Lustful Hearts

Chapter 109: Bіrthdау Surрrіѕе? - P1

I pouted watching Joel just fresh from the shower, his eyes flicked over my face in amusement, but I was not impressed.

"Baby, I have to work, as much as I would love to stay in bed with you right now, I have to go." He ran his hands through his wet hair in obvious frustration.

"But it's my birthday, why the hell do you have to work exactly, surely someone else could cover?" I whined, still astounded by the fact he hadn't even tried to get the day off. "I told you I tried and no one could." I watched in annoyance when he pulled on the T-shirt covering those glorious abs.

What a waste!

"Hey." He sat down, pulling me into a hug, his teeth nibbling along my earlobe. I was literally close to tears.

Not that he hadn't spoilt me already, three times this morning and breakfast in bed was an amazing birthday treat. I just hated going through the majority of the day without him.

He moved away, stroking my face soothingly. "What time is Elijah coming over?"

My eyes flicked to the clock beside me. "In an hour," I huffed. Joel's hug had done nothing to placate my mood.

He stood up, grabbing his watch and quickly snapped it on. "Well, the birthday girl had better get ready."

His eyes widened as I deliberately dropped the sheet, in the tiniest hope of changing his mind, his eyes instantly heated.

Ahh, gotcha!

He shook his head, quickly diverting his attention elsewhere. Oh crap! In two strides he was in front of me, pressing a quick kiss against my lips. He quickly took off, leaving me stunned and sat in complete silence.

An hour later, a well-groomed Elijah knocked at my door. After Joel had left, I had showered and pulled on a short, purple strapless summer dress, the dark chocolate of my hair complementing the rich material.

After adding some jewellery, I quickly blew out my hair, adding a few soft waves before finally spritzing. Elijah had taught me well.

I put on a little makeup, but my face already held a natural glow. Adding a little lip-gloss, I smiled hearing his familiar knock.

"Wow Iz, the birthday girl is looking beautiful on her big day."

I tried to take the compliment graciously as he drew him into a hug. I breathed in his delicious scent, stepping back taking him all in.

"Well, you are looking mighty fine too," I said, admiring the full extent of his attire. He had on a matching shirt and tie in a rich royal blue, finished off with black trousers and highly polished shoes. Very smart indeed.

"Well, we're going for lunch so I had to make the effort, can't let the birthday girl grab all the attention." He stuck out his tongue, and I shoved him playfully. He handed over my present and card as we walked back in.

Peeling back the paper, I gasped in shock, opening the black jewellery box and stared at the exquisite silver butterfly necklace. It was beautiful. I touched the delicate metal, taking in all the fine detail. "I love it," I whispered, and Elijah smiled at my response. He always did buy amazing gifts.

"I knew the moment I saw it. I said to Sam when we found it in a little boutique that it was destined for your dainty little neck."

I unclipped my own necklace while Elijah reached around and secured it around my neck. I walked over to the mirror, admiring its beauty.

Elijah came and wrapped his arms around me, kissing my shoulder. "A beautiful necklace for a beautiful lady," he whispered, and my cheeks heated at his words. He spun me 'round to face him. "It's true, I just wish you would see it, maybe one day you will." His fingers gently stroked the curve of my cheek, placing a soft, sweet kiss in my hair. "Now then, are we ready to do lunch?"

My stomach rumbled, and Elijah grinned. After barely leaving the bed all morning, I had certainly worked up an appetite. But my body never stopped craving Joel.

"I think that's a yes, have you been too occupied with other things to eat?"

I slapped his arm in embarrassment, his face lit up telling him my blush was all he needed to know.

We strolled out into the midday sun, my arm linked with his as he walked me out to his car.

Ten minutes later, we were sat in a beautiful, old style tea room where Elijah ordered two traditional English teas. I smiled in delight; I was in heaven.

After placing down the various delicious treats the waitress walked away, leaving us both grinning as our eyes flicked over the various cakes arranged on the stand.

