Love Unspoken

Chapter 189

Quinn recoiled instinctively, a shiver coursing through her body as a chill radiated from the man before her. His grip on her wrist was vice-like, a silent promise of restraint, preventing an explosive scene from unfolding right there. "Let's go back," he commanded, his voice as cold as his touch.

With a tight press of her lips, Quinn complied, trailing behind him in silence. His pace was brisk, almost ruthless, causing her to stumble in her attempts to keep up.

Before she could regain her footing, she was unceremoniously thrust into the car. The door slammed shut behind her with a resounding clang, the sound echoing in the confined space before she could even settle in. Without uttering a word, he steered the vehicle back towards the villa.

Upon arrival, he swung open the car door and yanked Quinn out with a rough tug. She stumbled in his wake, her feet struggling to find purchase as his grip tightened around her arm.

Suddenly, his hold on her slackened, and Quinn, caught off guard, lurched forward. Her knees made contact with the ground first, the impact sending a jolt of pain through her body. Her vision blurred momentarily, the world around her fading into darkness.

As she propped herself up on her hands, tears streamed down her face, carving wet trails on her cheeks. Before she could regain her composure, a pair of hands gripped her collar, hoisting her up from the ground.

She looked up at the man towering over her, his fury palpable. Her gaze flickered uncertainly as she met his glare. Alexander's anger morphed into a mocking laugh. "Quinn, have I been too indulgent with you? Have you taken my words as nothing but the wind?" he sneered.

His tone was laced with a deadly threat, causing Quinn to recoil. She shook her head frantically, her hands raised in a futile attempt to placate him. But before she could complete her gesture, Alexander flung her back onto the ground. "Stop gesturing!" he barked, his voice echoing in the silent night.

Quinn lay there, stunned, as he pinned her hands down with a force that threatened to crush her delicate bones. "What's the use of all this gesturing? You let my words go in one ear and out the other, never remembering a thing. Since you can't speak, it seems your hands are just as redundant. How about becoming a real dummy?" Alexander hissed.

His words hung heavy in the air, leaving Quinn frozen in disbelief. His gaze bore into her, a silent testament to his seething anger. She opened her mouth to respond, but her voice failed her once again.

As she struggled to form words, the fury in Alexander's eyes intensified. His grip on her wrists tightened further, causing her to tremble uncontrollably. The pain was so intense that she could hear her own bones creaking. She curled into herself, a ball of agony, her pleading eyes meeting his indifferent gaze.

Alexander had run out of patience. Communicating with her felt akin to talking to a brick wall. He gripped her wrist once more, leading her upstairs. Quinn stumbled after him, her movements clumsy as she was practically dragged up the steps.

He tossed her onto the bedroom floor, leaning over her with a firm grip on her chin. "Quinn," he said sharply, "I've told you, if you really cared about your Juliet, you'd give up any hope of ever seeing her again!"

Quinn shook her head frantically, her free hand clutching at his sleeve. Her eyes were filled with a silent plea, but Alexander remained unmoved. He pried her fingers loose and stood up to leave. In a desperate attempt to stop him, Quinn lunged forward, wrapping her arms around his legs.

Alexander turned to face her, his expression stern. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she shook her head vigorously. Her inability to voice her plea filled her with self-loathing. Her wild gestures, once a means of communication, now seemed both comical and powerless.

Ignoring the pain in her knees, Quinn slowly rose to her feet, her arms still wrapped around his waist. She leaned her face against his chest, hoping that her embrace would soothe his anger.

Alexander remained still, his eyes closed as he took a deep breath. Quinn listened to the rapid beat of his heart, a testament to his simmering anger. She looked up at him, her gaze beseeching, and held him tighter.

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