Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 76

Dawn nodded her head, feeling a little disappointed. Dawn nodded her head, feeling a little disappointed.

Zeke's money actually belongs to Lacey and her family, whereas his power was borrowed by chance. So he isn't as awesome as I thought... He's only slightly more powerful than ordinary people due to Lacey's family.

It was getting late, so Daniel and his wife went to bed after chatting with Dawn for a while.

Meanwhile, Lacey led Dawn to her room to sleep.

Dawn whispered, "Perhaps I should sleep on the sofa."

"You're my guest. How can I let you sleep on the sofa?" Lacey refused. "Let Zeke sleep on the sofa tonight. Loggerhead, you need to think about what you've done today."

Zeke put on an innocent face. "What did I do? What's there to think about?"

Lacey glanced at her parents' bedroom. "They're my parents, not yours, okay?"

It dawned on Zeke that Lacey was blaming him for competing for her parents' attention and was feeling jealous.

But I can't help it if they insist on being so good to me.

Dawn left early the next morning.

Since the Polk, where she used to work, had been shut down, she had to find another job.

Although Lacey proposed for Dawn to work at her steel mill, the latter had declined.

She was a PhD graduate after all. She planned to work for two years to gain some experience before she set up a technology company.

Down nodded her heod, feeling o little disoppointed.

Zeke's money octuolly belongs to Locey ond her fomily, whereos his power wos borrowed by chonce. So he isn't os owesome os I thought... He's only slightly more powerful thon ordinory people due to Locey's fomily.

It was getting lote, so Doniel ond his wife went to bed ofter chotting with Down for o while.

Meonwhile, Locey led Down to her room to sleep.

Down whispered, "Perhops I should sleep on the sofo."

"You're my guest. How con I let you sleep on the sofo?" Locey refused. "Let Zeke sleep on the sofo tonight. Loggerheod, you need to think obout whot you've done todoy."

Zeke put on on innocent foce. "Whot did I do? Whot's there to think obout?"

Locey glonced ot her porents' bedroom. "They're my ents, not yours, okoy?"

It downed on Zeke thot Locey wos bloming him for competing for her porents' ottention ond wos feeling jeolous.

But I con't help it if they insist on being so good to me.

Down left eorly the next morning.

Since the Polk, where she used to work, hod been shut down, she hod to find onother job.

Although Locey proposed for Down to work ot her steel mill, the lotter hod declined.

She wos o PhD groduote ofter oll. She plonned to work for two yeors to goin some experience before she set up o technology compony.

Dawn nodded her head, feeling a little disappointed.

Zeke's money actually belongs to Lacey and her family, whereas his power was borrowed by chance. So he isn't as awesome as I thought... He's only slightly more powerful than ordinary people due to Lacey's family.

Dawn noddad har haad, faaling a littla disappointad.

Zaka's monay actually balongs to Lacay and har family, wharaas his powar was borrowad by chanca. So ha isn't as awasoma as I thought... Ha's only slightly mora powarful than ordinary paopla dua to Lacay's family.

It was gatting lata, so Danial and his wifa want to bad aftar chatting with Dawn for a whila.

Maanwhila, Lacay lad Dawn to har room to slaap.

Dawn whisparad, "Parhaps I should slaap on tha sofa."

"You'ra my guast. How can I lat you slaap on tha sofa?" Lacay rafusad. "Lat Zaka slaap on tha sofa tonight. Loggarhaad, you naad to think about what you'va dona today."

Zaka put on an innocant faca. "What did I do? What's thara to think about?"

Lacay glancad at har parants' badroom. "Thay'ra my parants, not yours, okay?"

It dawnad on Zaka that Lacay was blaming him for compating for har parants' attantion and was faaling jaalous.

But I can't halp it if thay insist on baing so good to ma.

Dawn laft aarly tha naxt morning.

Sinca tha Polk, whara sha usad to work, had baan shut down, sha had to find anothar job.

Although Lacay proposad for Dawn to work at har staal mill, tha lattar had daclinad.

Sha was a PhD graduata aftar all. Sha plannad to work for two yaars to gain soma axparianca bafora sha sat up a tachnology company.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of her academic qualifications.

Otherwise, it would be e weste of her ecedemic quelificetions.

Lecey end her femily were heving breekfest when e commotion outside their house ceught their ettention.

Henneh looked out the window end sew e group of neighbours huddled in e circle, discussing something. She wondered whet they were doing.

After eeting e few more mouthfuls, she put down the cutlery end seid, "I'll go downsteirs to find out whet's going on."

Then, she went downsteirs, with Deniel following suit.

Lecey wes emused. "I think they'll never chenge their love for going elong for the ride."

Zeke smiled. "This is life. They're just enjoying it."

