Lustful Hearts

Chapter 121: Family At Lаѕt - P2

For most people when their family drag out photo albums it's the most cringe worthy thing in the world, having people look over your embarrassing baby pictures. But for Joel it was that part of his childhood he'd never had.

When he was old enough to look through photographs, they had disappeared along with the rest of his mother's things, hidden by the selfishness of his own dad.

So today was an exception, it was like piecing together parts of Joel's life that had been left with a gaping hole after the death of his mother.

He was sat in between Bill and Joan as they poured over endless baby photos of him and his mother together. He remained silent throughout, just staring in complete awe at the beautiful pictures of them both together.

It was a lot to take in, and I could see he was overwhelmed by it all. I caught him swiping away a tear every now and then.

I was sat in the chair opposite just quietly observing, stroking Ruby as Bill and Joan told him endless tales about his mother's wild antics growing up, and how she changed the moment Joel was born.

How she then turned into a mother that was so fiercely protective of her child, but we knew that already. Tears filled my eyes and my heart ached, wishing she could have still been around today to see the son she adored and loved before her.

I made my excuses and left to go to the bathroom and sobbed, crying for every second he had lost of her love growing up.

After several minutes and several splashes of water to the face, I retreated to the kitchen to make sandwiches and a fresh round of tea.

"Hey, what are you doing in here?" Joel asked, stood looking anxious in the doorway while I busied myself buttering the bread.

"Well, I've got to keep the guests happy, and I know your stomach won't be far off rumbling." I tried to make a joke lightening the mood, but I knew he wasn't quite convinced.

He walked over, lifting my chin, scrutinising my face. "Have you been crying?" he asked softly, his eyes looked pained to see me like this.

I playfully batted his fingers away, quickly turning around. "No, it's my hay fever playing up again. I was out in the garden before and forgot to take my tablets." I threw over my shoulder hoping he'd buy the lie. He pulled me back into his chest, his arms wrapped around my front as he buried his face into my hair. "Intense day, huh?"

I chuckled softly. "You could say that."

"Thank you for everything," he whispered, pressing a kiss against my hair. My eyes were brimming with tears that I didn't want him to see.

I squeezed his hand gently in a silent reply. "I think you need to go back in and entertain our guests."

"Oh, trust me, Ruby's doing a fine job, you know how she is loving being the center of attention."

"Oh doesn't she just." But I loved how she was a mood breaker, helping to lighten the day with her sweet little antics.

"Remember the chocolate cake," Joel reminded me as I rolled my eyes.

Him and his sweet tooth.

"I know, Joel. I'm surprised it's still there, and you haven't demolished it already."

"Trust me I thought about it, but I need to maintain my physique to keep my sexy girl happy."

"Oh well she must mean a lot to you to forgo your chocolate addiction, huh?"

"She means the world to me."

"Lucky girl," I added, smiling at the joke.

"No, I think I'm the lucky one." He turned me around to face him, quickly pressing his lips against mine. I moaned my approval and pulled him in tighter as we both got lost in the moment. I pulled back with a smile only to find Joel's eyes locked on the chocolate cake.

"Joel." I batted his chest playfully and a smile stretched across his face. "A guy has other needs too." He winked before lifting up the tray.

"Try to let our guests have at least one piece."

"I'm not promising anything." He chuckled, walking through with the tray overloaded with sandwiches and cake that he and Bill would soon demolish.

The next few hours flew by and after many pots of tea and slices of cake, I think we had officially worn out Bill and Joan as they began to pack away their things ready to leave.

"We have this for you, Joel," Joan said, pressing the square present into his hands. "Open it when you're ready."

Joel smiled silently nodding, bending down to let Joan kiss his cheek. "Thanks, Joan." He softly smiled, but her face frowned slightly.

"I know it might be too soon, but when you were little and used to visit with your mum, you would always call me Nan, it's just been so long... sorry, I'm being silly of course you won't want to."

"Hey," Joel soothed, drawing her into a hug. "I would love to. I remember being so jealous of all the other kids at school, they had everything I didn't... so yes, I want to. Thanks for today, Nan." Joan softly cried into his chest, eventually pulling away, touching his face softly as he closed his eyes.

"I see so much of Linda in you, at

first it was your eyes, they are the exact shape and colour, it's almost like seeing my daughter again. But spending time with you, you have the same caring nature, the way you smile and move it's like so much of her lives on in you. Today has been a good day."

She patted his cheek lightly and he smiled, holding her hand. They held each other's gaze for a moment longer before Bill moved in for a hug.

"Now I'm not much of a hugger, but with you I'll make the exception. It's been too long and as your Nan says

today has been a good day. One always remember, and if we're talking about names I'd like to be your Gramps again."

Joel shook his head in agreement; emotion taking over that he wasn't quite ready to speak just yet.

"You know you could stay here? We have the room, you could cancel the hotel," I offered, feeling bad they were leaving when we had the extra room to accommodate them.

Bill smiled, pulling me into a hug. "Darling, we wouldn't want to impose. You young ones need your space, we should know, we were young once too." He gave Joan a wink, and she blushed.


"Joel, if you ever need any tips I have valuable information to pass on that will help you out of those sticky situations." Bill winked at him. Oh yes, there was no mistaking they were definitely related. "Bill, stop corrupting the boy," Joan scolded, rolling her eyes smiling at me. I could tell she was equally enjoying the banter while trying to rein Bill in.

"I think they're like two peas in a pod," I remarked, smiling at the two men stood before me.

"Couldn't agree more." Bill grinned

and patted Joel on the back.

"Couldn't be any prouder. We're here for the next few days if you want to

meet up?" He hesitated, looking

unsure, but Joel quickly smiled back.

"Would love to show you my local and where I work. First one is on the house."

Bill's face broke out into one almighty grin. "Now you're talking. Right, best be going, give your old Nan a kiss."

Joel smiled, bending down as she pulled him in for a hug, placing a soft kiss on his cheek. "My beautiful boy."

Joel blushed as he stood up, and then I was quickly dragged into a hug with an equal share of kisses. I stepped back, feeling slightly overwhelmed. Joel walked them both down the path while I tended to Ruby

I was just beginning to tidy up when Joel came back in, I'd barely got any words out before his mouth sought out mine, and he lifted me into his arms.

Ruby barked beside us as I laughed in confusion. "Joel . . . what are you doing?

"I'm taking you upstairs."

"But what about Ruby?" Who was now halfway climbing up Joel's leg to get at us, he sighed, dropping me down.

"Pick her up, she can come too." She more than eagerly leapt into my arms as Joel lifted me back up, making our way up the stairs to our room.☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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