Lustful Hearts

Chapter 44: Hero - P2

"Hey, here's your hot chocolate, darling. Sorry it took a while, we were backed up in the kitchen," the cute barman yelled across the room, attracting more attention my way. Oh, just fantastic!

I waved my hand dismissively. "Sorry, have to go, I'll just leave it, thanks." I picked up the pace, striding within metres of the door. I could feel my heart beating almost out of my chest.

"Well, let me give you a refund."

Oh my god!

I didn't want the sodding money.

I just wanted to leave before I had some kind of hyperventilation attack. I could already feel the air leaving my lungs.

He smiled, walking me back over to my own personal hell. I kept my eyes locked forward, ironically staring at a bottle of Tequila. I openly resented its existence, without it, I wouldn't have been standing here feeling David's evil, cold eyes boring into me.

"Not going to join us, Izzy," he asked with a sneer.

I flinched at the sound of my name on his lips, the repulsion instantly came flooding back. I took a deep breath, trying desperately to keep my composure.

"No, thanks. I'm choosy about the company I keep." My eyes remained forward. I didn't wish to continue engaging in this line of conversation with him.

"You weren't saying that last night," he said chuckling, his laughter taking on more of a mocking tone.


My fingers gripped the bar tight, anger coursing through my veins. "Probably 'cause you got me off my head on triple vodkas and tequila, and I wasn't coherent enough to refuse." My nails dug hard into the wood, any longer and I was sure they'd snap off.

I just wanted to be gone already.

"You enjoyed it, baby. I could tell you were gagging for it. Girls like you that play all straight laced, acting like you have morals. I know deep down you wanted to break loose. I just helped you to do that."

The girls beside him giggled. I could feel my temper rising, he was goading me, trying to get a reaction. The way he was pushing me, it was going to be hard to rein it in.

More smug looks were directed my way by the bitches that probably held less than a brain cell between them.

My eyes locked with David's. "You keep telling yourself that, David. Pricks like you that have to get girls drunk to get them into bed are the lowest of the low. You are scum."

I pointed my finger in his face to prove my point further. I could see he was seething by my actions, obviously not used to being confronted.

"You were a crap lay anyway." He turned away, taking a sip of his drink.

I was verging on the point of murder, imagining my hands wrapped around his neck draining all life from him. The visual was oddly comforting, but a rage burned inside me and David kept on fanning the flames.

"That's usually the case when you're out of your head. Sorry my performance wasn't better, probably the fact I'm totally repulsed by you is to blame.

I'd rather stick pins in my eyes then ever go near you again. Stay out of my way in future."

He let out a snort of disgust. "Don't worry, I'm never going there again."

Did he actually think I would?

The guy was delusional, the thought alone made me want to lose the entire contents of my stomach.

"Like it was ever an option. I'm sober now, and I wouldn't touch you with a barge pole."

One of the girls giggled beside me. David was whispering into her ear, by the looks directed my way, it was more than apparent he was talking about me.

"What do you have something to say now?" My eyes pierced into her bright blue ones as her mouth pulled up into a sneer.

I wanted to slap the bitch so bad.

"Oh my god, David, you really shagged her? You must have been desperate."

The pub instantly fell quiet.

Her loud, shrill voice had caught everyone's attention. She had her audience, and they were waiting for a response.

Tears stung my eyes, but I would not break. David laughed with a wicked gleam in his eyes. A surge of rage ripped through me, and I grabbed the pint of lager that had just been placed beside me, emptying the entire contents over him.

Both girls squealed in horror as David flew forward. I could tell he was itching to hit me, his eyes now filled with venom. His simmering anger had finally reached boiling point.

"You bitch!" he yelled, wiping his face with his hands. I stood there laughing, enjoying every single moment of it.

"Yeah, I'm not even close." My fist instantly connected with his nose sending him reeling back. My hand instantly stung from the impact, but it was worth it to see the look of surprise on his face.

"I think you've broke my fucking nose," he screamed as his hands cupped it protectively. I watched with delight the blood streaming down his face, dripping down onto the wooden floor.

A huge smirk spread across my face. "Good, that's what I was aiming for." See how he liked a taste of his own bitter medicine

David lunged forward raising his fist. Instantly a pair of strong, tattooed arms encircled him, pulling him back as he grappled to be set free.

"I think you need to go, mate," Geordie guy whispered in his ear.

His eyes widened in shock. "What? She was the one who fucking punched and threw a drink over me!"

"Look, we don't want anymore trouble. You instigated it from the start, so just leave."

He blew out some air in agitation. "Fine, if you would get your fucking hands off me I will." He slowly released David, looking on reluctantly in case his services were needed again. "Thanks," I muttered to him when he approached me with a look of concern.

He frowned at my grimace as I clutched my injury, squirming with the pain. "How's the hand?" He lifted it up gently inspecting it, checking for any signs of broken bones.

"I hope it's broken," David yelled over his shoulder, trying to stem the blood oozing out of his nose.

"Fuck you, David, if you want me to test that theory again then keep talking."

David stopped to pick up his coat. His eyes held mine for a few moments before a smile spread across his face. "Mate, just a quick tip if you're interested. Just get a few shots down her neck and those legs slide right open."


A few people gasped, a few laughed, but I was just frozen to the spot. He had the last laugh to my complete and total embarrassment.

I felt a stray tear slide down my cheek. Just how evil could one guy be? Did he not destroy enough of me last night to now come back and finish the job?

"What the fuck did you just say?"


I flinched at the sound of his voice.

I would recognize it anywhere. It was the voice that haunted my dreams every night. The voice I'd waited so long to hear.

My heart almost beat out of my chest. My knees began to buckle from the overwhelming feeling taking over.

Oh god.

I needed a moment to compose myself. But when my eyes swept round to capture Joel's, I found them not locked on me but on David. He stood behind the bar glaring, his eyes cold and hard. He looked like he was about to murder him.

Good, he deserved it, the fucker.

David eyes were equally as cold, wiping the blood from his nose with his sleeve. "I wasn't talking to you, mate, so mind your own fucking business. Unless you've had a go with Izzy, then we can compare notes."

His smile was the final nail in the coffin, he had just signed his own death warrant.

A flash of anger crossed Joel's face as he leapt over the bar grabbing David by the throat. They hurtled towards the ground, sending everyone including me flying.

There were squeals and shouting, glass and furniture went flying everywhere. The sudden movement was enough to knock me off balance. I stumbled backwards, hitting my head hard on the glass table. The pain was instantaneous like being hit with a sledgehammer. I was sprawled out on the hard, wooden floor. If the blood on my hand was any indicator then this was bad.

I felt the small trickle run down my forehead. I heard the sounds of grunting and flesh being hit over and over with raised voices of people trying to intervene.

I saw Joel's face just for a moment, his bright blue eyes stared deep into mine. I murmured his name over and over in the vain hope he'd hear me until everything began to fade to black.000☐☐☐☐☐

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