Lustful Hearts

Chapter 126: Gооdbуе - P2

"Hey, Iz, how are you?" he asked, looking slightly wary. Which was not like him at all but it was all out of concern. He knew it was my dad's last day and that he would be travelling back to Australia tonight. "I'm fine," I whispered, not feeling brave enough to say much more.

He enveloped me into a hug. "I know you're not, but chin up, sweetie, the last few hours should be filled with laughter not tears."

"I know."

"Hey Elijah, thought I heard your voice." My dad smiled, walking back through, he came over to shake his hand.

I could see that from the look on his face he had a soft spot for him, but then again Elijah could charm anyone.

Well, maybe not Joel.

"Hey Geoff, oh and here's my sweet little princess," Elijah squealed, getting all excited. My dad could only laugh at the stupid face he was now pulling.

He did go a little crazy when he saw Ruby, always a little dramatic to say the least.

Ruby struggled in my dad's arms ready to leap into Elijah's, loving all of the attention. She took after Elijah that way, and I almost grimaced at the thought of all the bad habits he was slowly passing on.

"So where's Mr sexy?" Elijah casually enquired smiling. He looked over at me innocently, but I knew exactly what was going on in those eyes.

I eyed him warily back. "He's upstairs changing." I watched a smile creep over his face at the very thought of a half-naked Joel. "Don't even think about it."

"Spoilsport." He poked out his tongue and narrowed his eyes in jest.

"For my eyes only," I warned, making my point known.

"One day, Iz, one day."


My dad looked on in complete amusement. I think he knew not to say a word as Elijah was liable to come out with anything in return. Staying schtum was always your safest option.

Joel walked down the stairs looking hot in just a T-shirt and jeans, it was a simple outfit, but boy did he fill it well. I didn't think I'd ever get used to that body of his, I'd always stare in wonder. Elijah too.

I dug him in the ribs and he grinned, annoying me even more.

"Looking hot, Joel, I was going to come up and give you a hand, but Iz stopped me."

My dad laughed as Joel rolled his eyes.


We all said goodbye to Ruby who seemed at ease to cuddle down on the sofa with Elijah to watch Beethoven. Elijah now had an addiction to dog films, thinking Ruby would be more at home watching her dog friends on the screen.

I was sure there was some kind of logic in there somewhere, I didn't even try to question it.

We walked for a short while, heading towards our favourite café bar. We decided on sitting outside as the day was still gloriously warm, so we took good of the weather while we could.

Of course my dad was used to sun for the majority of the year, this was just the norm to him.

After ordering the drinks and a round of cakes, my dad proceeded to fill Joel in on all my silly little traits when I was younger.

Oh, the embarrassment.

Joel already knew about my unhealthy addiction to books stemmed back from quite a young age, but seriously a girl did not need reminding of her childhood quirks.

Those should remain permanently buried, but thanks to my loose-lipped dad, they were all gloriously being regaled to a more than enthusiastic Joel.

"Do you know what Izzy's favourite nursery rhyme was, Joel?"

Oh, for the love of god, no.

"What?" Joel asked, enjoying my look of annoyance.


My dad quickly cut me off, avoiding my glare, continuing with the story. "Well she used to be frightened of spiders, wouldn't go near them, so I had to come up with a way of helping her with her phobia." S

"Dad, I don't think-"

"Oh, but I do," Joel chimed in, smirking at my beetroot like face.

Talk about embarrassing.

"And how did you do that, Geoff?" Joel asked, looking smug to try to wind me up.

"Well to make her less afraid of spiders I changed it to Izzy Wincy."

Oh the complete shame.

"Aww, that's adorable," Joel remarked, and I kicked him in the shin.

More like bloody embarrassing.

He flinched slightly, but I'd made little impact as he continued to laugh at my mortified face. I glared at my dad. He really needed to keep a lid on things.

I was just about keeping it together, anymore little tidbits of information and my embarrassment would be through the roof.

I was grateful when our cake arrived, quickly shoving a piece in Joel's mouth before he asked anymore embarrassing questions.

We devoured every single crumb and I sighed, feeling myself slowly fall into a cake coma.

Joel grabbed my hand, Дuickly

licking off the cream. It really was a

good job my dad had taken that

opportunity to go to the toilet. My

cheeks flushed even more when his

tongue brushed along my skin.

"You taste so sweet, baby." His tongue quickly licked up the remains before he pulled me over into a long, hard kiss.

"Mmm, you taste of brownie, I like it," he breathed in between kisses.

I giggled, trying to catch my breath. "We should take some of their chocolate mousse home for later, you know when we get a little peckish." I had been eyeing up the little pots at the counter earlier on.

I couldn't quite keep the smile from my face watching Joel's eyes light up at my little suggestion. Of course his mind automatically went towards the obvious causing a flush to my cheeks.

"Hmm, what will we be doing to work up an appetite?" He quirked his brow and my blush deepened, this was not what I needed when my dad was about to return any moment.

"Oh you know. . ." I motioned with my eyes, and he smirked at the fact I could barely say the words out loud in public."

"Have we got cream?" Joel asked seductively. I bit my lip, and his eyes zeroed in as I softly nodded my head in reply.

"Well, that's dessert sorted then for later. No plates required, I'll be eating mine off you."

Oh god.

My insides clenched in delight.

Joel chuckled at my red face. I was pretty sure you could fry an egg on it right now.

He leaned over to me, his lips brushing against my ear so only I would hear. "I love your sexy blush. You're turning me on right now, makes me think about how you look after we—" "Hey, what are you kids busy talking about?" my dad yelled, and we sprang apart.

Oh shit, caught in the act.

I felt my blush deepen, he retook his seat and eyed me warily.

"Izzy love, I think you may have caught the sun, your face is awful red. Move 'round into the shade, don't want you burning."

Joel chuckled at my dad's words, his hand cupping my face. "Yeah, you look a little flushed, maybe you do need to move away so you can cool off."

I pursed my lips at him, it was his mouth that got me into this state. So moving as far away from those lips was the only advisable thing right now.

I needed to be at a safe distance if I was to survive the rest of the afternoon.

We had another refill and then headed back home, relieving Elijah of his babysitting duties. But after a whole lot of whining on his part we let Ruby go stay with him, anything for a quiet life.

She happily trotted off with barely a backward glance, leaving me feeling slightly miffed. But at least it took my mind off other things for a short time.☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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