Luna On The Run - I Stole The Alphas Son

Luna On The Run – I Stole The Alpha’s Sons Chapter 67

Read Luna on The Run – I Stole The Alpha’s Sons Chapter 67
However, I have known Marco for a few years. He helped with all the paperwork of my father’s will and also the transfer for my
takeover since I was under investigation for his murder at the time. Most pack takeovers are either handed down or challenged
for, but each city lives by its own rules. Unfortu- nately, the last city where we lived in, challenges were public events, so I came
under hot water for killing my father. Marco helped me with that.
He is also the one helping me with the extension of the city. I’m looking to purchase the surrounding land all the way to the
mountains, and the red tape was a pain in the ass to ac- quire Supernatural council land and human towns.
“Axton.” Marco nods, pulling out the chair beside me. “Stupid thing, it’s broken. Says my fingerprint isn’t reading.” Derrick snaps
in frustration, bringing everyone’s attention to him.
“Eli, go look at it for him.” Eli huffs, but Derrick slides it over. “For now, read off Thomas’s.” I tell him.
We go over the recent attacks for the next three hours be- fore stopping for a break and returning.
When we do, we move on to the development of the city. Bringing up the maps, Marco takes down the list of surround- ing towns
and the map locations.
“You can’t purchase that area,” he says, tapping the
“What, why not?” I ask him.
“Privately owned.” he shrugs.
“By who,” I demand. Great, this is just what I need.
“A new pack. The paperwork went in yesterday.” Marco tells me, highlighting the next part.
“A new pack?” I ask him, feeling that we now had every- one’s attention. “You know they have a week of anonymity,” Marco
answers, but I knew if a new pack registered, he would know who they are. That was his job in the council.

“The land has always been privately owned. It just trans- ferred hands to the Alpha. That is all I can tell you.” Marco tells me. “I
need that land,” I tell him, knowing we already had plans for it.
“Well, in a week, you can go speak with the Alpha.”
“You’re seriously not going to tell me which pack moved here?” I snarl at him, and even Khan comes forward, knowing how close
this new pack is to the borders. Marco shrugs.
“We are friends, Axton, so I can assure you it is not a rival pack to yours but a new one.”
“Can you at least give me the pack name, anything?” Mar- co shakes his head.
“So what? You’re seriously going to make us wait a week before we find out who the new Alpha is?”
“Yep.” Marco answers, smiling, showing off a little of his fangs. He was never one to hide them, proudly vampire, though I could
see he got a few nervous glances from the others.
“We can just go out there and meet him. Nothing stop- ping us from paying a visit.” Eli nudges me. Marco chuckles.
“Yeah, he’s a top guy. Met him a few days back. Think you’ll like him.” Marco laughs. I raise an eyebrow at him.
“It’s not working, Eli,” Derrick snaps, tossing the tablet onto the desk. Eli sighs, scooping it up. He looks over the screen, and I
glance over his shoulder. The tablet says it can’t identify him or his registration number.
“Can’t you override it?” Derrick snaps at me. With a growl, I drop back in my seat and snatch my own tablet. Logging into the
members’ portal, I move to override his login when I snort. The system was automatic, yet I was not even prepared for what I
Marco leans across, looking at the portal while I try not to laugh at Derrick, who is watching us impatiently to fix his
“Well, that explains why he can’t get in. He no longer has authority.” Marco says, pinching the screen and opening his fingers to
zoom in.
“Can I override it. I don’t know what Louise is playing at. But this had her name all over it.”
“Not unless she signs it back.”

“What are you talking about?” Derrick demands. Blinking, I look up at him.
“Your signature is verified for automation with the council. And fingerprint?”
“Of course it. Well, you stuffed up your forms some- where.” Marco tells him, pulling up the document of transfer.
“What are you talking about?”
“You don’t have access because the pack decision no longer belongs to you,” I tell him.
“Excuse me?” Derrick sits up straighter.
“According to this, you have handed the pack over to your daughter, Elena Hale.”
“I have done no such thing!” Derrick roars, reaching over and snatching the tablet.
“Why does that name sound so familiar to me?” Marco wonders. “My mate, the one that ran,” I answer him.
“Oh, the sex tape, right,” Marco says offhandedly. “Wait.” I look at Marco, and he blinks at me.
“What?” I ask him.
“Nothing, I just remembered something unrelated, of course.” Marco says, and I shake my head while he scratches
his chin.
“This bullshit, I never fucking signed this!” Derrick roars. “This is a setup, she can’t run a pack, she is a fucking woman!” Derrick
bellows. “Fix it! Fix it now!” he demands.
Sighing, I shake my head, knowing I can’t. I can override the passwords or add new council members, but I can’t change pack
ownership. No, that was Marco’s job, but since Louise cunningly did it online, it verified him by his device and verification
identification. All Elena has to do is accept the
ownership. So unless Derrick fights it in the courts or gets her to hand it back, he no longer has a say. Although, he would have a
fight on his hands because I doubt Louise and Elena will admit to the courts they forged it. “You’ll need Elena’s sig- nature to sign
it over.” I tell him.
“But I never signed this!”

“Well, according to this, you used your main computer, fingerprint, and signature,” I tell him after snatching my tablet back.
“She forged it.”
“And your fingerprint?”
“Also forged!” I shrug. He would have to find some way to prove that.
“I am still Alpha.”
“Just not on the paperwork,” I add and with a laugh.
Derrick huffs like a raging bull at my words. “I am ALPHA” he snaps, his face turning red in his anger, and he thumps the table
with his fist.
“Yes, unless Elena comes back and asks them to submit,” Eli tells them.
Derrick growls, and his hand’s fist at his sides. “They would never! I would fucking kill anyone who dares try.” he snarls, storming
Eli shrugs and folds his arm across his chest beside me, finding all this amusing. “I guess Elena got her wish then,” Eli chuckles.
Yep, seems Elena is to be the first-ever female Alpha, at least on paperwork anyway, and I would love to see the look on her
face when her mother tells her she owns her father’s pack. But for now, I needed to figure out who this new Alpha is and
convince them to sell their land to me while also figur- ing out this vampire situation.

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