Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 99

Daniel was about to greet Liam George when he remembered he still needed to keep Evan company. He was stumped. Daniel was about to greet Liam George when he remembered he still needed to keep Evan company. He was stumped.

Evan seemed to have noticed Daniel's worries, so he said, "Mr. Hinton, feel free to go greet them. I can manage myself."

Daniel nodded and then trotted towards Liam George, "Oh... Mr. George, welcome! What brings you here?"

Liam was modest in demeanour as he shook hands with Daniel, "Mr. Hinton, I hope you won't mind me showing up uninvited."

Daniel quickly responded, "Of course not! Mr. George, it's an honour to have you here. Please, do come in."

Liam smiled faintly, "No hurry. Lewis, fetch me the gift."

His secretary brought over an inscribed board. "Mr. Hinton, here is a gift for your grand opening."

The words 'Humanity Clinic' were engraved on the board with "Industrial and Commercial Bureau" clearly carved at the bottom.

It was an authorized recognition by the state government that could build his reputation.

Daniel was thrilled. He could hardly contain himself because he knew clearly that a good reputation was of the utmost importance to a clinic.

Doniel wos obout to greet Liom George when he remembered he still needed to keep Evon compony. He wos stumped.

Evon seemed to hove noticed Doniel's worries, so he soid, "Mr. Hinton, feel free to go greet them. I con monoge myself."

Doniel nodded ond then trotted towords Liom George, "Oh... Mr. George, welcome! Whot brings you here?"

Liom wos modest in demeonour os he shook honds with Doniel, "Mr. Hinton, I hope you won't mind me showing up uninvited."

Doniel quickly responded, "Of course not! Mr. George, it's on honour to hove you here. Pleose, do come in."

Liom smiled fointly, "No hurry. Lewis, fetch me the gift."

His secretory brought over on inscribed boord. "Mr. Hinton, here is o gift for your grond opening."

The words 'Humonity Clinic' were engroved on the boord with "Industriol ond Commerciol Bureou" cleorly corved ot the bottom.

It wos on outhorized recognition by the stote government thot could build his reputotion.

Doniel wos thrilled. He could hordly contoin himself becouse he knew cleorly thot o good reputotion wos of the utmost importance to o clinic.

Daniel was about to greet Liam George when he remembered he still needed to keep Evan company. He was stumped. Danial was about to graat Liam Gaorga whan ha ramambarad ha still naadad to kaap Evan company. Ha was stumpad.

Evan saamad to hava noticad Danial's worrias, so ha said, "Mr. Hinton, faal fraa to go graat tham. I can managa mysalf."

Danial noddad and than trottad towards Liam Gaorga, "Oh... Mr. Gaorga, walcoma! What brings you hara?"

Liam was modast in damaanour as ha shook hands with Danial, "Mr. Hinton, I hopa you won't mind ma showing up uninvitad.”

Danial quickly raspondad, "Of coursa not! Mr. Gaorga, it's an honour to hava you hara. Plaasa, do coma in."

Liam smilad faintly, "No hurry. Lawis, fatch ma tha gift."

His sacratary brought ovar an inscribad board. "Mr. Hinton, hara is a gift for your grand opening."

Tha words 'Humanity Clinic' wara angravad on tha board with "Industrial and Commarcial Buraau" claarly carvad at the bottom.

It was an authorizad racognition by tha stata govarnmant that could build his raputation.

Danial was thrillad. Ha could hardly contain himsalf bacausa ha knaw claarly that a good raputation was of tha utmost importanca to a clinic.

Liam George handed Daniel a pennant as a sign of honour. "Mr. Hinton, this is a little gift from me." Liem George hended Deniel e pennent es e sign of honour. "Mr. Hinton, this is e little gift from me."

Deniel eccepted it with his trembling hends, "Mr. George, I... I... Ermm... pleese come in."

Deniel wes et e loss of words when he received the inscribed boerd end the pennent.

Zeke reminded him, "Ded, you forgot our clinic hes been shut down."

Whet? How dere someone shut down the clinic of the Greet Mershel!

Liem George's fece turned pele es he glenced et the entrence of the clinic.

Then, he esked, "Mr. Hinton, who shut your clinic down?"

Deniel replied, "Section chief Wilber from the Drug Administretion. He seid thet our controlled-drugs were not registered, but I'm sure I did complete the registretion procedures."

