Luck is a Charm

Chapter 59: Undercurrent

As Zhen continues to train inside the mysterious space with Cecilia's guidance, the town is now in complete turmoil.

With the rising activity of the magical beasts and many adventurers and mercenaries reporting about a large sighting of gathering beasts, the City Lord is in a headache.

"This is troublesome and we're receiving no assistance from the Swift Feather Kingdom." Jason Flare said to the others.

"Indeed, they're a bunch of selfish bastards that care about their own profit. They wouldn't spend their resources for this town and are waiting for us to fall into disaster." Peter Lar responds as he is powerless in this situation.

Although they have many adventurers and mercenaries at their command, they were all below average. They couldn't even do one on one against a magical beast.

"It'll be better if John was still here but he had to leave the town because of his daughter's acceptance into the academy." Someone said in disappointment when mentioning John's departure.

"Hmph, that John is a coward. He purposely had his daughter leave the town because of the incoming crisis." A middle old age man named Alex Fang said in a loud tone.

Alex Fang has been trying to compete against John in everything but never successful so he had a grudge against him even now.

"We all know your so-called grudge so stop with that nonsense. If he's really a coward then he wouldn't give us such crucial information to prepare ourselves."

"That's true but who knows if that information comes from him or that boy with him during that meeting."

"Speaking of that boy, have any of you heard the news about him?" Jason Flare suddenly interrupts them.

Everyone seems to be dazed and looks at each other. According to the intel they got, the boy did not leave with Sara but his beast is found to be following her.

This was a questioning part as to why would the boy's beast follow another person and not stay with him.

"I think I heard some adventurers said that they spotted the boy in the inner core forest. It seems like he is trying to train himself up." Peter Lar said as he recalls some adventurer spotted a little boy entering the inner core alone.

It's unusual and ridiculous for a boy to enter alone without anyone protecting him. However, if he connects that little boy to the abnormal kid he met in the tunnel, then it will make sense.

John has specifically asked for his opinion and he will never do that unless he has confidence in someone.

Hearing Peter's remark, everyone slowly nodded their head as that's the only reasonable thing for them to not be able to locate his whereabouts.

There's no surveillance in the forest to spy on everyone when magical beasts are starting to riot and attack the town from multiple directions.


While the higher-up in town discussed how to proceed in defending, Sara has finally arrived in the Swift Feather Kingdom.

"Wow, a kingdom is truly different from a town," Sara said blissfully as she witnesses this magnificent place.

Although the town is big, compared to this kingdom, the size is completely laughable. Just the entrance is extremely wide where 20-50 carriages can go by at the same time.

"Hahaha, I'm glad you're loving this place already Sara. I was here when I was younger and this is where I met and captured your mother's heart." John laughed loudly as he was finally away from that cheeky boy.

However, his laugh came to an abrupt stop because Sandy pinched his waist for talking about "capturing" her when it was clearly the opposite.

Kuro ignored them as he was busy thinking about how his Master is doing and mainly... if the food here is better than in the town.

Sara seems to notice Kuro is hungry because his eyesight has been staring at his own tummy for a while. She can't help but giggles at Kuro for always thinking about food.contemporary romance

'Would Zhen be mad at me if I return a fat Kuro?' 

Sara wonders in her mind as she missed him already even though it's only been 5 days.

"Let's find a restaurant to eat and then we go back to our old house where your father bought it with my very own money." 

John suddenly intervenes when his sixth sense says his daughter is thinking about that brat again.

'There's no way I would let my daughter be dreaming about you when I'm next to her.' John swore in his mind to use this opportunity to gain back his daughter's heart and place as number one.



'Just who the heck is talking behind my back.' Zhen was busy cultivating until he suddenly sneezed.

The only logical reason for him to sneeze despite being more powerful than a mortal and his body became healthy as he reached Qi condensation could only be someone bad talking him.

"It's either the fool, Situ Sheng who's cursing at me right now or John because I stole his daughter's heart completely," Zhen said as he stands up from his lotus position.

"Maybe it's many more, given how hateful you are as a human being" Cecilia suddenly intervenes and appears out of nowhere.

Zhen couldn't even retort her and shrugs because he doesn't feel like arguing with her. He never wins and even if he's close, an essence flame would come out.

The temperature would start rising and if that happens, Zhen is afraid of being haunted by fire from now on.

Ignoring Cecilia's teasing, Zhen starts walking up to a person who is completely lifeless. Although it seems lifeless, his expression was one who was in full agony.

"Y-You monster. Not only did you break my mind and cultivation, you still let me live for what." Diego said in a low tone because he has no more qi inside his body.

"Well well well, Diego, that's your name, right? Even if you deny it, Cecilia has gotten every single memory of you since the birth of your life. You should be glad that we're keeping you alive." 

Zhen said with a smile that is completely different from his casual, cheeky smile.

"W-What do you plan on doing? Kill me? I'm already a dead man without my cultivation so just do it and I won't even scream." Diego said and closed his eyes.

"I won't kill you... after all, you're my punching bag," Zhen said slowly and sealed his cultivation to be similar to a mortal.

*Bam* *Bam*

"Arghhh, just kill me already, stop with your stupid bashing and I'm not a living punching bag for you." Despite saying he won't scream, Diego screamed in agony as Zhen punched his manhood.

That's right, his tiny little dick is being bashed by Zhen who covers his fist with many clothes just in case he touched his disgusting shit.

"Ahh, that was a good way to release some emotion, I'll be looking forward to more sessions," Zhen said and flicked his hand where Diego became chained up and vanished somewhere else.

Knowing how many innocent women became his victim, Zhen was already being lenient for not tearing off his limbs or tendons.

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