Love Like You Never Loved Before

Chapter 140

Lyle finally noticed the bloodied tissue and was stumped. “Why hasn’t your wound healed?”

I snorted and scrambled for another bottle of medicine to apply it on my arm. “I’m sorry to disappoint you by not healing as fast as Wolverine, nor am I impervious to getting hurt.”

What is Lyle trying to accomplish, exactly? He was really a bummer. I did not visit Grandma because I wanted to heal my wound faster so that I can head out without much difficulty. Is he ever going to leave me alone?

“Can you drop the sarcastic tone?” Lyle was fuming.

“When you’re hurt, and someone comes barging in, hurting you further, and smashes your medicine, are you going to cheer the person on while admiring how dashing he looks?”

I peered at the man and applied the cotton swab dabbed with medicine on my wound and wrapped fresh bandages over it. The stinging pain of the scalded wound on my right arm resulted in a lopsided and loose bandage.

Lyle finally decided that it was time to offer help and said impassively, “Let me help you.”

I was not about to let my ego stop me from getting help. After all, if I had rejected him, I wouldn’t know how bad it would tick him off and I might be the one to suffer worse injuries later. Lyle did a worse job than Christopher. Toward the end, I had to refrain from shouting profanities from the pain that he was causing from wrapping the bandage too tightly.

I took out the balm for scalded wound, and this time he took the initiative and applied it to my wound. All of a sudden, he regarded me intently and sighed. “It has been so long since I’ve last seen you being this quiet. How I wish you can always be this meek.”

I chuckled to myself. So should I continue being a meek lamb by your side so you can trample all over me? The tiniest bit of gratitude I felt for him dissipated into thin air right then.

“Why are you looking for me?” I snapped.

“Can’t a husband look for his wife? Yvonne, have you forgotten that you’re my wife?”

“I remember all too well that I’m your wife, and that’s why I try to appear as magnanimous as I can when you and Crystal are being lovey-dovey toward each other in public.” I knew for a fact that Lyle would not come looking for me without a reason. He definitely had something to ask for, and I had a hunch that, as always, it wouldn’t be something nice.

Lyle seemed to have recall what happened on the yacht after I mentioned it and bit his tongue. However, I did not think it was out of guilt though. The man just could not bear to embarrass himself further.

After a while, only did he finally say, “Grandma is not doing so well right now. She’s in the hospital, and she wants to see you.”

“What? Grandma is in the hospital?” I was stumped. Even though Grandma was not in the pink of her health recently, she was still energetic and could move around on her own. Why would she suddenly be hospitalized?

“What happened to her? Is it very serious?” I asked worriedly.

“It’s not looking good.” I thought he was worrying about Grandma when I noticed the gloomy look on his face. However, I was soon proven wrong when he said, “Don’t blabber in front of her. I don’t want her to worry.”

Yeah, right. I snorted to myself at his hypocritical remark. Too worried about Grandma, I could not be bothered to bicker with him. I darted into the changing room and slammed the door shut behind me when I noticed that he actually intended to follow me inside. Lyle’s face sank.

I could not care less about what was on his mind. Lyle suddenly stopped me in my tracks when we were just about to head out. “Yvonne, sometimes I really wonder if you’ve ever liked me?”

To be honest, I never thought he would ask something like that, especially considering I had been the one to constantly finding myself almost asking him the very same question. Of course, I did not stoop so low as to actually ask him that. I knew better than to ask that question since everything that he had done was more than enough to show that he did not give a dime about me. Why would I embarrass myself?

It was ironic that he was the one to pose the question, especially considering that he was the one to betray me, and even trampled all over me together with Crystal. I did not answer the question, and snickered, “What about you, Lyle? Is there any part of you that actually has feelings for me?”

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