Lustful Hearts

Chapter 67: Hаllоwееn - P1

"Right, that's it. The party is cancelled!" Joel yelled tossing the phone down hard onto the table. I watched in horror as it bounced along, thankfully not shattering.

I shook my head lightly, continuing to type up my notes from class. I didn't need to ask what was wrong, I had heard Elijah's high-pitched voice from the other side of the room.

I was just grateful for taking the initiative in staying firmly out of the arrangements for the Halloween party. But I knew I couldn't leave poor Joel hanging a moment longer.

"What's wrong now?" I asked, my fingers still working the keys as I finished off the last paragraph before giving him my full attention.

He stopped pacing to stare at me. "Do you really want to know?" he asked frowning. He knew fine well I'd asked to be kept out of all the bickering, but I could see he was almost at breaking point.

"Well, you might as well tell me as you're only going to huff about it for the next hour," I replied, closing the laptop lid. I smiled giving him the okay to offload.

"He's just so bloody frustrating! He's screaming at me because the supplier has let him down on some decorations. I couldn't give a fuck about the decorations, you would think it was the party of the year the way he is carrying on!" He threw his hands up in frustration as he frantically paced the room again.

I frowned at his response, I knew how much hard work went into Elijah's party planning projects. "It is a big deal to him though," I whispered, almost scared to speak the words knowing Joel would be instantly offended by my decision to defend Elijah.

His eyes flashed at me full of anger. "I knew you would take his side."

I sighed, shaking my head. I was trying to remain neutral listening to both sides, but obviously Joel had an issue with that. He had to understand Elijah was my best friend too.

"Hey, I'm not taking anyone's side, just saying that he acts this way because he wants everything to be perfect." My head was almost dizzy watching Joel move back and forth. He stormed towards me as his eyes bore deep into mine.

"Well, remind me never to ask for his help ever again."

I dropped back against the cushion in frustration. "He'll calm down, he's just taking his frustrations out on you." I started anxiously biting my nails.

Even I didn't think that was true. When Elijah was in full on panic mode he really did take it to an extreme level. I didn't even know if I could talk him down.

"Did you hear him screaming though? It's a wonder I can still hear with that high pitched squeal of his." Joel grabbed his hair in annoyance, his pacing was frantic as ever.

I tried to stifle my laugh behind my hand. It was true, I'd witnessed that squeal on many occasions. It got to the point where only dogs were capable of hearing him.

Joel's lips twitched, and we both erupted together, unable to contain the laughter any longer.

"Come here," I said, patting the sofa beside me. He looked hesitant at first, looking like he had a lot of frustrated energy he still wanted to work off. But gazing into my sympathetic eyes, he relented and smiled sitting down.

I shuffled round to face him. "Does someone need a hug?"

He laughed, shaking his head. He scrubbed his hands over his face trying to rid himself of the last drop of irritation. "No, I'm fine." He let out a loud sigh.

I knew he was itching to hold me. I was his one source of comfort during one of his rages. "No, I think you definitely do. I've been in the firing line of one of his rants, and it's not pretty.

Here, let me make it better." I jumped onto his knee and straddled him, pulling him into a hug.

He sighed nestling his face into my neck as my fingers gently played with his hair. "Better?" I asked after a few moments, kissing his forehead.

He let out a deep sigh. "Yeah... you always make it better though." He pressed his lips against my neck like he was drawing some comfort from me.

We slowly rocked together in each other's arms, and I sighed, pulling him in closer, both losing ourselves in the moment.

I smiled at his words. "I have the gift." I brushed my lips against his as my fingers softly grazed against his cheek.

His eyes remained closed, but I could see his face was slowly becoming calmer. "You certainly do," he breathed, continuing to hold me. He wasn't quite ready to let go just yet.

"Do you want me to have a word?" I sat staring at his beautiful face, watching the frown lines appear as he contemplated my words. I knew deep down he'd want to handle the situation himself. "No, it's fine. I can suck it up for the next few days, but I'll be glad when it's all over." He let out another large sigh like he was already regretting his words.

"Aww, don't say that, you haven't seen my costume yet, and I think you're going to really like it."

His eyes instantly snapped open, my words having the desired effect. I smiled inwardly at his reaction as his eyes locked on mine. "Really? Are you going to give me a hint what it is?"

I hesitated trying to think of a subtle reply. I wanted it to be a surprise, but I knew dropping tiny hints would be enough to drive him crazy.

His hands squeezed my hips in irritation by my silence, but I was not about to give in that easily.

"Well, let's just say it's going to blow your mind." I winked at him grinning. His smile grew wider, and his eyes searched mine for more answers.

I knew the way his mind worked, the thought alone of me wearing anything remotely sexy would be a big enough boost to get him through the next few days.

"Now you have to tell me, you can't keep me hanging." He pouted and gave me his best puppy dog eyes, hoping his sad face would appeal to my sympathetic side.

He knew what that look did to me. I had given in on far too many occasions, but the need to see his face on Halloween was far greater.

I shook my head in defiance. "Nope, I want to see your reaction when I walk out on Halloween." I widened my eyes for the full effect.

He was in for a treat.

I could see the suspense was killing him, but I had to stay strong.

No matter how hard he begged.

His hungry eyes stared deep into mine. "Well now you've got me thinking all kinds." He sat back in a huff looking completely frustrated. The smile was replaced by a scowl, finally realising my lips would remain sealed.

I nudged his shoulder playfully. "It's got your mind off Elijah, hasn't it?" I leaned forward pecking him lightly on the lips to appease him for staying tight-lipped.

"Yeah, but now all I'm imagining is you in some kind of sexy little number." He pulled a face looking deep in thought as a small smile played on his lips.

I rolled my eyes, only imagining the images going through his head.

I sat back up, grinning down at him. "So my plan worked then, my work here is done," I retorted in an overly bright voice, finishing off with a pretend evil laugh.

"Ooh, you little tease, you know this is going to drive me mad."

He was right, and to prove my point further, I ground down hard on him. His pupils began to dilate as he let out a soft moan. I loved how badly I turned him on, how his body responded to mine.

"Well good, that's what I have planned for Halloween night." I could see the desire building in his eyes, and felt him twitch underneath me.

"You do realize I have to go back to work and actually concentrate now."

I dropped down kissing him, laughing against his mouth. I brushed up against him once more before pushing myself off. Joel gave me an agonised look.

I knew I wasn't playing fair, but it was too funny for me to feel bad.

"Sorry, couldn't help myself."

He stood up awkwardly, and my eyes automatically dropped down to the bulge. He tried his best to arrange himself so it was less obvious. I giggled looking up into his frustrated face, his eyes narrowed and he pretended to look mad.

"Thanks for that, I'm sure I'll get you back later."

"I'm looking forward to it." I grabbed my laptop and resumed typing. He stood staring for a few moments longer. I felt his eyes burning into me, and I bit my lip pretending to ignore him.

He shook his head in amusement, walking away. "Yeah, I'll have you screaming later," he threw over his shoulder, and I smiled.

I knew he'd keep his promise.☐☐☐

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