Love Unspoken

Chapter 231

Valerie's pleas fell on deaf ears as Wayne abruptly ended the call. Freya, bearing witness to her sister's anguish, tightened her hold on the baby, eliciting a sharp cry that pierced the silence of the yard.

Freya, in an attempt to soothe the infant, retreated indoors, leaving Valerie alone, her sobs echoing in the empty space. Their exchange did not escape unnoticed; servants whispered in hushed tones from the shadows. As Valerie's tears flowed freely, her phone vibrated with a chilling message from an unknown sender: [If you wish to save your son and daughter, come alone to this location. Remember, you are under surveillance. Any clever attempts will be met with dire consequences.] Trembling, Valerie struggled to think clearly amidst her rising panic. With no other options, she resigned herself to follow the ominous instructions.

She climbed into her car and set off towards the designated location: Rivercourt Estate. Inside the estate, Quinn and Alexander were seated at the dining table, the sound of clattering echoing from upstairs-Kyle Astor's men were installing security bars. The once charming villa was gradually transforming into a fortified prison.

"The weather's pleasant today. Where would you like to go? I'll accompany you," Alexander casually proposed from across the table.

Quinn turned her gaze towards the window. The sky was overcast, a storm threatening to break at any moment. Pleasant weather? She had her doubts... Alexander glanced up at her. "Hmm?"

Quinn paused for a moment, then gestured: She wanted to see a movie. It had been ages since she and Alexander had last watched a movie together. It felt like it had been five years, or perhaps even longer. But she vividly remembered their first movie outing.

She was eight years old when her favorite animated film was released, and Alexander had taken her to see it. Back then, she was ecstatic, her joy mirroring that of the other children in the theater. Alexander hesitated as if a memory had crossed his mind, then he nodded in agreement, "Sure."Once they finished their meal, Alexander guided her out the door and drove them to the mall.

It had been so long since Alexander had gone to a movie, he was unfamiliar with the process of buying tickets. He ended up joining the queue. Quinn quietly observed him from a distance, his tall figure draped in a dark trench coat, standing out like a lone crane amidst a flock of chickens.

Fortunately, the line moved quickly, and he soon returned with movie tickets and a Coke for Quinn. She sipped her drink in silence while he leaned back on the sofa, lost in thought.

Quinn stole glances at him intermittently. He seemed a bit off today. But she couldn't quite pinpoint what was amiss. They had over an hour to spare before the movie, during which Quinn consumed three cups of Coke and made five trips to the restroom.

Before entering the theater, Alexander bought her two more drinks. Quinn felt a wave of nausea but quietly accepted them nonetheless. It wasn't until they were inside the theater that Quinn realized he had bought tickets for an animated film. A bitter feeling washed over her. Why would he still assume she enjoyed animated movies? She found herself surrounded by children, and for a fleeting moment, it felt like a distant past had resurfaced. But now, she no longer shared their joy; all she felt was an overwhelming bitterness.

Throughout the two-hour movie, Quinn found it hard to concentrate, her frequent restroom visits proving to be a distraction. Alexander, however, watched the movie with rapt attention, his gaze unwavering from the screen. He was always like this, taking every activity seriously, no matter how mundane, whether it was watching a movie or TV with her. Even though she knew his mind was elsewhere, his eyes on the screen but his thoughts drifting, it warmed Quinn's heart each time. Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Valerie was driving towards a secluded area on the outskirts, near Midhill Lane. She walked a considerable distance, drawing closer to the quiet, isolated location.

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