Lustful Hearts

Chapter 77: Bіrthdау Celebrations- P2

I nodded as a tear broke free from my eye, which he quickly swiped away with his thumb.

"Hey, we don't want to ruin this beautiful made-up face, we're going to have so much fun tonight. I'm going to get you away from what goes on inside this pretty little head of yours. Tonight is all about forgetting and partying till we can't stand anymore."

I smiled at his enthusiasm. "Perfect, that's just what I need."

"So madam, are we ready to go?" he asked in an overly posh accent, holding out his arm. I slipped my own into the crook of his, setting off for what would be one hell of a night.

When we arrived at Dukes we were taken to a large table, I was guessing from the fancy tableware it was definitely ours.

I could almost guarantee Elijah would have popped in earlier, just to scrutinise and make sure everything was perfect for tonight.

There were place cards stood around the table, I was slightly miffed that I wasn't sitting next to Elijah. Though it was no coincidence, he was more than likely trying to push me into being more sociable.

He came back smiling with a round of drinks from the bar. I quickly took several gulps of the vodka for some Dutch courage before I sat down, feeling awkward when everyone else began to arrive.

The majority of people I didn't recognise, they had formed friendships with Elijah through Sam, and much to my dismay, they were all couples. I instantly regretted coming, suddenly feeling like the spare wheel amongst everyone else.

By now I was on my third vodka, I hadn't had much to eat, so on an empty stomach it was going straight to my head. But I wasn't going to survive this night sober. The last empty chair was beside me as everyone talked amongst themselves.

I sat feeling like the odd ball until finally the last person arrived. My eyes instantly shot Elijah a look of anger when the chair was pulled out beside me.

"Hey, Iz." Ryan smiled, taking his place. Elijah squirmed slightly under my death stare. He had made no mention that Ryan was attending tonight. He knew I wouldn't be amused by his meddling. "Hey," I replied, quickly taking another sip of my drink. By the looks of it, I would need plenty more before the night was through.

"So I haven't seen you around much, how are you?"

"I'm fine, thanks." It was all I could manage. I wasn't mentally ready to be in another guy's company. I was certain once the meal was over I was definitely heading home. We all ordered our starters as the general buzz of voices once again filled the air.

"You look really gorgeous tonight, Iz. The colour suits you, you almost look angelic." His eyes lingered on me longer than was acceptable, and I felt a shiver of unease run down my spine. I scoffed as his remark, taking another swig of vodka.


I felt far from it.

Elijah was now in full swing, telling stories as everyone looked on in great amusement. Sam just sat back, letting him take the full limelight.

I barely touched each course. My only appetite was for what stood in front of me in the glass.

Ryan was sat sipping on his beer, chatting to the person sat beside him. But his worrying glances hadn't gone unnoticed, watching me slowly finish glass after glass.

I declined dessert and Elijah shot me a look, but I chose to ignore it. I was in no state to talk to him at the moment.

It was his birthday and for that reason alone I would remain quiet, but after tonight we were definitely having words.

I got up to go to the toilet, but my legs slightly buckled underneath me.

"Whoa, Iz, are you okay?" Ryan asked, bringing attention to me so everyone turned in reaction to his voice.


"I'm fine," I shot back, walking off.

But I wasn't.

I could feel myself slightly stumble with each step, but I needed no help from, anyone.

After rinsing my hands I took a look in the mirror, my eyes were glassy and I could barely focus. I stood leaning against the counter, waiting for the room to stop spinning. Opening the door I was surprised to find Elijah stood waiting, he pushed himself off the wall instantly coming over. "Iz, what's wrong?"

Was he actually joking?

"What's wrong? Oh I don't know, maybe inviting me to your birthday meal and trying to set me up with Ryan. So then I'll fit in with all your coupled friends."

He instantly frowned at my accusation. "That's not what I was trying to do."

I held up my hand cutting him off. "Save it, I'm out of here."

"But we're going to the new club in town."

I spun around and then regretted it, losing my balance. My body was now leaning against the wall to maintain some kind of upright position.

"Yeah, I don't think even you are blind enough to see I'm already hammered and can barely walk. After the night from hell sat there feeling like a spare wheel, or left talking to the guy who flirts with me religiously. You know I'm not in that place yet, but you still chose to take it upon yourself to push me into it before I was even ready."

"Iz..." he pleaded, but I just wasn't interested.

"Do me a favour, Elijah and just leave me alone, go back to your happy friends and just let me be."

I made to storm off, but he grabbed my arm, pulling me back. "Iz, don't leave like this, please."

"It's too late. I don't want to be here. I never wanted to come in the first place, but as usual you had to have it your way, because let's face it, what's new? You never see farther than your own nose as long as everything is perfect for you. I don't need to be sat on a table filled with happy couples to know how alone I am, but thanks for the reminder."

"I never thought . . ." His eyes left mine, dropping down to the floor.

"No, you never do I'm going home."

"Let me come with you." His eyes stared deep into mine in an attempt to sway my decision.

"No, thanks, the star of the show can't leave."

His hand dropped from my arm and a look of hurt quickly crossed his face. "You don't have to be a bitch, Iz."

"Well, that's how I feel. Oh and by the way . . ." I popped open my clutch bag, grabbing the present I'd bought and tossed it to him. "Happy birthday."

I walked off without saying another word. Tears streamed down my face as I walked outside, instantly feeling the cold night air hit my skin.

I pulled off both shoes to steady my balance and headed towards the taxi rank. Tonight had been the night from hell, and I for one, just wanted it to be over.

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