Lustful Hearts

Chapter 42: Big Mіѕtаkе- P3

"Well Izzy, it's nice to meet you. What's a pretty girl like you doing alone at a party?" His feet shifted slightly closer so I was forced to look back up.

I frowned at the close proximity and stepped back. "I'm with someone, they're just outside talking to some friends, which I should really be getting back to ..."

"Boyfriend?" he asked. His eyes stared intently into mine waiting for a reply.

I fidgeted awkwardly. "No, just a friend."

The smile returned to his face, sending a wave of unease right through me.

He was a good-looking guy, though his dark brown hair only succeeded in reminding me of Joel. He was around the six foot mark, so it was hard to avoid eye contact when we were eye level.

He could rival Joel in the muscle department, but I wasn't interested in the least. I never saw anyone but Joel. He'd invaded every part of my heart, and he just wouldn't let go.

"So you're single then?"


I hesitated, because I knew the moment I confirmed it, the intense pain would make my heart swell up and explode. I didn't need the constant reminders I was indeed alone. "Yes," I croaked out, the lump seeming to double in size in my throat. It felt like it was about to close.

Joel's face automatically flashed in my head, his eyes, his smile. I wondered what he was doing at this moment in time? Was he possibly thinking about me too? The most likely answer was he was out playing his single card.

Judging by the attention he was attracting on Facebook, he'd have women lined up for the next year and then some.

Tears filled my eyes at the very thought. I didn't think I'd ever let another guy lay his hands on me again. I'd probably become the more modern day version of Miss Havisham, stuck in time, never moving on. "Are you okay?" David asked. The concern in his voice threatened to unleash the tears that were quickly forming.

I blew out a long frustrated sigh. "Not really. I recently broke up with my boyfriend, and it's still all very raw and painful." I picked at the rim of the cup and took another swig, wincing as the potent liquid burned the back of my throat.

He frowned, staring awkwardly down at his cup. "Oh right, sorry to hear that, you want to talk about it?" He looked back up smiling reassuringly, but I was not exactly about to spill my guts to a complete stranger.

"No, I've done enough talking and moping around. I'm supposed to be enjoying myself." I finished off the last of the vodka, banging the cup down hard on the kitchen top.

"Well in that case, let me pour you another drink." He grinned, unscrewing the cap, and I smiled at his enthusiasm.

Maybe he wasn't so creepy after all?

Over the next hour we chatted some more. The drinks flowed, and my cup rarely ever became empty. I was slowly becoming wasted, and frankly I didn't care.

I welcomed the feeling of losing all control, unplugging my brain, and enjoying the exhilarating buzz filling my body.

Elijah walked back into the kitchen with an instant look of surprise on his face. "Hey, Iz, I thought you'd left." He walked straight over, putting a protective arm around my shoulders, eyeing David warily. "No, I'm having a really nice chat with " I paused trying to let my brain catch up to speed, but I couldn't for the life of me remember his name.

"David," he prompted chuckling.

I hiccupped rather loudly before giggling. "That's it-David. Elijah, meet my friend David," I slurred slightly. Elijah looked him over for a few moments before returning his eyes to me.

"I'm off now, Iz. Sam is meeting up with me soon. Do you want me to walk you home first?" He pulled me round to fully look at him, but I just giggled.

I was seeing two Elijahs.

David's arm wrapped around my shoulder, and I flinched slightly at the contact. "I'll walk her home, mate, you're okay," David bit out in a rather abrupt tone. Even I felt a prickle at the iciness in his voice. "Are you sure, Izzy?" Elijah asked, purposely ignoring David. He stared deep into my eyes silently questioning my decision.

I wasn't ready to leave and go back to my prison cell just yet. I hadn't felt this good in a long time. I didn't want to face the big come down just yet.

"I'll be fine, you go and enjoy some time with Sam." I smiled reassuringly. He hesitated slightly before quickly kissing me on the cheek.

He cupped my face with his hands, his eyes searching mine one last time. "Okay, sweetie, but if you need me call or text, you know I'll be there."

My eyes left Elijah's to find David glaring at him. I guess he was being a little overprotective. I shooed him away laughing. "Goodbye, Elijah. See you tomorrow. Say hi to Sam from me," I yelled, raising my glass to him.

"Laters, Iz," he answered, warily heading out the door. I could tell he was having an internal struggle to leave. He glanced back momentarily before disappearing out the door.

"So what do you say we really get this party started and do some shots. Are you ready for some tequila?" David asked grinning, cracking open the bottle, grabbing some glasses.

I swayed slightly as the room began to spin. "I think I'm just going to head outside for some fresh air." I grabbed the counter for support, feeling the sickness begin to take over. Oh god, this was not good.

He stood purposely in front of me blocking my way. "You're not going to leave me here drinking alone, are you?" He pouted as his hand rested lightly on my shoulder, squeezing it.

A surge of nausea rushed through me. "I don't think I can manage anymore." I wanted to be sick. I was only just managing to hold it back as it was.

"Just one for me, please." He pushed the glass into my hand, and I swallowed down the bile that was rapidly rising.

"Okay." I grimaced when the shot passed my lips, fighting to keep it down.

He threw back his in one go and slammed the glass hard on the counter. “Damn, that's good. Here, let me pour you another one.”

I put my hands up to protest. "No, I'm good-really," I pushed myself away, quickly swaying to the side.

He thrust the glass into my hand. "Here, one more for the road."

"Fine." I threw it back, but my body instantly protested. I lurched over the sink groaning.

Oh god, I felt dreadful.

I felt David come up behind me. He swept my hair to the side and softly stroked my back.

"I think I'm going to be sick," I choked out. My hand flew to my mouth, and my body lurched forward again. I felt his arms curve around me, pulling me back into him. "Hey, let's get you to the bathroom."

I leaned in against him, feeling his arms support me. He helped to keep me upright, guiding me up the stairs.

We rounded the corner. "Let's go in here." He directed me into the first room.

My head snapped up when I noticed the bed. "Where's the bathroom?" I asked confused, looking around. The effects of the alcohol were leaving me disorientated.

"You just needs to lie down for a while, and you'll feel better." He patted the bed smiling and held out his hand for me to join him.

"Okay." I wasn't in a position to protest. My head was spinning with all the drink, and I was back to seeing double. I just wanted to sleep.

I closed my eyes the moment my head touched the soft pillow. I sighed, feeling my body begin to relax. We lay together in silence, his fingers softly caressing and stroking my arm.

I felt myself go under, my body felt so heavy. The only sound was our gentle breaths rhythmically breathing together.

"Izzy, you are so beautiful," he whispered in my ear. The soft tickle against my skin made me flinch with surprise.

"Joel?" I breathed.

"No, baby, it's David." He gently stroked my face. I tasted his hot tequila breath when his lips gently pressed against mine. I let out a soft sigh, my thoughts automatically turning to Joel."You like that, baby?" he asked, gently biting my lip.

"Hmmmm, I've missed you, Joel, so, so much." I let out another sigh, quickly becoming enveloped in the darkness.☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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