Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien)

Chapter 538 All Over the University

Logan wanted to have something different for lunch, so Chanel had brought him to this restaurant. They had been sitting in a corner when Clarissa came in with an old man. Chanel was surprised by this, so she'd asked Logan to play by himself for a while while she eavesdropped on their conversation.

The private room Clarissa had gone into was tucked into a corner, and the door faced the window. Most people wouldn't pass by here at all, and the waiter hadn't entered the room after serving their dishes.

Chanel had overheard the whole story, and now knew who Clarissa's mother was. She had also heard about Frank, but she didn't know who he was. It was probably someone from Genovia that Clarissa knew, so Chanel made sure to commit this name to memory.

After George left, Clarissa looked at the vinyl record. Perhaps Seth was using this record to tell her about his relationship with George, and to also let George know that she was the person he liked. Perhaps this meeting was also a chance for George to take a look at his potential daughter-in-law, aside from telling Clarissa the truth about her parentage.

Seth had always been a sensitive and considerate person, and she knew he was asking her for an answer.

Now, however, Clarissa couldn't think about him at all. She held the vinyl record and thought about her parentage.

The actual Iris Benson was her biological mother, but the woman had lost her mind. This shocked Clarissa to her core.

She rubbed her temples.

Her phone rang. It was Damien.

"Where are you?" he asked.

She was pulled out of her reverie. She looked out the window to see that the sky was completely dark. Suddenly, she remembered that Neil wanted to have dinner with her.

"I'm at one of the university's restaurants."

"You've eaten already?"

"No, I had a long talk with someone here. He told me about something that's been bothering me for a long time, and I want to tell you about it." Clarissa ran her fingers through her hair, feeling rather frustrated. She didn't really know what to do next.



It was only after hanging up that she realized she had received several WhatsApp messages from Bethany. She had been talking to George earlier and hadn't paid attention to her phone at all. Bethany: [Clarissa, what are you doing? Damien's gone viral, you know. He's all over the university! Come and look at the notice boards. It's everywhere! Damn, this is exciting.]

She also sent Clarissa a photo.

Bethany: [This is only one of them. There are plenty plastered over the notice boards.]

Clarissa looked at the photo. It was one of the love letters Chanel had written to Damien. It was obvious from the way she had written it that she'd been head over heels for him. She had even expressed the desire to spend the rest of her life with him.

Clarissa wondered who had posted it.

Wouldn't the letters Chanel had written to Damien be with Damien?

At this moment, Chanel called her. Clarissa immediately answered it.

"Clarissa, I'm not the shameless type. I don't have the nerve to continue living now that this has been exposed. I used to be deeply in love with Damien, so in love that I lost myself. I'll see you in another life, Clarissa."

"Where are you? Don't do anything stupid, Chanel!" Clarissa exclaimed, but it was too late. Chanel had already hung up.

Clarissa tried to call Chanel over and over again. Finally, a little boy answered the phone. "Aunt Clarissa, my mom's going to jump off a building. She's at Eden Investment Corporation now."

"Stay there and don't go anywhere, okay? I'll be right there! Hold on to your mother!" Clarissa hurried out of the restaurant. She made a police report, and then hailed a taxi as soon as she could.

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