Love’s Fortune A Billionaire Romance (Jasmine and Ethan’s)

Chapter 41


As they rounded the corner onto the main plaza, Jasmine felt a fleeting sense of relief to see the darkened gallery looming ahead, still and undisturbed. A quick scan failed to reveal any signs of Elena, who was hopefully slinking around one of the side service entrances. 

Approaching within fifty yards, Jasmine positioned herself in clear view of the main entrance, standing out in the open as if awaiting an accomplice. Her phone remained gripped tightly in one hand as she murmured under her breath. 

“I’m here. Open it up, we’re on the clock.” 

Less than a minute later, the faint buzz of the security alarm greeted her ears from within as Elena evidently disarmed the system. Jasmine felt her heart lodge itself in her throat, panic clawing at her chest like icy tendrils. This was really happening…  sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

A series of faint clicks reached her straining senses as the front doors were unlatched and swung open a few tantalizing inches. Here eyes immediately fastened on the narrow gap, breath catching in her lungs as she waited for Elena to reveal herself. 

A shadow detached itself from the pocket of darkness first, resolving into the familiar, beloved figure of her sister as Elena slipped outside. 

In the weak glow of the streetlamps, Jasmine could just make out her casual clothes, her perpetually messy chestnut waves – the sight was so inherently Elena that it caused a sickening lurch of sorrow within her. 

Where had everything gone so terribly, catastrophic ally wrong between them? After all the trust, the history, the blood they shared? How could it possibly end like this, with suspicion and deception and violence? 

“You’re late,” Elena hissed in aggravation, striding purposefully across the plaza toward her. Her eyes were wild, darting around in frantic sweeps to ensure they weren’t being watched. 

Of course, she had no way of knowing she was already utterly surrounded, her every movement captured by Kessler’s concealed team broadcasting unblinkingly Fighting to keep her tone casual, Jasmine gestured toward the open doors. 

“Had to loop around and make sure I wasn’t being followed. You wanna let me in on the plan here?” Elena regarded her with naked suspicion for a long beat before seemingly deciding she had no alternative but to fill her sister in, for now. Leaning in conspiratorially, her voice dropped to an urgent murmur. 


simple enough – smash and grab. I’m going to go in and nab the Romenko collection that just went on display in the main gallery. All I need from you is to keep watch out here, let me know if any patrol cars or rivals swing by. 

She reached into her jacket, procuring a small canvas satchel and thrusting it at Jasmine. “Once I’m out with the goods, we can split and fence the haul separately. Should be enough to keep us comfortable for a good long while.” 

Jasmine eyed the bag with distaste, making no move to accept it. “I thought you said this was just going to be some minor pieces, Elena. That collection is worth millions, you’d never be able to move it without getting hit by Interpol.” 

Elena’s expression hardened, a muscle twitching in her jaw as she glared at her sister. “You want out of this, fine – get out. But you’re not stopping me from getting my due after all these years.” 

Shoulders squaring, Jesmine forced herself to hold Elena’s fiery gaze steadily, hoping her treacherous heart didn’t give away the raging deception between them. 

“Just take the damn bag and shut up, okay?” she bit out, snatching the satchel and clutching it protectively to her chest as if steeling herself. “And be quick about it, we’ve only got a window.” 

Elena smirked then, a hint of her usual cavalier over–confidence reasserting itself as she turned and headed back for the entrance. 

“That’s my girl, I’ll just be a few minutes – keep those pretty eyes peeled, hmm?” 

With that, she slipped back inside the gallery, the shadows swallowing her up once more. 

Jasmine felt her pulse throb in her ears, the fabric of the satchel crinkling rhythmically in her white- knuckle grip. Everything now hinged on whether Elena would slip up, whether they could catch her blatantly over the line into criminal territory. 

Her racing thoughts were interrupted by a harsh buzz of static in her jacket pocket. Fumbling quickly, she retrieved her phone and pressed it to her ear, recognizing Claire’s voice on the other end. 

“We’ve got her on the move heading for the main exhibit rooms. Guards are tracking but holding off apprehension on Kessler’s signal. You’re up, Jas – give the word whenever.” 

Jasmine drew a shaky breath, every nerve ending in her body thrumming with tense anticipation. “Do it. Take her down.” 

Through the phone, she could hear the muffled sounds of pandemonium erupting within the gallery as Kessler’s team swarmed in. Frantic shouts and the scuffing of feet echoing off marbled walls. 

Then, Elena’s voice rang out in a mixture of surprised fury and terror. “What the f- get off me! Jasmine, what is this?!” 

Tears burned in Jasmine’s eyes as she watched uniformed officers emerge, roughly hauling her sister into the cold night air in handcuffs. The satchel lay discarded on the floor, priceless artwork spilled out from its open maw. 

“Elena, you’re under arrest for burglary, grand larceny, and a whole host of other charges,” Kessler growled, his meaty hand clamped on the back of her neck. “You have the right to remain silent…. 

His voice faded into white noise around Jasmine as she watched her sister’s rage contort into visceral betrayal. Their eyes met and held, a thousand bitter recriminations crackling between them in that 


It was over. Finally, brutally over. 

Two months later, Jasmine sat in the chill visitation room awaiting Elena’s arrival on the other side of the glass partition. She felt wrung out, hollowed by the cataclysmic implosion of her family. 

The door buzzed and Elena was ushered in, eyes swollen and defiant, even in her prison–issue uniform. She sank into the molded plastic chair, jaw clenched. 

For a long, tense stretch, the two sisters simply stared at each other across the divide, the rift between them widening into an unfathomable chasm. 

“How could you, Jasmine?” Elena finally grated out in a ragged tone. “After everything, how could you betray me like that?” 

Jasmine flinched at the bald accusation, shaking her head tiredly. “I didn’t have a choice, Elena. You’re the one who kept lying, who kept putting us through fresh hell over and over.” 

Elena laughed then, a brittle sound devoid of humor. “That’s such crap, Jasmine. We’re family – you’re 

supposed to have my back no matter what!” 

“Even when your criminal actions threatened to destroy our family?” Jasmine shot back, unable to mask the hurt in her voice any longer, “Elena…Mom and Dad almost…” 

Elena recoiled, understanding flickering across her features before the shuttered look descended once 


They sat in tense silence for a few more endless minutes before Elena finally spoke in a thick mumble.” I’m sorry, Jas. You’re right…I took things way too far this time.” 

Jasmine opened her mouth to reply, but was interrupted by a soft rap on the door. Their mother stepped in, looking frail and careworn in a way that stabbed Jasmine’s heart. 

Anita made her way to the partition, offering Elena a tremulous smile. “Hi sweetie..” 

More unspoken volumes passed between mother and daughter in that simple greeting. Elena visibly crumbled, anguish and shame lashing across her features in waves. 

“Mom…I’m so sorry,” she choked out, hands pressed against the glass as if to embrace her mother one. final time. “I never meant to put you through anything like this, I swear…” 

Anita shook her head, tears spilling silently down her cheeks as she mirrored Elena’s position on the other side of the barrier. “I know, honey. I know…” 

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