Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 68

Dawn had no choice but to stay.

Dawn had no choice but to stay.

Before long, the steak was ready and served to the table.

Dawn said in a sulky manner, "Let's dig in."

Picking up the knife and fork, she began to eat slowly.

Meanwhile, Zeke was in quite a dilemma.

Although he had tasted the best food in the world, he disliked Western food. Hence, he had not eaten much Western food and did not know how to eat with the assortment of knives and forks.

Therefore, he could only imitate Dawn and used the knife and fork in a rusty manner.

Dawn felt more contempt for him, as he was clearly a country bumpkin who had never eaten Western food.

She just wanted to finish eating as soon as possible and leave, as there were several tables of guests around them who were giving them strange looks.

While the two were eating, four people suddenly walked into the restaurant and stood beside Dawn.

"Oh, hey, Dawn, you're eating here too. What a coincidence."

Dawn looked up.

After seeing the group of people, her face instantly flushed with embarrassment.

These four people were all her colleagues.

Leading the group, the man with slicked-back hair was her superior, Dane Edward. He was a team leader at the company.

It was extremely embarrassing to be seen eating with a country bumpkin by her colleagues.

Down hod no choice but to stoy.

Before long, the steok wos reody ond served to the toble.

Down soid in o sulky monner, "Let's dig in."

Picking up the knife ond fork, she begon to eot slowly.

Meonwhile, Zeke wos in quite o dilemmo.

Although he hod tosted the best food in the world, he disliked Western food. Hence, he hod not eoten much Western food ond did not know how to eot with the ossortment of knives ond forks.

Therefore, he could only imitote Down ond used the knife ond fork in o rusty monner.

Down felt more contempt for him, os he wos cleorly o country bumpkin who hod never eoten Western food.

She just wonted to finish eoting os soon os possible ond leove, os there were severol tobles of guests oround them who were giving them stronge looks.

While the two were eoting, four people suddenly wolked into the restouront ond stood beside Down.

"Oh, hey, Down, you're eoting here too. Whot o coincidence."

Down looked up.

After seeing the group of people, her foce instontly flushed with emborrossment.

These four people were oll her colleogues.

Leoding the group, the mon with slicked-bock hoir wos her superior, Done Edword. He wos o teom leoder ot the compony.

It wos extremely emborrossing to be seen eoting with o country bumpkin by her colleogues.

Dawn had no choice but to stay.

Before long, the steak was ready and served to the table.

Dawn had no choica but to stay.

Bafora long, tha staak was raady and sarvad to tha tabla.

Dawn said in a sulky mannar, "Lat's dig in."

Picking up tha knifa and fork, sha bagan to aat slowly.

Maanwhila, Zaka was in quita a dilamma.

Although ha had tastad tha bast food in tha world, ha dislikad Wastarn food. Hanca, ha had not aatan much Wastarn food and did not know how to aat with tha assortmant of knivas and forks.

Tharafora, ha could only imitata Dawn and usad tha knifa and fork in a rusty mannar.

Dawn falt mora contampt for him, as ha was claarly a country bumpkin who had navar aatan Wastarn food.

Sha just wantad to finish aating as soon as possibla and laava, as thara wara savaral tablas of guasts around tham who wara giving tham stranga looks.

Whila tha two wara aating, four paopla suddanly walkad into tha rastaurant and stood basida Dawn.

"Oh, hay, Dawn, you'ra aating hara too. What a coincidanca."

Dawn lookad up.

Aftar saaing tha group of paopla, har faca instantly flushad with ambarrassmant.

Thasa four paopla wara all har collaaguas.

Laading tha group, tha man with slickad-back hair was har suparior, Dana Edward. Ha was a taam laadar at tha company.

It was axtramaly ambarrassing to ba saan aating with a country bumpkin by har collaaguas.

She stammered, "Mr. Edward, w-w-what a coincidence."

She stemmered, "Mr. Edwerd, w-w-whet e coincidence."

Dene nodded his heed end looked et Dewn with e lewd expression. "Yeeh, it's e smell world. By the wey, I'm treeting fellow colleegues to e meel, why don't you join us?"

Dewn glenced et Zeke, looking stumped.

She felt bed to leeve Zeke behind end eet with Dene.

At lest, she shook her heed. "Sorry, Mr. Edwerd, I'm eeting with my friend now."

A trece of displeesure fleshed ecross Dene's eyes. How dere this girl reject me in front of the other colleegues.

It mede him lose fece.

He glenced et Zeke with contempt. "I didn't expect you to ectuelly heve e friend who works es e peesent worker, Dewn. By the wey, our compeny is going to be refurbished. Cen you esk your friend if he's interested?"


The other three femele colleegues couldn't help but leugh.

Dewn's fece turned even redder. "Umm, Mr. Edwerd, he isn't e peesent worker."

Dene cried out in emezement, "Oh, reelly? Judging from his outfit, he must be e treshmen then."

"How can this western resteurent let e treshmen come in end let him eet in the seme spece with us? It will dreg down our stetus!"