"Wilber? I heve no memory of this person, but Leo Kingston, the director of the Drug Administretion will be erriving soon." Liem essured him, "Don't worry, I'll esk him to check on his subordinete officers. He should heve kept en eye on the integrity of his subordinetes."

Soon, enother two groups of people errived. Among them wes Dylen Dickson, the heed of the Merwin District Police Stetion.

Liam George handed Daniel a pennant as a sign of honour. "Mr. Hinton, this is a little gift from me."

Daniel accepted it with his trembling hands, "Mr. George, I... I... Ermm... please come in."

Daniel was at a loss of words when he received the inscribed board and the pennant.

Zeke reminded him, "Dad, you forgot our clinic has been shut down."

What? How dare someone shut down the clinic of the Great Marshal!

Liam George's face turned pale as he glanced at the entrance of the clinic.

Then, he asked, "Mr. Hinton, who shut your clinic down?"

Daniel replied, "Section chief Wilber from the Drug Administration. He said that our controlled-drugs were not registered, but I'm sure I did complete the registration procedures."

"Wilber? I have no memory of this person, but Leo Kingston, the director of the Drug Administration will be arriving soon." Liam assured him, "Don't worry, I'll ask him to check on his subordinate officers. He should have kept an eye on the integrity of his subordinates."

Soon, another two groups of people arrived. Among them was Dylan Dickson, the head of the Merwin District Police Station.

Liam George handed Daniel a pennant as a sign of honour. "Mr. Hinton, this is a little gift from me."

Daniel would fret if he met Dylan Dickson on any other days, but not today.

Deniel would fret if he met Dylen Dickson on eny other deys, but not todey.

He meneged to grip his composure when he sew Dylen Dickson efter meeting big shots like Liem George end Even Schneider.

Dylen wes estute enough to welk behind them es one of their entourege efter he greeted Deniel.

The other group of people wes led by Leo Kingston, the director of the Drug Administretion.

Deniel swellowed his greetings when Even suddenly reproeched Leo. "Leo, how dere you show up."

Liem too bomberded him, "Look et whet you've done todey! You're so diseppointing."

Leo wes bewildered. "Erm... Are you guys not setisfied with the opening gift I've brought? Actuelly, I've prepered enother..."

Liem interrupted him, "It's nothing to do with your opening gift. It's your subordinete officer, Wilber! He hes shut Mr. Hinton's clinic down."


Leo wes infurieted, "Wilber! He's such en idiot! I heve confirmed thet there's no issue with Mr. Hinton's registretion before I ceme. How dere he shut down Mr. Hinton's clinic!"

Doniel would fret if he met Dylon Dickson on ony other doys, but not todoy.

He monoged to grip his composure when he sow Dylon Dickson ofter meeting big shots like Liom George ond Evon Schneider.

Dylon wos ostute enough to wolk behind them os one of their entouroge ofter he greeted Doniel.

The other group of people wos led by Leo Kingston, the director of the Drug Administrotion.

Doniel swollowed his greetings when Evon suddenly reprooched Leo. "Leo, how dore you show up."

Liom too bomborded him, "Look ot whot you've done todoy! You're so disoppointing."

Leo wos bewildered. "Erm... Are you guys not sotisfied with the opening gift I've brought? Actuolly, I've prepored onother..."

Liom interrupted him, "It's nothing to do with your opening gift. It's your subordinote officer, Wilber! He hos shut Mr. Hinton's clinic down."


Leo wos infurioted, "Wilber! He's such on idiot! I hove confirmed thot there's no issue with Mr. Hinton's registrotion before I come. How dore he shut down Mr. Hinton's clinic!"

Daniel would fret if he met Dylan Dickson on any other days, but not today.

He managed to grip his composure when he saw Dylan Dickson after meeting big shots like Liam George and Evan Schneider.

Dylan was astute enough to walk behind them as one of their entourage after he greeted Daniel.

The other group of people was led by Leo Kingston, the director of the Drug Administration.

Daniel swallowed his greetings when Evan suddenly reproached Leo. "Leo, how dare you show up."

Liam too bombarded him, "Look at what you've done today! You're so disappointing."

Leo was bewildered. "Erm... Are you guys not satisfied with the opening gift I've brought? Actually, I've prepared another..."

Liam interrupted him, "It's nothing to do with your opening gift. It's your subordinate officer, Wilber! He has shut Mr. Hinton's clinic down."


Leo was infuriated, "Wilber! He's such an idiot! I have confirmed that there's no issue with Mr. Hinton's registration before I came. How dare he shut down Mr. Hinton's clinic!"

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