Lost in Mr. Preston's Temptation

Chapter 44 I Advise You Not to Humiliate Yourself!

The EMC group was currently in its recruitment season. Because it was a large company, almost all the people who received the interview invitation came.

Clara arrived at the interview floor and found that the corridor was packed with people.

Seeing the bustle, Clara silently sighed. She went to register and get a number and was about to go to the corner and wait, when she suddenly bumped into someone.

The other person had not been paying attention, and so had bumped into Clara. Her phone had fallen, and Clara kindly helped her pick it up.

"Thank you......" The woman took the phone and then after really seeing Clara her expression suddenly changed. "Clara Rowan?"

Clara thought that the young lady looked somewhat familiar, but she couldn't remember who she was at the moment, so she simply nodded slightly and moved around to leave.

But the woman stopped her with her long legs and sneered coldly, "What a joke. You're such a loser and couldn't even do anything in your own company. How dare you come to EMC for an interview?" Sharon Dobson's voice was not quiet, and it soon attracted the attention of others.

When they saw Clara standing across from Sharon, some people who had previously read the news about her gathered together to point at her.

"Clara Rowan blatantly had an affair while she was married. She has no morals. How dare she come to EMC for an interview?"


Sharon told Clara very rudely, "Clara, you should leave on your own two legs. The EMC group doesn't just want any sort of stray cat or dog"

As Clara listened to her go on and on, she finally remembered who she was.

That day when she bought clothes at the mall, she had met Ruby with two women. Sharon was one of the women.

Clara's eyes swept over the document in Sharon's hand and smiled lightly. "What a coincidence. I didn't expect Ms. Dobson to also apply for a job in the translation department." "Heh, you and I are not on the same level!" Sharon raised her chin proudly.

Sharon didn't have a great family background. If the Rowan family hadn't fallen, she would have been flattered to see Clara.

But now, Clara was nothing more than a fallen sinner!

Sharon snorted, "The people in EMC's translation department are all elites who graduated from overseas schools. I advise you not to humiliate yourself!

Clara suddenly said something.

Sharon heard what Clara had said, but she didn't understand it, so she frowned, "What are you saying?"

"Serbian, didn't you understand?" The smile on Clara face was undiminished. "Ms. Dobson doesn't know any foreign language, how could she dare apply to be a translator?"

Sharon immediately understood that Clara was mocking her. "Serbian is a minor language, it's normal that I don't know it."

"Serbian is the official language of Eastern Europe, up to 30 million people use it." Clara said, "I advise Ms. Dobson not to humiliate herself."

She had taken what Sharon had said just now and served it right back to her.

Sharon heard the muffled laughter of the people around her, and her face distorted with anger.

At this time, a clerk shouted, "no. 8 Clara Rowan, no. 3 Sharon Dobson, no. 8... The following eight applicants please go to interview room number 8."

Seeing the clerk calling her name, Sharon glared at Clara and then quickly walked to interview room number 8.

Clara followed after her leisurely.

After entering interview room number 8, Clara saw a row of chairs placed at the door. Behind the table near the floor to ceiling windows, six interviewers were sitting with strict faces. After Clara and the other interviewees sat down, the interviewers started asking questions one by one.

This was the first time Clara had participated in an interview. However, Donny was not only one of Ethan's drivers, but also one of his secretaries. Before while at home, Clara had asked Donny what the interview process was like and what were the questions they would ask. Knowing that allowed her to better prepare.

Now Clara sat in the interview room, and fluently answered all kinds of questions for the examiner. Soon, she entered the written examination part.

Not long after, Clara got up and handed the examination paper over to the interviewer.

"You're already handing in the examination paper now?" Even the experienced interviewer was shocked and looked at his watch. "It's been less than ten minutes. Are you sure you don't want to check your answers again?"

"There's no need to."

If she had to spend more time on these types of simple questions, it would be embarrassing to her former teachers.

Clara left the interview room after handling in her examination paper.

As for the other interviewees, once they saw that Clara had turned in her examination paper so quickly, they whispered among themselves that Clara must have found it too difficult and just given up. Sharon was racking her brains for answers to the written questions. She did not believe that Clara could have handed in her examination paper so quickly. She must have just given up like a coward. Seeing that the examiner had looked at Clara's paper with a serious expression, she became even more determined in this belief.

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