person would have.

Obviously, Astra was not drunk. She has been acting this whole time.

How could someone like her be influenced by mere alcohol? Of course, that wasn't to say that she doesn't get drunk, it is just that even if she is drunk, her mind is always in the correct place, knowing exactly what she is doing and her body regularly clears all the alcohol from her body, forcing her to drink again and again to remain 'drunk'.

'Tsk, acting like that in front of their mother,

How brazen.'

Astra snorted as she then closed her eyes and drank another glass.

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