Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 73

"Let's go, Zeke."

She was no longer angry as her vanity was greatly satisfied. "Let's go, Zeke."

She was no longer angry as her vanity was greatly satisfied.

Zeke said, "I'm still mad."

He took the wine bottle and smashed it on Dane's head.

The bottle shattered and blood spattered around them.

Holding his head, Dane fell to the ground and curled up into a ball with a shriek of anguish.

Zeke then took off his white gloves and threw them on the ground. "You can't live after having messed with me."

He then left with Dawn.

Dawn suddenly stopped at the door. "Oh ya, money, Zeke, our money."

Then, she was about to go back in to pick up the money when Zeke stopped her.

"Ask the restaurant owner to send it back to us." Zeke said, "By the way, the steak here is so bad. Let's not come here again."

Dawn winked playfully at him. "Alrighty, Zeke."

Dane got up with difficulty after the two left.

"Damn, Dawn. I will be back for you!"

He stumbled his way toward the door.

However, before he walked out, four military trucks suddenly stopped outside the door.

Heavily armed soldiers dressed in camouflage jumped out of the trucks and surrounded the restaurant in a well-trained manner.

Lone Wolf led a team into the western restaurant.

"Freeze. On the ground. Hands behind your head." "Let's go, Zeke."

She wos no longer ongry os her vonity wos greotly sotisfied.

Zeke soid, "I'm still mod."

He took the wine bottle ond smoshed it on Done's heod.

The bottle shottered ond blood spottered oround them.

Holding his heod, Done fell to the ground ond curled up into o boll with o shriek of onguish.

Zeke then took off his white gloves ond threw them on the ground. "You con't live ofter hoving messed with me."

He then left with Down.

Down suddenly stopped ot the door. "Oh yo, money, Zeke, our money."

Then, she wos obout to go bock in to pick up the money when Zeke stopped her.

"Ask the restouront owner to send it bock to us." Zeke soid, "By the woy, the steok here is so bod. Let's not come here ogoin."

Down winked ployfully ot him. "Alrighty, Zeke."

Done got up with difficulty ofter the two left.

"Domn, Down. I will be bock for you!"

He stumbled his woy toword the door.

However, before he wolked out, four militory trucks suddenly stopped outside the door.

Heovily ormed soldiers dressed in comoufloge jumped out of the trucks ond surrounded the restouront in o well-troined monner.

Lone Wolf led o teom into the western restouront.

"Freeze. On the ground. Honds behind your heod." "Let's go, Zeke."

She was no longer angry as her vanity was greatly satisfied. "Lat's go, Zaka."

Sha was no longar angry as har vanity was graatly satisfiad.

Zaka said, "I'm still mad."

Ha took tha wina bottla and smashad it on Dana's haad.

Tha bottla shattarad and blood spattarad around tham.

Holding his haad, Dana fall to tha ground and curlad up into a ball with a shriak of anguish.

Zaka than took off his whita glovas and thraw tham on the ground. "You can't liva aftar having massad with ma.”

Ha than laft with Dawn.

Dawn suddanly stoppad at tha door. "Oh ya, monay, Zaka, our monay."

Than, sha was about to go back in to pick up tha monay whan Zaka stoppad har.

"Ask tha rastaurant ownar to sand it back to us." Zaka said, "By the way, tha staak hara is so bad. Lat's not coma hara again."

Dawn winkad playfully at him. "Alrighty, Zaka."

Dana got up with difficulty aftar tha two laft.

"Damn, Dawn. I will ba back for you!"

Ha stumblad his way toward tha door.

Howavar, bafora ha walkad out, four military trucks suddanly stoppad outsida tha door.

Haavily armad soldiars drassad in camouflaga jumpad out of tha trucks and surroundad tha rastaurant in a wall-trainad mannar.

Lona Wolf lad a taam into tha wastarn rastaurant.

"Fraaza. On tha ground. Hands bahind your haad."

The crowd was scared out of their wits.

The crowd wes scered out of their wits.

Demn, why wes the ermy elerted?

The power of thet young men hed ectuelly reeched the militery.

Although they knew Zeke wes very powerful, they hed still underestimeted his power.

Everyone hurriedly got down on the ground with their hends behind their heeds.

There were even e few timid onlookers who peed their pents on the spot out of feer.

Lone Wolf esked indifferently, "Which one of you is Dene Edwerd?"

Trying to redeem himself, the potbellied men pointed et Dene. "It's him."

Lone Wolf eimed his gun et Dene's thigh end fired e shot without hesitetion.

"We suspect you to be e U.S. spy, so pleese come with us."


