Love Like You Never Loved Before

Chapter 60

Dad smiled. “Dearest Eve, you can draw of us at the same time, both mom and I. It would be best if we could be hugging you in the picture. That way, everyone in our family can be together, for we are one happy family.”

I began nodding ecstatically and started drawing, sticking my tongue out in concentration. Suddenly, Crystal stood timidly in front of me, telling me she wanted to draw too. I told her we could share the markers. To my surprise, she sprawled onto the ground and started crying. As she threw a tantrum, she shrieked, “I want to draw. Don’t hate me. I’ll be good!”

Aunt Natalie marched forward to carry Crystal and started sobbing as well. I sat there, dumbstruck. I had no idea why my cousin had cried. Just then, Dad walked over and reprimanded me, saying I should take care of Crystal since she was younger. Mom, on the other hand, did not say anything. She pulled me into her embrace and started comforting me, telling me softly that it would be best to avoid conflict with Crystal.

Feeling as though I had been wronged, I quickly clarified that I did not bully Crystal. It was her who had started crying out of nowhere. To my dismay, not only did my father not believe me, but he even threatened to hit me. After that, the first set of markers I ever owned was given to Crystal. Disappointment filled my heart, but my mother bought me another set soon enough. Even so, something felt different, as if something was missing.

Before long, Scarlett appeared in front of our house, carrying Yvette. Mom cried the entire night. I remembered snuggling up to her and calling out to her, telling her she still had me, and asking her to stop crying. But my mother did not stop, and my tears started to fall as well.

I must have fallen asleep after crying so much. When I awoke the next day, Mom was gone. I cried out for her, earning a slap from my father. I was only six when that happened. The slap made me lose my balance, and I fell to the floor in pain.

With heavy breaths, Dad told me that my mother had run away with another man. The man’s name was Victor Cohen. He forbade me from saying her name ever again. As much as they tried to convince me, I refused to accept that as the truth. I had seen Victor a few times, and Mom always was in a bad mood to see him.

However, Dad never believed what I said. He forced me to call Scarlett my new mom, and Yvette would become my sister. If I refused, he would hit me. He would even allow Scarlett to lock me in a room without any food for days.

I screamed inside the room, making a fuss, hoping that my father would hug and comfort me like he used to. However, instead of doing so, Dad brought Yvette and the rest to go shopping, leaving me alone to starve the whole day. It was already nighttime when Crystal brought in some food for me.

I was famished. I quickly grabbed the bowl and started eating, but I stopped after taking one bite. Crystal had spiked the food with an unimaginable amount of salt, making the food inedible. Furious, I flipped the bowl of food onto the ground, screaming and scolding her for pulling such a cruel prank.

“You little b*tch! Can you stop causing trouble on purpose? Crystal was the one who told me you have not eaten. That’s why I let her bring the food to you! Continue reflecting on your behavior, and don’t even think about eating before you learn your lesson!”

Ignoring my cries of protest, my father slammed the door with a bang, leaving me lying alone on the cold floor. Realization dawned on me then. I had become a motherless child, and I had lost my dad too. There was no one I could depend on.

I was locked in the room for two consecutive days without food. When I was allowed to exit the room, I had no energy to even walk. If the servants had not taken pity on me and fed me, I would have died from starvation.

Mom, why did you leave me? I don’t believe someone as perfect as you would cheat on Dad with Mr. Cohen. Even if you did, why didn’t you take me with you?

Mom… where are you?

When I woke up, my mother was not by my side. However, I was being held in a warm embrace. I leaned deeper into the person’s chest, feeling as though I was still in a dream. All my troubles and thoughts seemed to disappear as long as I stayed in the warm, secure embrace.

With half-opened eyelids, I looked up to see Christopher’s defined jawbone and chin. He was holding me tightly in his arms. His eyebrows were knitted closely together, probably because he was worried about me. Seeing his frown, I suddenly had the urge to smoothen it out.

I did not want him to feel unhappy. It was a realization I had back in the restaurant. The only reason I had shrugged him off to save Lyle was that I had gotten used to not being able to see my husband hurt.

Yet at the next moment, when I saw him looking at me with such disappointment in his dark eyes, an indescribable mixture of sorrow and fear rose in my chest. I was terrified. Terrified that Christopher would never want to see me again.

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