Love Until Death Do Us Part ( Athena Dempsey )

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 

Up at the viewing platform on the waist of Whispering Peak, Zoey was huffing and puffing along behind Newman, with the cold mountain wind chilling him to the bone. 

“Newman, this spot is way out in the sticks, can’t hold a candle to the Dempsey family’s Mystic Ridge Villa,” Zoey mumbled, hands jammed in the pockets of his jeans, his lips a shade of purple from the cold. 

Newman’s body was clearly more robust than his, unfazed by the several kilometers of mountain roads they’d trekked. 

Clad in a long black trench coat, his tall frame wrapped up neatly, the stand–up collar fluttered in the mountain breeze. 

Suddenly, a thunderous roar echoed above their heads, and Newman lifted his binoculars to scan the sky. 

A white arc streaked across the azure horizon. 

“Newman, what’s that?” 

“Weather station’s launched a rain–inducing missile,” Newman said, his voice sharp as ice. 

Zoey looked bewildered, “Is it gonna rain soon? We better book it down the mountain then; this trail is no cakewalk!” 

Newman didn’t respond, just handed the binoculars to Zoey and started descending the stone. 


Inside the silver Bentley, Payne sat next to Athena. 

Athena was bundling up her son in the thickest down jacket and shoved a hand warmer into Payne’s hands. 

With the hand warmer clutched in his hands, Payne gazed out of the car window, a grin stretching ear to ear that never seemed to fade. 

Seldom going out due to health reasons, Payne was green with envy every time he saw Yolanda taking Louis out for fun in Everglade City. 

The thought of spending the night in a tent with Athena had every cell in Payne’s body jumping for joy. 

Leonard was driving, occasionally glancing in the rearview mirror. 

When he first laid eyes on the kid, he thought the boy didn’t just resemble Athena

Especially in the rearview mirror, seeing just the kid’s nose and mouth, Leonard had this uncanny reminder of the bodyguard who always stuck close to Athena. 

And then he’d think he was losing his marbles! 

Chapter 27 

How could he harbor such a ludicrous thought? 

As the silver Bentley rolled into the resort, Payne caught sight of the shimmering lakeside lined with rows of neat, large tents. 

At that moment, the sun hadn’t completely set, casting its last rays upon Whispering Lake. 

The clear lake waters were tinged with a shade of orange by the sunset. 


Payne exclaimed in awe, “Mommy, are we gonna sleep in one of those tents tonight?” 

He pressed his face against the window, the sunset casting a delicate glow on his tender cheeks, his eyes sparkling with excitement. 

Athena looped an arm around Payne’s waist. 

“See, the tents by the lake are transparent. We can sleep there and watch the stars in the night sky.” 

Payne’s smile was sweeter than a spoonful of honey. If only Kevin were there, they could all snuggle up together and gaze at the stars. 

They reached the lakeside, and Payne hopped out of the car as Leonard unloaded a cooler full 

of food from the trunk. 

“Mommy, I wanna check out the lake.” 

Payne was curious about everything around him. 

“Kevin, don’t wander off, let me take you there.” 

Athena knew her son was naughty; it wouldn’t surprise her if Kevin dashed into the lake for a splash. 

She took her son’s hand and walked towards the water’s edge. 

Payne, not daring to touch the water, stood on tiptoes, peering around curiously. 

Athena squatted down, flicked a bit of lake water onto Payne’s cheek, and he burst into giggles, cupping his flushed cheeks

Leonard set up the barbecue grill by the tent, the laughter from the lakeside giving him a surreal sense of a family outing

All of a sudden, the deep growl of a sports car engine tore through the silence like a roaring beast! 

Athena and Payne both looked up to see a flashy yellow Lamborghini drive onto the shallows, sending up a spray of water with its tires. 

Zoey’s ride? 

