Magic's Return: I Can See The Spirits

Chapter 122 Are you trying to apprehend me?

Chapter 122 Are you trying to apprehend me?

"Is another man approaching me making you jealous?"


Seeing Elara smiling at him with a smug look on her face, Vaan stuttered.

"Hehe, jealous Vaan was never something I thought I would get to see~ You look so good when you are jealous~" Elara spoke as she grabbed Vaan's cheeks and treated him like a child.

"Alright Alright, Elara, calm down" Vaan spoke as he slowly grabbed Elara's hands, getting them away from his cheeks.

"Don't stop me~ I feel happy~ I want to pull your cheeks since they feel so good~" Elara resisted, trying to get her hands back on Vaan's cheeks.

Vaan, on the other hand, was facing difficulties, it wasn't just Elara's hands he had to worry about. This girl had left her entire body on him, her body balance was a mess, she could slip from his lap any moment, and her moving around like this didn't help. In the end, Vaan had to take care of his fiancé who was too drunk to care about anything.

She just wanted to pull Vaan's cheeks.

"Stop it!"

Vaan spoke.

"I won't~" And again, he heard a tipsy reply.

"Ugghh! You are the one who forced me." Vaan spoke, then, he tightly hugged Elara, not giving her room to move. Then, he finally held her hands, grabbed a towel placed nearby, and tied her hands up.

"What are you doing?" Elara questioned, her voice still tipsy as ever. Vaan, however, didn't care, once he had tied up her hands, he lifted her up like a princess.

"Are you trying to apprehend me?" Elara questioned.

"Yes, I will make it so you never leave me." Vaan nodded.

"Hehe~ Do that then~

Tie me up."

Elara spoke, closing her eyes and showing no signs of resistance.

Vaan chuckled, then, he walked towards his room with the drunk Elara in his hands.

"Why are we here?" Elara questioned with a confused look on her face.

Vaan, however, didn't say anything and just walked towards the bed. The moment Elara's eyes fell on the bed, she panicked.

"I told you~ I don't want to sleep!" She shouted.


Vaan didn't say anything.

"Vaan! I won't talk to you if you don't talk to me!" Elara threatened again.

"..." Vaan however, still stayed silent as he climbed on his bed and placed Elara on it with a gentle smile on his face.

"I won't sleep!" Elara complained.

"Don't worry Elara, we won't be sleeping."

Vaan replied.

"O-Oh? Then why did you bring me to your room?"

"Well, you wanted to talk, didn't you? Let's talk here. We have less eyes here, not to mention it is more comfortable."

"But it was more comfortable before~" Elara pouted.

'It was, for you.'

Vaan's face twitched, he was the one who had to take care of a completely drunk woman. Honestly, he wanted to record the entire thing today and then later show it to the sober Elara. He, however, held back the urge to do so, Sober Elara was already shy enough, if he did something like that, Elara would most likely not leave her room for days.

"Is it? But I thought it would be more comfortable here?"

Vaan whispered as he gently pulled the tied Elara towards himself and held her from behind, his hand resting on her waist and chin on her shoulder.

"…i-it isn't that bad," Elara replied.

A smile appeared on Vaan's face, unable to control his urge, he kissed Elara's neck as he gently moved his fingers around her waist.

Once he felt Elara was comfortable enough, he repeated his question,

"You still haven't told me about Elric."

"Are you really that jealous?" Elara questioned with a big smile as she enjoyed Vaan's warmth.

"I am more worried than jealous."

Vaan clarified.

"Ohh? Worried about what?" Elara questioned with a curious look on her face.

"Someone was trying to approach my lovely fiancé. I already know how beautiful she is, so how could a man have pure intentions while approaching her? What if he tries to take you away from me? What would I do then, hmm?" Vaan spoke.

Then, he moved his mouth close to Elara's ear, and,

"I already told you, didn't I? You are only allowed to be with me now. I am not letting you go, my fiancé."