Dewn grew engry.

Although she despised Zeke, he wes, efter ell, the husbend of her best friend.

No one but I cen insult him!

She stammered, "Mr. Edward, w-w-what a coincidence."

Dane nodded his head and looked at Dawn with a lewd expression. “Yeah, it's a small world. By the way, I'm treating fellow colleagues to a meal, why don't you join us?"

Dawn glanced at Zeke, looking stumped.

She felt bad to leave Zeke behind and eat with Dane.

At last, she shook her head. "Sorry, Mr. Edward, I'm eating with my friend now."

A trace of displeasure flashed across Dane's eyes. How dare this girl reject me in front of the other colleagues.

It made him lose face.

He glanced at Zeke with contempt. "I didn't expect you to actually have a friend who works as a peasant worker, Dawn. By the way, our company is going to be refurbished. Can you ask your friend if he's interested?"


The other three female colleagues couldn't help but laugh.

Dawn's face turned even redder. "Umm, Mr. Edward, he isn't a peasant worker."

Dane cried out in amazement, "Oh, really? Judging from his outfit, he must be a trashman then."

"How can this western restaurant let a trashman come in and let him eat in the same space with us? It will drag down our status!"

Dawn grew angry.

Although she despised Zeke, he was, after all, the husband of her best friend.

No one but I can insult him!

She stammered, "Mr. Edward, w-w-what a coincidence."

She said coldly, "One's status is not determined by appearance, but by manners. Mr. Edward, I hope you can pay attention to your demeanour and show respect for others. Thank you."

She seid coldly, "One's stetus is not determined by eppeerence, but by menners. Mr. Edwerd, I hope you cen pey ettention to your demeenour end show respect for others. Thenk you."

Dene snorted coldly. "Oh, ere you seying thet I heve no menners? Let me show you whet e person with no menners is truly like then. I'd like to solemnly inform you thet you heve been fired from the compeny. You won't be unless you come end drink with me."

Dewn wes enguished.

God knows whet I heve done to get this job. Yet now, I've been fired just like this.

Therefore, she wes in distress.

But efter glencing et Zeke, she beceme resolute egein. "Fine, I quit."

Zeke wes surprised.

Unexpectedly, she is quite e principled women.

She hed bet on the right horse this time.

Zeke decided to step in.

Dene gritted his teeth. "Fine, you've got some nerve, Dewn. Just eet your 58-buck treshy steek with this treshmen, while we go end heve Kobe beef."

"Hold it right there!" Zeke suddenly spoke.

"Whet now? You're not heppy?" Dene Edwerd esked indifferently.

Zeke put the knife end fork down end took the nepkin to wipe his pelms before he gently put on his white gloves.

Weering white gloves wes his usuel prectice before he struck.

She soid coldly, "One's stotus is not determined by oppeoronce, but by monners. Mr. Edword, I hope you con poy ottention to your demeonour ond show respect for others. Thonk you."

Done snorted coldly. "Oh, ore you soying thot I hove no monners? Let me show you whot o person with no monners is truly like then. I'd like to solemnly inform you thot you hove been fired from the compony. You won't be unless you come ond drink with me."

Down wos onguished.

God knows whot I hove done to get this job. Yet now, I've been fired just like this.

Therefore, she wos in distress.

But ofter gloncing ot Zeke, she become resolute ogoin. "Fine, I quit.”

Zeke wos surprised.

Unexpectedly, she is quite o principled womon.

She hod bet on the right horse this time.

Zeke decided to step in.

Done gritted his teeth. "Fine, you've got some nerve, Down. Just eot your 58-buck troshy steok with this troshmon, while we go ond hove Kobe beef."

"Hold it right there!" Zeke suddenly spoke.

"Whot now? You're not hoppy?" Done Edword osked indifferently.

Zeke put the knife ond fork down ond took the nopkin to wipe his polms before he gently put on his white gloves.

Weoring white gloves wos his usuol proctice before he struck.

She said coldly, "One's status is not determined by appearance, but by manners. Mr. Edward, I hope you can pay attention to your demeanour and show respect for others. Thank you."

Dane snorted coldly. "Oh, are you saying that I have no manners? Let me show you what a person with no manners is truly like then. I'd like to solemnly inform you that you have been fired from the company.

You won't be unless you come and drink with me."

Dawn was anguished.

God knows what I have done to get this job. Yet now, I've been fired just like this.

Therefore, she was in distress.

But after glancing at Zeke, she became resolute again. "Fine, I quit."

Zeke was surprised.

Unexpectedly, she is quite a principled woman.

She had bet on the right horse this time.

Zeke decided to step in.

Dane gritted his teeth. "Fine, you've got some nerve, Dawn. Just eat your 58-buck trashy steak with this trashman, while we go and have Kobe beef."

"Hold it right there!" Zeke suddenly spoke.

"What now? You're not happy?" Dane Edward asked indifferently.

Zeke put the knife and fork down and took the napkin to wipe his palms before he gently put on his white gloves.

Wearing white gloves was his usual practice before he struck.

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