
Chapter CHAPTER 13

Chapter 13: In His House 

Chapter Thirteen: in His House 

The miste pull is becoming strong, I was never the possessive type but fr some reason, I picture him with another she wolf angered me. 

En you guys got into your fair share of trouble, right? I asked Liam, he chuckled. 

Yes, we did. There was this one time when we were younger his father was out of town with some of the elders in the Pack. Bernard was left in charge and he organized a party thinking we had three days to chan whatever mess we made. We maxed out his father’s card and we basically trashed the mansion and we snuck into his father’s private Stash of alcohol and finished every last drop.” He uttered. 

Really?” I chuckled 

“You guys really did that?” 

“Yes.” He laughed 

“We thought we had time to replace everything before his father came but then he ended up coming back a day early. And since then, Bernard never threw another party.” 

I can’t imagine Bernard as the party boy type, He seemed too serious to be one, I muttered and Liam grinned. 

“He calmed down once he assumed the responsibility of an Alpha. A lot of people depends on him and he couldn’t keep parting and messing with girls every weekend when the whole Pack needed his attention so he grew up and we all had to.” 

“Does that include Nicholas?‘ I murmured to myself but he heard it. 

“Yes, it actually does. He wasn’t always like this.” He responded. 

“I didn’t mean to say that,” I cleared my throat. 

“It is fine.” He waved it off. 

“Nicholas wasn’t always like this, he was different when we were younger and he was more carefree and didn’t care much about the rules and regulations. But then, after we graduate from high school and Bernard takes over as the Alpha of this Pack, he changed drastically,” He explained. 

“But how so?” I asked, he kept quiet for a moment as he wheeled me down the path towards a mansion that stood off to the side on its own. We were almost there. 

He started to make everything a competition. He always wanted to be the fastest, the strongest and the smartest. It was like he wanted to outdo Bernard and me. I don’t know what point he was trying to prove but eventually that was what led to our falling out.” 

“It is strange to see Alpha and his Beta not too close, Usually, Alphas and their Betas are the best of friends but with Bernard and Nicholas, it is the exact opposite. It is like there is silent tension between the two.” I said to him and I heard him sighed. 

“Well, that is because Nicholas wasn’t meant to be Beta but me,” He said, I turned my neck around to look up to him. What did he mean, he was meant to be Beta? If he was a Beta, why was he a doctor? He looked at me with his purple eyes. 

“I know what you are thinking. Why am I a doctor if I could have had the position of Beta?” I nodded. 

I never wanted to be Beta even as a child, I knew that the position was not for me, my father tried so many times to convince me that it 


Chapter 13: In His House 

was my destiny to be second to Bernard. It was in our blood to be Reta for a moment t was about to take the position but… 

What happened?‘ I asked. 

There had been a beach on the north borderline near the lake where 

any of us hung out during the summer. There was a rogue attack, 

a girl named Comfort was attacked by the rogues before the patrol wolves came for rescue,” 

Was she hurt?” I asked and he nodded. His eyes were now looking forward and I could see the sadness that overtook his gaze as his mind went back to that day. 

“Yes, she got hurt very badly. The rogue bit right through her leg and riptured an artery which caused her to bleed profusely. Before the doctors arrived, she had already lost a lot of blood which would have chised her death.” 

Did she die?” I asked. 

“No, I was about to save her. I had taken a course in emergency first aid at the beginning of that summer, just out of curiosity’s sake. I never thought that I would ever put those skills into practice for something like that. If I hadn’t acted that day, Comfort would have died and our Pack doctors would have never met his mate that day. 

“What? Comfort was a doctor’s mate?” I asked out of shock and he nodded glancing at me. 

“Yes, if she had died that day, her mate would never have found her but luckily that didn’t happen. Fate had another plan for them. They are married now with three children and one more on the way.” He responded. 

“Wow, Liam. What you did was amazing.” I was completely shocked. 

“I just did what needed to be done and that was to say I decided I could do more good as a doctor than as a Beta. My place was not on the battlefield or behind a desk figuring out budget plans for the Pack, my place is in that hospital saving lives.” 

“So, how did Nicholas become the Beta?” I asked. 

“Bernard needed a Beta since I was training to be a doctor and he chose Nicholas. He may be an asshole but he is still one of the best warriors we have in this Pack.” He responded and I nodded. I guess it all made sense now, I was suspicious of Nicholas but now I understood why he and Bernard seemed to be like two opposing forces. 

“Not many people would have given up such a high ranking role so easily.” He looked at me again for a moment and then winked. 

“It is a good thing that I am not like most people then.” He wheeled me the rest of the way to the house that was on the edge of the compound. Unlike the rest of the house that had a more suburban feel to them, this one was larger and had a contemporary modern aesthetic. 

“You said he lives alone?” I asked, looking at the sheer size of the house. It seemed big enough to fit at least fifteen people. 

Liam wheeled me into the house, the front door was left open for us. I expected the house to feel somehow cold and museum–like. I always thought of a big house as being austere and uninviting but Bernard’s mansion was the exact opposite of that. Hardwood covered the floors and the walls were painted with a warm pale yellow colour that added to the aesthetic of the overall space. A sparkling chandelier hung from above and pictured the painting lines on the walls along the stairs that lead to the second floor. 

Liam wheeled me down the hallway towards what I presumed would be my room. As we reached the last door, he opened the door revealing my new living room. It wasn’t anything grand but it was still a nice room. A double bed was in the middle of the room and a small desk was set to the side with a black reading lamp on top of it. There was a dresser close to the door and what looked like a clothes hamper in the corner. 

“I know this is not much but I can’t carry you upstairs now so you will have to stay in this guest room for the time being.” Liam said. 

“It is okay.” I replied with a smile. 


Chapter 13: In His House 

“This is more than fine, really.“1 added. It was certainly a huge upgrade from the caves and tree trunks I had become accustomed to over 

the years. 

“If you say so then. Let us get you settled, shall we?” He walked around the wheelchair and helped me to my feet. We walked to the bed so he could lay me down and then he started to do another checkup before he would leave me alone. 

I looked out the window and saw the moon slowly beginning to show as the sky darkened. 

“Oh, moon goddess, what have you gotten me into?” I thought to myself. 

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