Luna On The Run - I Stole The Alphas Son

Luna On The Run – I Stole The Alpha’s Sons Chapter 79

Alpha on the hunt Chapter 3
I step out of his grasp, changing the subject back to Alpha Cane wanting to know more about the new alphas and what I’ m up
against. Axton tugs me back to him. “Promise me, you’ll stay away from Osiris, forget everything else Elena, he is bad news. If
you promise me anything, promise me this.”
“I don’t owe you any promises, Axton.” He grits his teeth and looks away from me. “But I promise I will stay away from Osiris,” I
tell him, and he lets out a breath and nods once.
“What did he do?” I ask him, I can see his genuine.concern regarding that Alpha, yet he has given no explanations.
“I think he killed his father. But there is more. I just have no way to prove it.” his eyes flicker to Khan briefly with his mood shift.
Lexa tugs at me, the mate bond enticing me to move closer to our mate the moment Khan breaches Axton’s surface, yet her
brain doesn’t seem to be as badly affected by his presence as it is for me, maybe because I am in this form and not hers. But
either way lately I have been at constant war with what the bond keeps demanding now he has marked me and what rationality
“We need to go, Elena.” She reminds me.
“So Alpha Cane, how do you know so much about him?” Axton shrugs, letting me go but grabbing my hand, he presses the
button on the lights for the crossing and we wait for the lights to change.
“I am capable of crossing a road by myself.” I tell him, trying to jerk my hand from his grasp. His grip tightens and he leans down
a little.
“You’re about to run from me again, it won’t kill you to hold my hand. Besides right now I know Osiris will be watching on the
cameras. It is best to look like a united front, despite the shit storm you created for me in the council chambers.” he tells me. My
eyes move to the club roof to see the little dome surveillance camera attached to the cladding.
I sigh and pull my hand away. Axton growls at me, but I ignore him, stepping closer to him and wrapping my arm around
Axton drapes his arm across my shoulders tugging me closer and pressing his lips to my temple. He chuckles. “Wow, I would
have settled with you holding my hand.” he whispers next to my ear then laughs.

“United front remember, I am capable of acting the part.” I tell him, he better not be lying but something tells me Osiris really is
“What if I don’t want you to act the part.”
“No, you want to make me your bitch and steal my packs.”
“Joined packs are an added bonus, but that is not what I want from you, Elena.”
I say nothing to his words, knowing a lot of the time, what he says and what he means are two separate things. His actions
speak volumes, he may be semi-decent now but I haven’t forgotten his threat back at the council or when he found us.
The buzzer goes off and we cross the road. “You never answered about Alpha Cane?” I remind him, changing the subject away
from his constant mixed signals, it makes me wonder which side of him I am dealing with now, the man’s personality changes
faster than I can shift.
“You’d think with his multiple personalities we would have found one we actually like by now!” Lexa huffs.
“Let me know if you do find one that is tolerable, his personality shifts are giving me whiplash.” I tell her.
“Be like trying to find a rainbow pig with wings and a unicorn horn that farts confetti. Impossible!” she retorts.
“He’s being okayish now.”
“He is probably waiting for us to get close enough to his car so he can stuff us in his trunk, and whisk us off to this basement he
is so fond of locking us in.”
“That won’t happen, I won’t allow it.”
“Yeah, because I will bite if he does!” she growls wandering off when Axton speaks finally answering the question I have
repeated a couple of times now.
“Cane’s father was an abusive alcoholic, we went to the same highschool, his brother was a dick just like his father. For a while
we were friends, still are, we just lost contact over the years, he moved to live with humans not long after his father and brother
moved to this city.”
“So that’s how you know him? Cane is from your old city?” Axton nods.

“Yes, but that’s not how I know him, I know him from the pits. His father used to run underground fights through one of my
father’s clubs, if he lost his father would beat the shit out of him. Lyle was one of my father’s friends, Eli and I cleaned him up a
few times before my grandfather reported the club’s underground facilities which in turn had my grandfather banished from the
pack for a while. But he got it shut down, temporarily at least.”
“Your grandfather reported his own son’s club?”
“Yep, Cane wasn’t the only one that used to be forced into the pits, my father said I was too soft, that my mother pampered me
too much.”
“So when did your grandfather come back?”
“After dad went bankrupt, he wanted my grandfather’s money to bail him out, but he left it all to me and my mother. Mum
demanded he be allowed to return.”Axton tells me while leading through the car park.
“And he listened to her?”
“He had no choice, eventually she signed everything into my name. Mom refused to give her half to my father, knowing he would
have control. The moment she signed everything to me, he killed her for it.” Axton tells me as we stop next to my car. Axton lets
me go and takes a step away from me while I rummage through my bag for my keys.
“Hold this.” I thrust the folders I have toward him and he takes them while I dig for the damn keys. Axton however decides to flick
through the pages.
“Are you really going to get your father to submit to you?”
“That’s the plan.”
“He won’t like that, his pack is loyal to him.”
“Yes, but he won’t have a choice soon.” I tell him.
“What do you mean?”
“He’ll submit.” Is all I tell him, not wanting to give away all my
plans especially to a rival alpha. Axton certainly didn’t need any more ammo to use against me.

He closes it and sighs. “You know I can help you, right?”
“And what would the price be for your help, Axton? I don’t need it or want it.”
“Well, you know where I am if you do want it!” I glance at him, finally finding my keys and he hands me back my folders.

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