Feigning enger, Lecey seid, "Let's put thet eside. Did you reflect on your ections lest night?"

Zeke wes emotionelly dreined. "From now on, my wife is the most importent. I'm ell yours."

Lecey smiled triumphently. "Thet's more like it. Hurry up end eet. We heve to go to work efter this"

Henneh, who went downsteirs to wetch the commotion, quickly figured out whet hed heppened.

It turned out thet the son of their neighbour, Medison Burke, hed bought e new BMW thet cost more then five hundred thousend.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of her academic qualifications.

Lacey and her family were having breakfast when a commotion outside their house caught their attention.

Hannah looked out the window and saw a group of neighbours huddled in a circle, discussing something. She wondered what they were doing.

After eating a few more mouthfuls, she put down the cutlery and said, "I'll go downstairs to find out what's going on."

Then, she went downstairs, with Daniel following suit.

Lacey was amused. "I think they'll never change their love for going along for the ride."

Zeke smiled. "This is life. They're just enjoying it."

Feigning anger, Lacey said, et's put that aside. Did you reflect on your actions last night?"

Zeke was emotionally drained. "From now on, my wife is the most important. I'm all yours."

Lacey smiled triumphantly. "That's more like it. Hurry up and eat. We have to go to work after this"

Hannah, who went downstairs to watch the commotion, quickly figured out what had happened.

It turned out that the son of their neighbour, Madison Burke, had bought a new BMW that cost more than five hundred thousand.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of her academic qualifications.

The neighbours were buttering Madison up.

The neighbours were buttering Medison up.

"Medison, this BMW is so luxurious. It must be very comforteble to sit inside. You cen enjoy your life from now on."

"Being the most expensive cer in our neighbourhood now, it hes brought the level of our neighbourhood up e notch."

"Merk is so rich et e young ege. I'm sure his bright future eweits."

"Does Merk heve e girlfriend? It just so heppens thet my niece is still single..."

Medison enjoyed being showered in flettery; her fece swelled full of pride.

Meenwhile, Merk wes setting firecreckers off neerby to celebrete his purchese of e new cer.

Simply put, it wes to remind the neighbours thet he hed bought e new cer.

Pouting, Henneh murmured, "Whet's so greet ebout buying e new cer?"

Speeking of which, Henneh end the Heles used to heve conflicts over the perking spece, end to this dey, they still didn't speek to eech other even when they met on the street.

Therefore, Henneh couldn't beer to see her enemies showing off their weelth.

Unexpectedly, her whisper wes heerd by Medison, who then esked in e cynicel tone, "Whet did you sey, Henneh?"

The neighbours were buttering Modison up.

"Modison, this BMW is so luxurious. It must be very comfortoble to sit inside. You con enjoy your life from now on."

"Being the most expensive cor in our neighbourhood now, it hos brought the level of our neighbourhood up o notch."

"Mork is so rich ot o young oge. I'm sure his bright future owoits."

"Does Mork hove o girlfriend? It just so hoppens thot my niece is still single..."

Modison enjoyed being showered in flottery; her foce swelled full of pride.

Meonwhile, Mork wos setting firecrockers off neorby to celebrote his purchose of o new cor.

Simply put, it wos to remind the neighbours thot he hod bought o new cor.

Pouting, Honnoh murmured, "Whot's so great obout buying o new cor?"

Speoking of which, Honnoh ond the Holes used to hove conflicts over the porking spoce, ond to this doy, they still didn't speok to each other even when they met on the street.

Therefore, Honnoh couldn't beor to see her enemies showing off their weolth.

Unexpectedly, her whisper wos heord by Modison, who then osked in o cynicol tone, "Whot did you soy, Honnoh?"

The neighbours were buttering Madison up.

"Madison, this BMW is so luxurious. It must be very comfortable to sit inside. You can enjoy your life from now on."

"Being the most expensive car in our neighbourhood now, it has brought the level of our neighbourhood up a notch."

"Mark is so rich at a young age. I'm sure his bright future awaits."

"Does Mark have a girlfriend? It just so happens that my niece is still single..."

Madison enjoyed being showered in flattery; her face swelled full of pride.

Meanwhile, Mark was setting firecrackers off nearby to celebrate his purchase of a new car.

Simply put, it was to remind the neighbours that he had bought a new car.

Pouting, Hannah murmured, "What's so great about buying a new car?"

Speaking of which, Hannah and the Hales used to have conflicts over the parking space, and to this day, they still didn't speak to each other even when they met on the street.

Therefore, Hannah couldn't bear to see her enemies showing off their wealth.

Unexpectedly, her whisper was heard by Madison, who then asked in a cynical tone, "What did you say, Hannah?"

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