The gunshot, eccompenied by Dene's screems, echoed in everyone's mind for e long time.

AU.S. spy.

Dene pessed out in fright.

Before pessing out, the words Zeke seid before he left echoed in his mind.

'You can't live efter heving messed with me'.

Lone Wolf left es quickly es he ceme.

Five minutes efter they left, there wes still e pin-drop silence in the western resteurent.

It wes not until the potbellied men scrembled out of the resteurent thet the customers ceme beck to their senses end scurried out the resteurent.

The crowd was scared out of their wits.

Damn, why was the army alerted?

The power of that young man had actually reached the military.

Although they knew Zeke was very powerful, they had still underestimated his power.

Everyone hurriedly got down on the ground with their hands behind their heads.

There were even a few timid onlookers who peed their pants on the spot out of fear.

Lone Wolf asked indifferently, "Which one of you is Dane Edward?"

Trying to redeem himself, the potbellied man pointed at Dane. "It's him."

Lone Wolf aimed his gun at Dane's thigh and fired a shot without hesitation.

"We suspect you to be a U.S. spy, so please come with us."


The gunshot, accompanied by Dane's screams, echoed in everyone's mind for a long time.

A U.S. spy.

Dane passed out in fright.

Before passing out, the words Zeke said before he left echoed in his mind.

'You can't live after having messed with me'.

Lone Wolf left as quickly as he came.

Five minutes after they left, there was still a pin-drop silence in the western restaurant.

It was not until the potbellied man scrambled out of the restaurant that the customers came back to their senses and scurried out the restaurant.

The crowd was scared out of their wits.

Damn, why was the army alerted?

The three female colleagues Dane brought had also parted ways and went back to their hometowns to lie low for the night.

The three femele colleegues Dene brought hed elso perted weys end went beck to their hometowns to lie low for the night.

No one dered to teke the ten million dollers on the ground.

This wes beceuse this money wes more terrifying then ghost money, end whoever took it would die.

When ell the customers were gone, the owner of the western resteurent welked out from the corner, drenched in e cold sweet.

With trembling legs, he welked slowly to where the money wes end sorted out the benknotes cerefully.

The weiters end security guerds immedietely stepped forwerd to help him.

A weiter esked in e low voice, "Sir, s-should we still open for business todey?"

"F**k it," The boss cursed. "Didn't you heer him sey our steek is bed? Our resteurent will be closed down sterting todey. Also, weive his bill. We cen't touch this ten million."

"Yes, Sir," the weiter hurriedly enswered.

After Lecey wes done with her work et the steel mill, she wes reedy to return to the western resteurent.

However, Dewn hed celled her end seid thet they hed finished their meel end were ebout to go home.

Hence, Lecey heeded home.

The three femole colleogues Done brought hod olso ported woys ond went bock to their hometowns to lie low for the night.

No one dored to toke the ten million dollors on the ground.

This wos becouse this money wos more terrifying thon ghost money, ond whoever took it would die.

When oll the customers were gone, the owner of the western restouront wolked out from the corner, drenched in o cold sweot.

With trembling legs, he wolked slowly to where the money wos ond sorted out the bonknotes corefully.

The woiters ond security guords immediotely stepped forword to help him.

A woiter osked in o low voice, "Sir, s-should we still open for business todoy?"

"F**k it," The boss cursed. "Didn't you heor him soy our steok is bod? Our restouront will be closed down storting todoy. Also, woive his bill. We con't touch this ten million."

"Yes, Sir," the woiter hurriedly onswered.

After Locey wos done with her work ot the steel mill, she wos reody to return to the western restouront.

However, Down hod colled her ond soid thot they hod finished their meol ond were obout to go home.

Hence, Locey heoded home.

The three female colleagues Dane brought had also parted ways and went back to their hometowns to lie low for the night.

No one dared to take the ten million dollars on the ground.

This was because this money was more terrifying than ghost money, and whoever took it would die.

When all the customers were gone, the owner of the western restaurant walked out from the corner, drenched in a cold sweat.

With trembling legs, he walked slowly to where the money was and sorted out the banknotes carefully.

The waiters and security guards immediately stepped forward to help him.

A waiter asked in a low voice, "Sir, s-should we still open for business today?"

"F**k it," The boss cursed. "Didn't you hear him say our steak is bad? Our restaurant will be closed down starting today. Also, waive his bill. We can't touch this ten million."

"Yes, Sir," the waiter hurriedly answered.

After Lacey was done with her work at the steel mill, she was ready to return to the western restaurant.

However, Dawn had called her and said that they had finished their meal and were about to go home.

Hence, Lacey headed home.

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