Lustful Hearts

Chapter 69: Hаllоwееn - P3

Hours later the bar was packed with every different horror film character you could imagine. The night had been a success, the turnout better than expected. Walking back to the bar with more empty glasses, I came face to face with yet another bunny girl leaning over trying her best to tempt Joel with her prize assets.

I rolled my eyes at her display of desperation, wincing every time a high-pitched giggle left her perfect mouth.

I wanted to slap her so hard.

I shook my head in disbelief, despite the fact it was pretty apparent he was taken, the ring was a big enough indicator. That didn't stop the endless pursuits of all the girls trying it on over the course of the night.

I banged the glasses down hard on the bar bringing Joel's attention back to me. I watched the smile slip from his face when his eyes met with my icy glare.

The blonde bunny's blue eyes flashed over to me, momentarily giving me a sneer, before her greedy little eyes returned back to Joel.

"So Joel, haven't seen you out a lot lately? Are you coming to the big opening of the new club in town? It's going to be amazing, I could make you my plus one." Hello, was I suddenly fucking invisible?

If I were in a cartoon, steam would be coming out of my ears right now. My eyes burned into him waiting for his reply. Joel began to look increasingly uncomfortable.

He could sense I was about to go off into one almighty rage, silently pleading with his eyes for me not to react.

I purposely chose to ignore him. "I think Joel has other plans," I replied icily, hoping bunny girl would take the hint and hop off.

Her eyes remained locked on Joel, choosing to ignore me.

"Oh, but he wouldn't want to miss this, there's quite a few girls coming along. You know we could make it a private party. I know that's your speciality, hey Joel." She winked at him, and he cringed. His eyes were still locked on mine, pleading once again for me not to bite.

Too late.

I was going in for the kill.

This bitch was going down.

I walked right up to stand beside her. "Sorry, are you blind or stupid or maybe even both?"

She turned slightly in her stool. "Excuse me?" she asked, pulling a look of disgust now she was having to actually acknowledge my existence. Her finger curled around her hair as her eyes gave me the once


"He's wearing a ring, and you know he's taken. You know I'm his girlfriend, I felt the daggers throughout while you were watching us kiss before. Yet you feel the need to publically pursue my boyfriend, right in front of my eyes. So are you really that stupid? Or do you think he's going to fall for your fake, plastic boobs that are just about ready to fall out your top?"

Her eyes widened at my words. "I don't know what you mean-" She instantly blushed, dropping her hair. Her fingers struggled to pull the corset back up.

I could see the anger in her eyes at being humiliated. She was trying not to snap in front of Joel, but I knew she was about two seconds away from sinking those acrylic nails of hers into my face.

I pushed up against her even more. "I think you do, so gather up all your plastic little friends, and do us all a favour and fuck off somewhere else. You're no longer welcome here, oh, and it's Halloween not the fucking Playboy mansion."

She huffed in disgust and looked at Joel, who shrugged slightly before his gaze returned back to me.

I prepared myself, expecting to see a look of disappointment at my little outburst, but he was now sporting the largest grin ever. I giggled, knowing how much my rage and possessive side turned him on. I leaned over the bar, hearing her heels clicking against the wood as she walked away.

Good riddance.

I grabbed his top, pulling him in for a much needed kiss. There were large whoops and whistles, but the other people in the room just melted away the moment Joel's lips touched mine. "Isabelle Adams, you feisty little minx, you know what your fiery little temper does to me," he whispered into my ear.

I blushed with the intense look he shot me. "I can't help it, you know I just lose it. It's because you're too good-looking. I can't blame them for trying, even if they use their boobs as their weapon of choice." I let out a long sigh, dropping my head down.

I hated feeling like I had to compete. Wondering if I was ever enough?

He lifted my chin with his finger so my eyes looked deep into his. "You know that all I see is you, that they could all be running round naked and I couldn't give a fuck, all I want is you. I need you to remember that before you charge in and defend my honour again."

I scowled slightly. "I know-but she was blatantly doing it for my benefit, she saw us kissing, she gave me evils right after. It was like a massive fuck you to me when she started hitting on you, and I'm not going to sit back and watch. I will try not to react to it in future, but I'm not promising anything."

He smiled at my stubbornness. "Well, if you could try to keep a handle on it before the red mist descends." He chuckled, holding me close so his lips brushed up against my ear. "You know I love you with every single breath in my body," he whispered.

I nestled my head against his chest, unable to look at him, feeling the tears sting my eyes.

"You know my heart beats only for you." His fingers brushed lightly over my cheek and his lips gently pressed against my hair. "Can you look at me, please?" he asked softly. I shook my head, nestling even deeper into his chest.

"So I'm never going to see that beautiful face ever again?"

I smiled. "Probably not, you may even have to have me surgically removed."

"Please, baby, I need to see you." His hands caressed the tops of my arms, willing me to move. I huffed into his chest once more before sitting back onto the stool.

Joel's smiled instantly dropped at my now streaked face. "Hey, I didn't mean to upset you, Iz."

I shook my head, swiping away the tears. "You didn't-it was your words, they kind of got to me a little." I watched as his frown grew deeper. "I mean in a good way. I needed to hear them, your reassuring words help to keep the insecurities at bay."

His eyes filled with concern. "What insecurities do you have?" His hands wrapped around mine, drawing me in so we were barely inches apart.

I snorted in frustration. "Well aside from the obvious-" I rolled my eyes at all the endless girls I had to beat off. At this rate I'd have to invest in a large stick of some sort.

He frowned, his eyes turning sad. "But I've told you that I'm not interested in anyone else."

"I know, but when it's there on display in front of my face I can't help it." I could talk till I was blue in the face, and he still wouldn't get it.

He didn't see the looks they shot me, goading me throughout. He just thought it was my insane temper taking over.

His thumb caressed my knuckles, soothing my now agitated state. "Look, I don't want to argue, but I will try to nip it in the bud sooner, but at the same time I am paid to be nice to customers."

I went to move away from him. "I know-just forget what I said," I murmured, feeling hurt by the fact he thought I was the one being irrational.


His hands grabbed mine tighter, pulling me back in. "Well, not when it makes you this unhappy." He blew out a loud exhale. I could tell he was torn between his job and keeping me happy. "I know what I can do to make you feel better ..."

"What?" I asked. Nothing could lift my mood right at this moment.

"A nice hot chocolate with marshmallows and extra sprinkles," he replied, grinning wildly. He knew it was my weakness.

I laughed at his sweet face, nodding my head in approval.

"See, I knew that would make my girl happy." He kissed my cheek and his nose nuzzled my hair. He breathed deeply, savouring my scent.

I moved back to look at his face. "Don't scrimp on the chocolate sprinkles," I warned, giving him a stern look.

He placed his hand on his chest in mock surprise. "Like I ever would." He gave me a long kiss before walking off as I headed to the toilets to check my face.00000000000☐☐☐

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