"I love how you know me so well." I smiled, biting deep into the dainty tuna and cucumber sandwich. Within three bites it was gone, and I quickly helped myself to another.

"Sweetie, I do, we are cake soul mates." He winked. "Speaking of which, let's celebrate." He lifted up two giant scones, placing one down on my plate. My finger swiped against the rich clotted cream and a groan left me the moment it exploded on my taste buds.

"Oh I've died and gone to carb heaven." Elijah moaned too, taking a big bite of his scone. I had to agree. The mixture of sweet cream against the tart jam was exquisite. It didn't take long before we'd mopped up every crumb.

Pouring us another round of tea, I sighed, feeling contentedly full. Though I knew within moments, I'd be squeezing in the Victoria sponge that was now cheekily catching my attention.

"So what has Joel got arranged for you today?" Elijah enquired, his eyes narrowing the moment my face dropped.

"He's working till six, so I don't know maybe a meal?" I shrugged, I was quite in the dark when it came to Joel's plans for today. "He said he'd give me my birthday present later."

"Ooh, wonder what he has in store, maybe a ring?" He clapped his hands in glee while I rolled my eyes at his over the top enthusiasm.

"Elijah, not every gift is a ring." He was convinced Joel was going to ask me to marry him. I had just turned twenty, which was still young but I knew in my heart there would never be anyone else. I subconsciously rubbed my ring finger.

What if that was his intention?

"You know me, Iz, I want real life to be like films. I know Sam is it for me, I'd marry him in a heartbeat." He sighed, dropping his eyes down to the table as a look of doubt crossed his face. "Hey." I grabbed his hand, squeezing it lightly. "He is head over heels in love with you. I see how fiercely he loves you in his eyes. You are perfect for each other. It will happen one day." "You think?" he asked, still looking a little unsure. "I've played the field and know now Sam is all I'll ever want. I want a future with him; I want kids, a dog, the whole shebang."

I smiled softly, still holding his hand. "And you'll get it, and just think how much money you'll save planning your own wedding, it will be perfect, just like you."

"Yeah, it will." He smiled and I chuckled, the old Elijah was definitely back. "Speaking of which when Joel does pop the question, I hope you know I'm going to be the wedding planner for yours." "Errr, well."

"No, sweetie, it will be my gift to you. You'll be stress free as I'll plan it all."

Stress free?

I'd probably be more stressed with him doing the planning. I slightly hoped the wedding would be years from now so we could try to forget this little agreement. I was sure Joel would be less than thrilled when I eventually had to tell him.

"Oh well yeah, that sounds great, thanks for your generous offer."

"Like anyone else would be in the frame. I'll be covering all your future events, wedding, christenings, birthdays."

Oh god. Wait till I give Joel the good news.

"Oh wow," was all I could choke out. Elijah confused it with emotion and squeezed my hand, I nodded in reply, there were literally no words.

"Now would madam like another cake?" He offered me the Victoria sponge I had previously been staring it. I smiled nodding, enjoying all its rich, spongy, creamy goodness-it was heaven.

Elijah paid not long after. It was after two, he looked at his watch like he had somewhere he needed to be.

"Elijah?" I asked. "Is there somewhere you need to go?" I didn't want to hold him back, I'd just give my mother a quick ring and spend some time there.

He finished tapping out his text, and within a few moments he got a reply back and smiled.

"What? No, I'm hanging out with the birthday girl."

In the next moment my text alert went off, I quickly checked my phone to see it was from Joel asking to stop off at the pub to collect some cards.

I was guessing they were from all the staff. I tried to cheer myself up, but seeing him working would only rub it in even more.

When we reached the entrance, Elijah pulled me to the side. "Wait here, Iz, I just need to send Sam a text."

"I'll just go in, you can catch up." I made to walk forward when Joel strolled out smiling.00000000000

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