Lustful Hearts

Chapter 55: Bіrthdау Gіrl - P1

"Do you want a hand?" Joel asked smirking. His eyes held a glint of amusement, leaning over the bar. He was busy chewing on the end of his pen, in the middle of attempting to complete another crossword. I rolled my eyes and chuckled to myself continuing to stack the glasses onto the shelf. In between the lulls in customers, I liked to keep myself busy restocking the bar with drinks and glasses. Joel, on the other hand, was more laid back in that aspect choosing to relax with his paper.

Over the past few weeks, I had effortlessly settled into my new work role. Joel had called me his new protégée, taking delight in telling people he had worked hard to get me to that level. His reply only managed to bring back my eye rolling tick.

Of course he'd been more than accommodating taking me through my training. It was a wonder I'd managed to retain any form of information at all.

As once that hot body brushed up against mine, my sole concentration become purely focused on his touch.

I could tell from his continual smirk, he enjoyed watching me become rattled. I'd lost count of the times we'd made numerous visits upstairs for a quick break after he'd mercilessly teased me to the brink of exploding.

One of the many perks of working alongside Joel was I got to secretly watch him work the bar. His movement was so fluid and graceful, everything seemed so secure in those large safe hands.

He truly was the optimum of coolness preparing drinks while smiling and chatting away to all the locals. He'd caught me out on the odd occasion watching him, the look he gave me each time almost made my legs buckle.

His eyes were so intense like he sensed my need for him. The small smile that played on his lips sent shivers throughout me.

I knew he enjoyed any form of attention I paid him, and as he was my favourite pastime it only endeared me to watch him even more. Joel, of course had his own fan club, which equally loved to watch him. I was forever walking in only to see them swooning over him.

I laughed at all their obvious attempts to catch his eye. It was almost to the point of irritation, but I managed to maintain my cool. He was mine after all.

That was more than enough to push the insecure thoughts to the back of my mind. Even if I did often visualise pulling every single hair out of their heads as they stood flirting their little arses off.

I too had built up a following of my own. The older regular customers continued to shower me with compliments knowing fine well Joel was within earshot. He took it all in good spirits, despite the barrage of insults thrown his way.

He never took the bait, just shook his head in complete amusement. As they were all over the seventy mark, he didn't seem to have a problem. Sometimes I think he got great enjoyment out of my embarrassment.

He wasn't as relaxed with the younger guys who shamelessly still flirted despite my apparent lack of interest.

Each time I felt his eyes burning into the guys as they carried on regardless. I knew he was dying to interject, but one look from me was enough for him to hang back

I didn't want him fighting and losing his job, we had responsibilities now and we couldn't afford to lose it all. The only upside was the generous tips, even though I had to swerve their advances on many occasions, but it all helped to pay the bills.

Having our own flat was bliss. We got to have the space we so desperately needed, and Joel was finally free of his dad.

My mother was less than thrilled, making it quite clear she was totally opposed to the idea. Though despite her many reservations of rushing into things, I moved in the next day.

The flat was sparsely furnished, so I quickly enrolled Elijah to use his interior design skills to inject some colour into the beige blank canvas.

After looking through several colour schemes, we both agreed that red would be the best option and spent the day shopping for all the furnishings.

The next day we decorated with Elijah weaving his usual magic so the flat was now less empty shell more homely.

After hanging the last of the pictures, I positioned various photographs of us together that I'd taken throughout the summer around the flat.

To most people they would just see photos, but I knew the significance behind it after spending a week in Joel's home.

The place was so void of any love I wanted him to see constant reminders of our happiness, to finally feel the true love from a family home.

Just seeing his eyes light up the moment he returned home was enough. Watching him take in the full extent of the makeover to see his football trophies finally out on display, marking his achievements. He had lovingly gazed at each picture of us before his eyes finally rested on mine.

His look of complete gratitude sent an ache ripping right through me. I wanted him to know that he was my life, and my world began and ended with him. I would always strive for him to never second guess my love.

For him to accept he was deserving of every single moment of happiness so I'd never have to experience that heartbreaking look ever again.


I woke up on my birthday to the best present of all-my body pressed up against Joel's. His arms were wrapped up tight around me, and I let out a small sigh of contentment. It was all my birthday wishes come true.

His warm breath softly tickled the back of my neck, placing gentle kisses along my skin. I gasped lightly with each exquisite sensation.

His fingers ran slowly along my ribs and then brushed up against my breast. I leaned back into him, closing my eyes in delight at his warm, delicate touch.

"Ahh, so the birthday girl is finally awake," he whispered, his words sending a shiver through my body. I smiled just wondering what else he had in store. He continued with his beautiful torture, sending me into a complete state of bliss.

I felt his hand slip below the sheet, it lightly swept down my body, then stopped to stroke me in that special place.

I moaned softly with each movement he made, his fingers began to totally undo me. My eyes rolled back the moment they slipped inside.

His other hand continued tweaking my nipple as his lips kissed and gently teased the sweet spot on my neck.

"Are you ready for your first birthday treat?" he whispered.

I moaned in reply.

I had lost the ability to speak.

My sole concentration was on the pleasure I was receiving. I frowned slightly when he pulled away, leaving my body bereft. The look he shot me before his head slipped below the sheets told me the best was yet to come.

When his mouth replaced his fingers, I gasped at the sensation. Each flick of his tongue sent me even higher. His fingers gripped my skin, and he spread my legs wider, beginning to kiss up the inside of each thigh. The feel of his lips was electric against my body.

But it wasn't enough.

I needed his mouth on me now.

My fingers grabbed his hair, and he groaned lightly with the force as I steered him back to where I needed him to be. I desperately tried to arch my back, with every wave of pleasure that rippled right through


The heat of his hand sizzled against my skin as it splayed across my stomach, holding me in place. His other teased my now very erect nipples, each squeeze and roll of his fingertips sent me even closer to the edge.

The build up was becoming more intense, his fingers had now slipped back inside, working alongside his tongue. I felt the pressure building. Oh god. I was close.

I pulled his hair tight, wrapping it tightly around my fingers. He groaned in obvious pain, but I needed something to cling to.

I continued climbing higher and higher and screamed in ecstasy, riding out the wave of my orgasm coursing and pulsating through my body.

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