Both Athena and Payne recognized the owner of the car


Chapter 27 

Zoey took the wheel, glanced through the window, and saw Athena and a little tyke not too far 


“Athena? And that kid looks like Payne?” 

Zoey gasped, steering the car around. Newman looked up and ahead. 

Athena was already walking back, holding Kevin. 

Neither Athena nor Payne knew Newman was in the car, Athena worried Zoey would notice her son resembled Newman, Payne afraid Zoey would peg him right away. 

And Newman? He acted as if Zoey was blind as a bat, stepping out of the car and moving forward. 

“Kevin, stay in the car, don’t come out.” 

Payne scrambled into the Bentley. 

Athena closed the door; from the outside looking in through the car window, you couldn’t see a thing. 

Payne looked up and caught Newman’s eye, freezing in place. 

“What are you doing here?” Athena asked the man approaching against the setting sun

The sun had sunk behind the mountains, the sky still bright, bathed in a radiant purple–red afterglow. 

Newman replied coolly, “I brought Zoey to bond with you.” 

Athena’s molars itched to punch the man and toss him into the lake with a judo flip. 

“Athena, what’s the deal between your bodyguard and Mr. Zoey Bradshaw?” 

Leonard noticed Zoey getting out of the car. 

He had done his homework on Zoey, and even though it was their first meeting, he recognized Zoey’s face. 

The heir to the illustrious Bradshaw family, just playing chauffeur to Athena’s bodyguard? 

Leonard’s expression cooled off when he thought the bodyguard hanging around Athena was one of the Bradshaw family’s cronies. He figured this kind of bodyguard, who was not exactly loyal, couldn’t stick around Athena any longer! 

Newman rocked up with this powerful aura, and the look he gave Athena was laced with silent mockery. 

“Both Leonard and Zoey are chasing after you. To be fair, you gotta give them an even playing field,” he said. 

Athena snorted with disdain, “I have the right to reject anyone I’m not into!” 

She turned to Leonard and instructed, “Keep Zoey away from my son.” 



After Kevin had given Zoey a good thrashing before, Athena wanted to prevent any chance of him seeking revenge. 

Leonard nodded in agreement.. 

Then Athena told Newman, “Come with me!” 

She was set on getting rid of Newman, the biggest obstacle, first. 

Athena flung open the door of her Lamborghini, hopped in, and slid into the passenger seat. 

She crooked her finger at the folks outside the window, “Get in and drive the car!” 

Even though Newman had no clue what Athena was up to, he was ready to roll with her. 

He got into the driver’s seat, and Athena commanded. 

“Drive down the mountain. I gotta pick something up.” 

Newman paused for a second and then chuckled, “Trying to ditch me so you can have a little lovey–dovey time with Leonard?” 

Athena, with a steely face and voice, shot back, “Why the third degree? You’re already on my payroll, so drive!” 

Newman hit the gas, tongue pressed against the inside of his cheek. 

Fine, he’d play her game! Athena thinking she could ditch him wasn’t going to be that easy! 

“Damn it!” Zoey watched his beloved car speed away, seething with anger but too scared to speak up. 

The modded car zipped along the mountain road, Athena’s nails tapping against the armrest on the car door. 

She was mentally tracking their current location. 

Then, it started pouring outside, and Athena secretly rejoiced. 

“Pull over.” 

Newman stopped the car as she said, “Hop out and check, there’s something stuck to the rear wheel.” 

Newman gave her a silent, sideways glance. 

Athena insisted, “I told you to check it out. It’s pouring rain, and if there’s an issue with the wheel, it could be dangerous!” 

Left with no choice, Newman unbuckled and stepped out. 

As soon as he did, Athena slid into the driver’s seat, grabbed the wheel, and floored it! 

Newman, drenched in the rain, watched the sports car pull away! 

Chapter 27 

The car made a U–turn, leaving him behind and after about 50 meters, the headlights went out, and the car stopped. 

Athena tried to restart the car, only to find out the car was out of gas! 

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