A jolt of strange feeling rushed into Elara's body as Vaan whispered into her ears, goosebumps rose up all over her body, and,

"Y-You are saying embarrassing stuff again! I told you not to do it." She shouted, her face turning redder.

"Hmm? But you only told me not to say I love you. You didn't talk about this."

"T-This is included as well."

"I understand." Vaan nodded in understanding.

"m-mm." Elara nodded as well.

"Also, Senior Elric is not a bad person."

She spoke.


Vaan tilted his head in confusion.

"Can you tell me more about him?" He questioned.

"But I don't want the two of you to fight," Elara replied.

"Well of course, why would the two of us fight?" Vaan replied.

Then, in a lower voice, he completed, "A fight happens between two equals, that skinny-looking mage, I will fucking destroy that guy and turn him into my Magic Staff."

"Hmm? What?"

"I said that the two of us won't be fighting, so don't worry. I just want to know more about Senior Elric. You seem to know him quite well, why is that?"

"That's because he was the only one who approached me when I was young," Elara replied.


"It happened after Seraphina arrived, so I was only 16 back then, as you know, other children from the Family often bullied me because I didn't have Vesta blood or name, Senior Elric, however, was different, he talked to me without looking down on me because of my name or blood, he even discussed some of the Magic Theories with me and treated me kindly.

Senior Elric is like a big brother to me, this is why I don't want to two of you to be against each other."

Elara spoke and Vaan, who heard that narrowed his eyes,

"Why do I not know about this?"

"How would I know? You used to stay away from me, remember? The previous you was bad bad~" Elara pouted.

Vaan frowned, this made no sense. Even if the previous Vaan was focused on Seraphina, the fact that Elara and Elric were close to each other, this should be something the previous Vaan should have some idea about. Vaan's memories, however, were completely blank.

"Where did the two of you meet?"

"Vaan why are you so silly? How would I remember that? It was such a long time ago~ I was a child with small hands at that time.

I only remember that Senior Elric often came when I was dejected and tried to be there for me whenever I needed him." Elara replied.

"So it was him who used to come meet you? Why did you not visit him?"

"How could I visit him? He is a Direct Descendant of the Vesta Family and I don't even have Vesta Blood."

"But you were Mother's only Pupil, that title alone should be more than enough."

"I didn't wish to use Teacher's name. She already helped me enough as is. Teacher is good~"

"No, I didn't need Senior Elric to tell me that, I understood it on my own," Elara spoke with a proud smile on her face.

Vaan's frown deepened as another question popped up in his mind,

"Then why did Senior Elric stand up for you? If he knew you were being bullied, then why didn't he help you solve it? He was 38 back then and was trying to become a Prospective Heir, so he already had enough influence to solve the problem. Why did he not do that?"

"It is so obvious Vaan~ If someone from Direct Bloodline steps up for me, the situation would only get worse. Senior Elric won't be there for me all the time. He didn't do anything in order to protect me."

"And this is what Senior Elric must have told you, correct?"

"No, I didn't need Senior Elric to tell me that, I understood it on my own," Elara spoke with a proud smile on her face.


Vaan turned silent.

This might be more of a problem than he initially thought. He needed to look into some things.

"As I said, Senior Elric is not a bad person Vaan. You will understand if you talk to him properly. You were too rude today."

"I was rude?"

"Very rude. Senior Elric only came to say hello but you pushed him away, you acted like how you acted in the past." Elara spoke with a slightly dull look on her face, even her voice lowered as she said the last sentence. contemporary romance

However, since the room was silent, Vaan was able to hear her clearly, and,

"Then why did you not stop me?" he questioned.

Hearing that question, Elara suddenly turned around and looked into Vaan's eyes, then, she made the first move as she buried her face into Vaan's chest, and with a deep blush on her face, she answered,

"That's because I wanted to stay alone with Vaan as well…"

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