Lustful Hearts

Chapter 28: Holiday- P1

The cool, gentle breeze swept through Joel's hair, and I smiled as he rhythmically drummed his fingers against the steering wheel in time to the beat of the song. It was a gruelling three and a half hour drive to Cornwall, but the hours only seem to melt away sitting next to Joel. I was mesmerised by him as he sang away.

The soft, silky tones of his voice hypnotising me with every note. The aviator sunglasses he was wearing only helped in winning him extra points in the sexy department. Every time he glanced over he flashed a smile, and it made my heart beat that little bit faster.

We held hands throughout. It was like we didn't want to break the connection of skin on skin. I chuckled each time he placed my hand on his thigh in between gear changes. I was almost certain by the end of this holiday we'd become so attached, we'd need to be surgically removed from each other.

I switched between different radio stations attempting to find a decent song. I burst out laughing the moment the music filled the car.

"What?" Joel asked, looking at me quizzically. His intrigue only made my laughter worse.

"Nothing." I snorted, still laughing. I pretended to look out the window as a distraction, watching row upon row of sheep flash by.

"Izzy." He squeezed my knee bringing my attention back to him. I knew he was waiting for me to look back around.

My eyes flashed to his, before quickly looking away. "No, you'll get even more big headed," I said, trying to conceal the humongous grin behind the cuff of my sleeve.

God, I had the worst poker face ever.

"Tell me," he pleaded and squeezed my knee harder. But his insistence only made my laughter worse.

"You just remind me of someone," I said eventually when my giggles subsided.

"Who? Someone cute?" he asked smiling, sliding his glasses down his nose. Our eyes locked together, and I could see the interest they held.

I rolled my eyes with the absurdity of his question. "Well duh!"

"Who?" The intrigue was building in his eyes as he patiently waited for my reply.

I bit my lip, deciding to wind him up a little. "Danny DeVito." I threw my head back and my whole body shook with laughter. That was brought to a halt when he hit the brakes, pulling over sharp into the layby. Oh, God.

The smile soon slipped from my face.

He spun around to look at me. "Tell me who, or I'll tickle it out of you." I could see he wasn't kidding. My eyes widened in horror when he unbuckled his seatbelt. He moved towards me with an amused glint in his eye.

I held my hands out as a protective shield. "Don't you dare," I yelled, releasing my own belt, pushing myself away from him. My fingers desperately clawed open the car door, but I barely had it open a few inches before he dragged me back inside. He pulled me tight up against him, and his breath tickled my face.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you the clue is in the song," I said smiling, stroking his face. I was hoping it was enough to appease him to keep those fingers at bay.

He scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. "Take my breath away? What Top Gun, Tom Cruise?" His face looked slightly bewildered.

"Yeah, Tom was hot in Top Gun. It's the aviator glasses and the smile that's killing me." I pretended to fan myself, but I actually did feel hot being close to Joel.

"So I'm turning you on?" He waggled his eyebrows suggestively and flashed a smile again making me melt further into the seat.

"Do you really need to ask?" I slowly slipped off his sunglasses to stare into those baby blue eyes of his.

I was losing it already.

They always had a way of hypnotising me so I had no control.

He pulled me in closer. "So do I take your breath away?" he asked, stroking his nose against mine, and I gasped lightly.

I grabbed his face with both hands. "Enough of the stupid questions and kiss me already." I pulled his lips down onto mine and moaned softly when our tongues caressed together, losing ourselves in the rest of the song.

After a few minutes he pulled away panting. "I'll take that as a yes then."


It was already dark when we pulled up outside. The soft glow of the streetlight gently highlighted the quaint features of the cottage. It was everything I imagined it to be, and it seemed unreal that this would to be our home for the next week.

I smiled at Joel, who was looking over seeking my approval. He needn't have worried, it was perfect. I leaned over kissing him, to show him my appreciation for his arranging such an amazing holiday. After unloading the car, we quickly acquainted ourselves with the cottage. After a quick meal we headed to bed, the exhaustion of all the travelling finally taking over.

The next morning I woke to an empty bed. My hand skimmed over the bunched up cold sheet beside me. I sat up quickly, momentarily confused by my surroundings, until it hit me we were in fact on holiday. I yawned loudly, stretching out my limbs.

I breathed in the delicious aroma that was beginning to filter through. My stomach growled loudly, I was more than ready for Joel's surprise. I heard his cursing getting louder, and I chuckled listening to him banging around in the kitchen at his attempt to make me breakfast in bed.

Joel walked through grinning moments later carrying a tray filled with scrambled eggs on toast and coffee. I smiled feeling overwhelmed by his kindness. Breakfast in bed was a rarity in my house, with my mother hating any form of mess.

"Hey, great timing, I thought I was going to have to wake you." He grinned at his words. I knew what kind of wake up call he had in mind. He placed the tray down onto the bed and handed me my coffee. "For madam," he said bowing.

I giggled at his act of chivalry. "Why thank you, kind sir. You are too generous." I took in a deep breath, and my head filled with the rich aroma. I took a sip, and it was heaven to my taste buds.

Joel climbed back into the bed, lifting the tray over. He placed the delicious feast down in front of us, but I couldn't help but notice the red mark on his hand.

"Hey, what happened to your hand?" I asked frowning, lifting his hand up gently examining it.

He tensed, pulling away slightly. "Ugh, burnt it on the hob." He pulled a face and tried to shrug it off but it looked nasty.

I jumped out of bed grabbing some antiseptic cream from my toiletry bag. "Here this should help it." I unscrewed the cap and watched in amusement when Joel's face turned to horror.

"No it's fine, I ran it under the cold tap." He took a mouthful of egg, concentrating on his breakfast. I knew he was trying to ignore me approaching with the cream.

"Joel, you need to put this on to stop it from getting infected."

His eyebrows pulled together in frustration. "But that stuff stings like hell." He scowled when I squirted some onto my finger and closed his eyes.

"I promise I'll be gentle." I spread the cream gently over the burn, feeling him tense slightly while he held my hand tightly. "There that wasn't too bad," I said, pressing my lips against his.

He frowned when I pulled away. "I think I need another kiss after that." He pouted and grinned when our lips once again became reacquainted, this time enjoying more of a deeper sensual kiss. "Now I feel better," he breathed, before snatching up his plate, quickly devouring the rest of his breakfast.

"So what do you fancy doing today?" Joel asked. He wrapped his arms around me, drawing me back into his chest. I let out a soft sigh when he began placing sweet, soft kisses down the side of my neck. While I tried to maintain some concentration, finishing off washing the last of the breakfast dishes.

The sun was shining brightly as I looked up into a perfect blue cloudless sky. I instantly knew where I wanted to go. "We could go have a wander. I want to go to the beach and find a shop to pick up some more supplies," I replied, turning around to face him.

He let out a huff of disappointment. "I knew you were going to say that." He turned his head to look out the window scowling almost like he was cursing the sun.

I pulled his face around so he was facing me. "Well, what do you want to do?"

"You know what I want to do." He began nuzzling my neck, his lips making me whimper with his touch. If he carried on like this we'd never leave the cottage. Ever.

"But I want to see the beach though, and it's such a nice day. It'd be a shame to waste it." I pouted, trying my hardest to change his mind.

He lifted his head to look at me, chuckling at my pouty lips. "Okay, you win this time." He kissed my nose gently. "You'll just have to make it up to me later." He grinned, and I rolled my eyes even though I secretly enjoyed that very idea.☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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