Love Unspoken

Chapter 233

Caught in the throes of a life-and-death crisis, Valerie found herself trapped between the instinct for self-preservation and the desperate need to save her children.

A rare clarity washed over her, illuminating the harsh reality of her situation.

She could escape now, save herself, but her children would be left to perish. If she didn't make it out, they would all die, leaving no one to avenge them.

She could be ruthless, she could choose survival, but the thought of watching her children burn alive required a heart of steel and a strength she wasn't sure she possessed. Valerie drew in a deep breath, the thick smoke filling her lungs and triggering a violent cough.

Her fists clenched, determination flashing in her eyes as she rose to her feet and bolted for the exit."Mommy!!""Mommy, save Hannah... it hurts so much!"Valerie froze at the doorway, turning back as if pulled by invisible strings. Through the haze, she saw her children crying out in agony, their pleas tugging at her heartstrings. Her hand on the blistering door frame sizzled, but she felt nothing. "Mommy...""Do you not want us anymore...?"Their voices grew fainter, barely audible over the roar of the flames. Valerie was torn between her own survival and the desperate need to save her children.

She was just one step away from safety, but if she turned back, she might never make it out. In her despair, she glanced down and, almost comically, noticed two keys lying on the ground by the door. Like a divine intervention, the keys made the choice for her, silencing her rational mind.

Without a moment's hesitation, Valerie bent down, snatched the keys, and plunged back into the inferno. Meanwhile, Wayne had already gone to handle the paperwork, transferring the shares to his name. The mountain blazed brightly, and the people below could vaguely see the billowing smoke piercing the sky.

"Is there a fire up on the mountain?""Yeah, something's burning up there."Spectators paused in their tracks, craning their necks to catch a glimpse of the spectacle. Some took pictures with their phones, while others called to report the emergency.

Elsewhere, Alexander had taken Quinn out for a movie and was now treating her to lunch. Despite a slight ache in her knee, Quinn hadn't walked too much.

Alexander had spent the entire day with her, a rarity since their wedding. His presence, his attention, felt like the grandest of gifts. That afternoon, he had taken Quinn shopping for clothes. Though he bought a lot, none were to Quinn's taste; they were what he liked.

He purchased items for both winter and spring, carrying the bursting bags until dusk when they finally got into the car."Did you enjoy today?" Alexander asked, turning to her.Quinn could only nod, a gesture that under normal circumstances would indicate happiness, but she wasn't happy. His behavior was too out of character.Alexander reached out, gently touching her cheek.

"As long as you're happy."His smile was cryptic. His phone rang then, but he seemed in no rush to answer. Instead, he asked Quinn, "What do you feel like for dinner?"Quinn glanced at his chest, where the phone continued to ring. After a moment of silence, she gestured, "Anything's fine.""Alright, then let's head home for dinner." He flashed another grin before leisurely taking out his phone. Before Alexander could speak, Freya's voice came through urgently, "Bro, where are you?""Out and about, what's up?""There's been trouble, you need to come back fast!" Freya's voice was hushed, as if hiding from something."I can't right now. We'll talk later."After hanging up, Alexander drove Quinn back home.In the dim light, Quinn glanced at him-his smile was there, laced with an unsettling hint of danger, reminiscent of the unnerving smile she once saw on Walter's face. Redirecting her gaze downward, she couldn't help but recall Alexander's words from the night before."It's almost over."

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