Lustful Hearts

Chapter 96: Nо Plасе Lіkе Home- P1

The big day had finally arrived. It had been six long weeks with my leg imprisoned inside this cast. I was hours away from its removal, and I should have been grinning from ear to ear, but my mind was on other matters.

Over the past month I noticed a change in Joel, the way he acted around me, his hesitance to spend any time whatsoever with me. The same old excuses rolled off his lips, he was working, he was tired.

I wasn't that stupid to see it there in his eyes. Despite his promises, I could feel the air change around us, the electricity gone. There hung a sense of awkwardness like the short time we spent together was forced.

His overall mood had changed, like it was more out of obligation that he spent the briefest of times with me.

At first I refused to acknowledge it, blaming it on my overactive mind. But I had been right from the start, something had changed, and I couldn't pinpoint that moment when it had happened.

I lay for hours dwelling, going over and over each conversation. The tension between us was unbearable. It was almost a relief when he left, so I no longer had to stare into the eyes of a stranger.

Ryan had been my rock and after finishing with the zombies, we'd practically made our way through all the different box sets on Netflix. It helped to keep my mind busy from wandering into those dark places I thought I'd never have to go again.

Ryan sensed a change in my mood, but he never once questioned it, leaving it for in my own time to speak about it.

Elijah on the other hand seemed to go out of his way to antagonise me. He was about to move in with Sam into their first home together so I had to grin and bear it, despite countless interior magazines being shoved under my nose.

He even had a flip chart of colours, always incessantly asking which color I preferred. Right now I couldn't have give a rats arse but I had to make some kind of effort, it was his first home with Sam.

So I joined in giving my opinion on each and every swatch until I practically could see no more. Each colour began to merge with the other, in the end I was almost seeing spots, just grateful for a reprieve when Sam had rang to meet up. I had gratefully waved him off, enjoying the silence that followed after.

My head snapped up at the sound of the door opening, Joel peeped around, frowning slightly in response to the scowl on my face.

"Hey, what's with the face?" he asked, his eyes stared deep into mine, filled with concern.

That was a cheek; he hadn't been concerned about me for a long while.

"Nothing, I'm fine." I hobbled by him, grabbing my jacket using it as a distraction to avoid looking at him.

"There's something up, I thought you'd be over the moon to finally get that thing removed."

It was true, I should have been, but Joel's behaviour had soured my mood and nothing seemed like it would ever sweeten it.

"Everything's fine, I'm surprised you have the time to even ask."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

He knew what I meant.

"I don't have time to argue. I have to be at the hospital in thirty minutes." I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder, quickly checking the contents inside so I had everything. "That's why I'm here to take you." He moved to pull me in for a hug, but I sidestepped him, it was too little too late.

"I'm fine, I can get a taxi." I wasn't about to be a burden to him.

"I took the day off especially, Iz, don't be like this, I want to go with you."

It would be far easier to say yes, even though right now I could have happily put a lot of distance between us.

"Fine, but we need to go now." I hobbled by him, not even sparing him a glance. I wasn't in the mood to be appreciative of his offer, the sooner this was over the better.

The car ride to the hospital was silent. My mood was beyond glacial. Joel quickly turned on the radio to inject some life into the suffocating air.

My head turned towards the window the whole time. I was in no mood for talking, his actions had told me all I needed to know.

We were sat waiting an age to be seen, Joel made several trips to the coffee machine, only aiding in amping up his nervous energy. I sat staring at my Kindle screen, but no words were going in but to Joel it looked like I was otherwise occupied.

I was silently grateful the moment the nurse shouted my name, Joel's shaking leg almost had me on the brink of combustion.

He leapt up too, but my glare soon had him sitting back down. "I'll wait here then I suppose." He flopped back down, the frown instantly taking over his face.

"Just go I can make my own way home," I snapped, not even bothering to wait for an answer.

Thirty minutes later I was cast free, but my face dropped seeing Joel sat still waiting. My reaction hadn't gone unnoticed and he frowned again, his eyes searching mine for an answer.

"Hey, you're finally free," he remarked chuckling, even though it was slightly forced.

"Looks like it," I retorted, my eyes scanning the walls for directions as I hobbled back outside.

Joel walked alongside me, the sun felt good against my face, but it did little to thaw my glacial mood.

I could feel the tension bubbling away with each step. I just wanted to be free of this torment, if he was tired of me and wanted out then he should just say it and spare us any more of this agony.

He unlocked the car, hesitant to help but my glare told him to back off. I closed my eyes hearing the engine switch on.

He turned the dial down so the music was playing softly in the background. I rubbed my temples willing the imminent headache to go away.

"Iz, we're here," he said softly. I quickly jerked awake surprised I had fallen asleep so quickly. I sat up looking around in surprise as these weren't my usual surroundings. In fact I didn't recognise it at all, well not at first.

"Is that your house, Joel?" I rubbed my eyes again wondering if they were deceiving me, or was I still dreaming?

"No, Iz, it's ours."

I spun around in surprise. "What do you mean it's ours?"

A smile crept over his face. "Surprise," he simply said.

"What?" I whispered, my voice barely audible.

He lifted my hand, placing a gentle kiss against the skin. "Come with me, I want to show you my secret."

He slipped his hand out of mine, opening the door, within moments he was by mine, guiding me out.

"Joel, what is happening? How can we afford—"

He silenced me with a kiss. My fingers entwined into his hair as I responded with my mouth fully locked onto his.

God, I had missed him.

He pulled back moments later, almost breathless, keeping his forehead pressed against mine. To give himself a few moments to compose himself.

"My dad signed the house over to me. It's mine, well, I want it to be ours." He looked unsure at the last part, and I wasn't surprised, my behaviour towards him lately had been frosty to say the least. "Why did he do that?"

"He's moved permanently to Southampton to live with my uncle, I think it was Robert behind it all. When I spoke to him afterwards he said that it was the least he could have done.

So now it's ours, well, that's if you still want to be with me." His eyes flashed to mine uncertain, I could see fear building inside.

I had been such a fool.

I grabbed him, crashing my lips against his. Words would come later, right now this was where I needed to be with him in this moment.

We pulled back seconds later, gasping for breath, both panting together. “I take that as a yes then?" He chuckled, pulling me close, nuzzling his face into my hair. "Of course it's a yes. You've just made me the happiest woman on the planet, but then I did go from thinking you were moments away from ending it with me."

He pulled me back to look into my eyes. "Why the hell did you think I was finishing with you?"IIIIII

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