Luck is a Charm

Chapter 172: Evie’s Team Progress

While Zen and the two princesses continued their search for magical beasts and some enemies to obtain points, in a different forest, Evie was spectating the three women.

Angela, Morgan Pelora, and Daphne Camellia working together as they took down another magical beast.


"Heh, I got 8 points from killing this magical beast," Daphne Camellia smirked when she took her orb out to check how many points she got.

Angela took her orb out secretly and smiled wickedly as she showed it to Daphne Camellia.

"Hmph, you're just lucky to get 9 points." Daphne Camellia sneered as she couldn't understand why Angela always got a point higher than her.

Meanwhile, Morgan Pelora kept quiet, almost like she doesn't want to compete with them about points that are based on luck and not based on who deals the most damage.contemporary romance

Clap! Clap!

"Well done, ladies, for the next enemy, you're going to work together fighting against another human group," Evie clapped her hand together as she appeared in front of them and ordered them to prepare for another fight.

Morgan Pelora nodded her head slowly as she prepared herself.

Angela also turned serious as she would not go easy on anyone because she wants to leave this place as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Daphne Camellia with her spoiled attitude became depressed that she doesn't get any rest after fighting almost every day.

"Ugh, why are we fighting so soon already?" Daphne Camellia asked Evie, seemingly hoping Evie would change her decision and let them take a break and recover their mana.

Evie didn't reply to her and merely glared at her with a smile hanging on her face. Daphne Camellia shuddered and took a step back because she had seen that expression multiple times during the labyrinth floor.

It was an expression that Evie was going to punish them thoroughly in an unimaginable amount of pain but there would be no injuries. The pain was more like a psychological injury and Daphne Camellia was not willing to experience that kind of pain again.

"What are we waiting for? Let's hurry up and defeat our enemies for points already," Daphne Camellia made a 180-degree change of attitude as she grabbed her wand and started walking ahead with an excited expression.

Angela twitched her mouth from how shameless she could be. 

'Her shamelessness is on par with Zen.' Angela exclaimed inwardly as she compared Daphne Camellia with Zen.

Morgan Pelora was used to her attitude since Daphne Camellia has always nagged at her and competed against her.

Evie chuckled softly at the interaction of these three women. She was getting a headache from dealing with them so she could only wonder what would happen when it was Zen's turn to deal with it.

"You're walking in the wrong direction," Evie giggled as she walked the other pathway, causing Daphne Camellia to blush slightly as she ran toward Evie.

"I wonder how someone like you becomes a mage when you don't even have a sense of direction," Angela teased Daphne Camellia when she caught up with them.

Daphne Camellia gritted her teeth and scoffed, "Hmph, a woman that spread her legs to a man who is nowhere to be found at this moment sure has a loud mouth." 

Afterward, she went ahead to walk side by side with Morgan Pelora who glanced at her briefly before ignoring her, leaving an irritated Angela behind.

'Hmph, I only wanted to know about my mother's current illness. It has nothing to do with Zen,' Angela reassured herself and caught up with Evie who had no intention of slowing down at all.

After walking for another 5 minutes, Evie suddenly stopped and glanced at a tree in front of them.

"If you want to ambush someone then you must make sure your heart is calm and steady otherwise, you're going to be found out instantly," Evie smirked as she flickered her hand and some lighting spell launched toward the tree.


The tree collapsed from the lightning and multiple people scattered around away from it to avoid being hit.

Anglea, Morgan Pelora, and Daphne Camellia raised their guard up since they didn't expect someone to be hiding in the trees, waiting to ambush them.

"Heh, for Madam Evie to be able to sense our presence is truly an impressive feat. However, it won't do you any good either since you're going to fall into my hand." A man showed himself as he used his tongue to lick his lips while leering at Evie and the rest.

Evie sneered inwardly as she couldn't even be surprised for such a man to appear. 'Another lustful man who had had a scar on his face that thinks it makes him look scary. Sigh, looks like I have to punish Stuart when he reports to me again since he can't even do his duty correctly in getting rid of these people.'

"From the underground gang, Red Jackal and vice leader, Edmund. You have a lot of confidence to be targeting me and these two little girls that belonged to a noble family." Evie laughed and took out a cup filled with tea from her spatial ring.

As a businesswoman with a shrewd personality, there was no way Evie would chat with these kinds of people and waste her breath so she would always rehydrate herself with some tea.

Edmund's face darkened from the nonchalant attitude of Evie. Although he knew the background from Madam Evie is not simple, he was confident that she was powerless in this forest.

After all, there was no communication with the others in this place and he was extremely lustful toward Madam Evie who had a lascivious body that every man wished to enjoy.

Just a mere glance at her dazzling and gem-like leg was enough to arouse his manhood. Not to mention her bountiful breast that shows a perfect line of cleavage made him want to massage it with his own hands.

Edmund continued to leer around the body parts of Evie and Evie smirked slightly.

'I had recently been trying to conduct some human experiment and was struggling to find some people to volunteer. Seems like I got some candidates.' Evie smiled, causing the women to tremble in fear as they knew it was not a smile.

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