Love Slave to My Devil CEO Boss 18+

Chapter 11

"No matter how much I really want to kiss you right now, I'll still suggest that you keep the money," he said before his hand released my chin as he stood up straight.

I was stunned into silence. Was he seriously going to kiss me again? I placed my fingertips to my still-trembling lips. Was I...waiting for him to kiss me?

"Why...?" I began asking but a woman's voice rang out disturbing out conversation.

"Excuse me!"

An attractive blonde woman with a sparkly wide smile called out to him. Her deep red knee-length dress hugged the beautiful curves of her body as she walked. Her red lipstick matched the color of her dress perfectly. However, she stopped in her tracks when he turned around to face her. I thought that she was about to say something, but she closed her mouth immediately when the man placed his index finger up to his lips. Clearly the message got across because the woman nodded slightly before turning around and leaving the way that she came without saying another word.

"See you around..." the man said before turning sharply on his heels.

I stood there in silence as I watched the broad back of the tall man walking away from me with his long strides. Still confused as to what just happened, I couldn't bring myself to call him back. I was also sure that even if I did, he would not turn back around.

I wonder what just happened and who that woman was. Was that beautiful woman his girlfriend?

I heaved a sigh as I walked out of the building and stared up at the dark and starless sky above. That was a complete failure. Not only was I unable to return a cent of his money, but I had also failed in getting information about him. I still didn't know his bank account, worst, I didn't even know his name...

The only thing I got from our exchange was a burning ache where his fingers had gasped my chin. The only thing my mind seemed to remember well was the beauty of his arrogant smile, the heated look in his eyes as he looked at me and the smell and heat of his body.

Not like I could use any of that information to find him...

"How was the interview?" my mother asked excitedly as she placed a bowl of vegetable soup on the table.

"It went well...I think," I replied, truthfully.

"Really? Tell me more..." she said encouragingly.

"Well, I think I was able to answer all of their questions and I think I showed that I had motivation and passion to join the company, so yea..." I said before flashing her a smile.

"This company, if I'm not wrong, it's always been your first choice, right? You're always talking about it..." my mother said as she seemed to recall some memories from the past.


"Yes! This might sound weird but I'm happy that I got a chance to interview there. If I end up not getting the job, I'll still be happy that I got the opportunity to interview there," I stated proudly.

"I heard the pay is good too..." my mother said wistfully.

"Yup, you're right," I said as I smiled back at her.

Days turned into weeks as I waited with anticipation for the result of my job interview. To be honest, I wasn't sure if I would get an offer and I wouldn't say that the odds were in my favor. However, I still had a glimpse of hope that I would be receiving an offer letter.

Not knowing what to do about it, I prayed late at night before I went to bed every night that I would get the job. If I get the job, maybe I'll run into that man again, and for sure this time, I'll return his money back to him.

A few weeks passed by just like that until the fateful day for my interview result arrived via call.

I didn't know what I would do with myself if I had missed that phone call by mistake. Luckily, I was sitting right next to my mobile phone when it started vibrating on the table. When I saw an unrecognized number on the screen, I picked it up immediately. I usually don't get calls from unknown people and most ended up being telesales people calling to sell things that I didn't need.

However, for this call, I had a feeling that it was the call that I had been waiting for.

"Hello. I am calling from Jessen & Hills. Am I speaking to Miss Karina Miller?"

"Yes..." I said, trying to control my excitement.

"We have very good news. After a very competitive test, interview process and much consideration, we are pleased to offer you a position at our company. We will be emailing you the details of the job contract soon and will invite you to come in to sign the contract with us at headquarters," the lady explained professionally through the phone.

I was finding it hard to believe what I was hearing as I clutched my mobile phone tightly in my palm, pressing it against the side of my face. This is not a dream, right? This is really happening.

"Yes...thank you...thank you so much," was all that I could manage to say.

"Thank you so much and congratulations again. Our HR representative will be in touch with you shortly via email. Have a good day," the woman said before hanging up.

Once the line disconnected, I stood up and squealed with delight. I was so loud that my mother came running.

"What's going on? Are you ok?" she asked with concern clear on her face. She must think that I'm going crazy.

"Yes! I am more than ok. I did it mum!" I cried out excitedly.

"You did what exactly?" my mother asked, confused.

"I did it mum! I...I got the job! I got the job at Jessen & Hills!" I shouted so loudly that I was sure that our neighbors could hear me as well.

"... the one with the high! Really?! WOW!" my mother screamed as excitedly.

"Yeah...really. Wow!" I cried back in joy.

"I'm so happy for you! Big congrats, girl! You did it...this has always been your dream!" she said as she beamed at me proudly.

"Thank you, mum," I said as we hugged each other tightly. I could feel tears sting my eyes as I held her in my arms.

This job isn't just for me, and it isn't my own success. I had my mother to thank for all the hard work she has put into raising me. This job is going to improve our lives. Hopefully, my mother would be able to retire soon or at least, work less than now.

"We have to celebrate!" my mother declared as she slowly let go of me.

"Where are you going?" I asked when I saw my mother get up and grab her bag.

"Out, of course. I have to go buy some good food so that we can celebrate this properly," My mother said with determination as she turned to head towards the exit.

"I think the food you just made is more than enough," I said as I pointed to the food she had placed on the table.

"Nonsense. Today is a special day. You just got your first real've grown into a full-fledge adult now and I am so proud of you..." my mother said before dabbing at the tears in her eyes.

Without knowing how else to keep her here, I watched as my mother happily left the house to buy some food for us. I was sure that she would be back with Aunty as well because she couldn't possibly keep such good news to herself for long.

I had people that I wanted to share this good news with too as I picked up my phone.

--To be continued...

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