Love’s Fortune A Billionaire Romance (Jasmine and Ethan’s)

Chapter 35


A few days later, the two sisters were strolling through a park together, enjoying the sunny spring day. Elena looped her arm through Jasmine’s, smiling in a way that warmed Jasmine’s heart. 

“I’m so glad we found each other,” Elena said softly. “I really did spend my whole life feeling so incomplete, like a puzzle missing its most vital piece. But now…I’ve never felt more whole.” 

Jasmine squeezed her sister’s hand, the words triggering a fresh wave of affection and protectiveness. This woman was her family, her kin. There was no way Elena could be deceiving her, not with the rawness of love and kinship shining from her eyes. 

Steeling herself, Jasmine spoke up carefully. 

“Elena…can I ask you something? About the DNA results that confirmed we’re sisters?”  Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

She felt Elena momentarily tense beside her before visibly relaxing, waving a nonchalant hand. 

“Oh, of course. Yes, I should have showed you the official paperwork from the lab ages ago. I’ve just been so caught up in finally having you in my life, I forgot all about it. Here, let me text Mr. Briggs and I’ll have him send the files over to you tonight.” 

The easy denial and immediate offer to provide documentation helped soothe Jasmine’s nagging doubts. See? Elena had nothing to hide. 

Except…the files never arrived that night. Or the next day. Or the day after that, despite Jasmine gently. checking in with Elena about them. 

A few days later, Jasmine was making tea in her kitchen when Claire suddenly burst through the door, eyes wide and slightly frantic. 

“Jas! Oh my god, you’re not going to believe what I found…” 

Jasmine turned in surprise as Claire hurried over, thrusting a sheaf of printed documents toward her. Frowning in confusion, Jasmine began scanning the pages. 

Her blood turned to ice in her veins as the words leapt out at her. 

‘Elena Delacroix…arrested…fraud…identity theft…larceny…. 

“What…what is this?” Jasmine stammered, staring at Claire in disbelief as she flipped through the police reports and court documents detailing years of criminal behavior by her supposed sister. 

Claire shook her head grimly. “I got a gut feeling about this whole Elena situation, so I put a private investigator friend of mine on her trail. 

Just to check things out, you know? Well, he uncovered a crazy trail of fraud, theft, you name it all leading back to Elena Delacroix and about a dozen other aliases she’s used over the years. 

Jasmine felt as if she might be physically ill as she continued reading through the damning reports. Crimes going back over a decade, all stemming around Elena executing long–con scams to swindle people out of money, valuables, you name it. 

“No…no, this can’t be,” she whispered, feeling the world shift on its axis. “Claire, there has to be some mistake…” 

Her friend looked at her with profound sympathy. “I’m so sorry, Jasmine. But it looks like this ‘sister‘ of yours has just been playing you from the start. Taking you for everything you’re worth, financially and emotionally.” 

Tears of rage and devastation burned in Jasmine’s eyes as she turned away, unable to bear the full weight of Claire’s words. 

This whole time…had Elena simply been scheming to exploit her? Using the most profound of emotional déceptions to worm her way into Jasmine’s life, her trust, all for nefarious reasons? 

“1…I need to talk to her,” Jasmine stated in a thick voice, pushing past Claire toward the door. “I have to hear it from Elena herself.” 

“Jas, wait!” Claire called, concern etching her features. “Maybe you shouldn’t go alone! What if she’s dangerous?” 

But Jasmine didn’t respond, unwavering in her need for the truth, her need for closure – one way or 


Resolute determination propelled Jasmine forward as she gripped the steering wheel tightly, her knuckles turning white. She had to get to the bottom of this, had to hear the truth from Elena’s own lips. 

What if Claire was right, though? What if this whole sisterly reunion had simply been an elaborate con from the start? The thought made Jasmine’s stomach churn acidly. She had opened her heart, her soul, to this woman – could Elena really be capable of such profound deception? 

The drive across town felt interminable, her mind spinning with a cyclone of hurt, anger, and confusion. Finally, she arrived at the address Elena had given her for the apartment she was renting. 

With shaky steps, Jasmine ascended to the third floor and knocked firmly on the door, her heart thundering in her chest. Please, she inwardly begged, please let there be some reasonable explanation for 


The door swung open and there stood Elena, looking as radiant and warm as ever. A bright smile split her features as she registered Jasmine’s presence. 

“Jasmine! Hey, I wasn’t expecting you over today,” she said cheerfully, pulling her sister into an embrace. 

Jasmine immediately stiffened, unable to reciprocate the hug. She pulled back, meeting Elena’s gaze with an intensity that made the other woman falter. 

“Elena…we need to talk. Now.” 

Concern flickered across Elena’s face as she searched Jasmine’s expression. “O–Okay? Yeah, of course, come on in.” 

She stepped back, allowing Jasmine to stride tensely into the small living room. Jasmine whirled on her, anger and hurt simmering in her eyes. 

“I need you to explain something to me,” she stated in a low, measured tone. “Some information has come to light that I can’t quite make sense of.” 

Jasmine pulled out the sheaf of documents from her purse, slamming them down on the coffee table. She watched as Elena’s expression morphed into one of surprise, then wariness tinged with fear. 

“What…what is all this?” Elena asked cautiously, sinking down onto the couch. 

Jasmine pierced her with a fiery glare, jaw clenched tightly. “Take a look for yourself. It appears to be proof that you’ve been arrested numerous times for fraud, theft, identity theft, you name it.” 

She watched Elena’s adams apple bob as she swallowed hard, panic flickering in her eyes. For a long moment, the other woman simply stared down at the documents before finally meeting Jasmine’s accusing stare. 

“Where did you get those?” 


Jasmine shook her heed curtly. “That’s not what’s important here, Elena. What’s important is that these are legitimate police reports, court records – all detailing this apparent life of crime you’ve been leading 

for years!” 

Elena shot to her feet, hurt and anger twisting her features in a way that almost convinced Jasmine it was legitimate. 

“You’re judging me based on some paperwork? After everything we’ve been through, you’d believe that over the bond we’ve formed?” Elena’s voice rose in pitch, cracking with emotion. 

Jasmine crossed her arms defensively. “Then explain it to me, Elena! Give me a reason to believe these aren’t true, that you haven’t been lying and deceiving me this entire time!” 

Elena shook her head almost violently, tears spilling down her cheeks in rivulets. “No, Jasmine, you’ve got it all wrong! I’ll admit, I’ve made mistakes in my past, did some things I’m not proud of when I was young and… and stupid. But everything I’ve said, my feelings for you – that’s all real!” 

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