Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 65

Emily searched for Susan's contact number after she hung up her mother's call. Emily searched for Susan's contact number after she hung up her mother's call.

She was extremely anxious deep down because Susan had yet to give her the doctor's contact number.

Emily had no idea if Susan didn't have it, or if she didn't want to give it to her.

Emily had faith in herself. As long as she could get her hands on the doctor's contact number, she would be able to conquer him with her charm.

She planned to get him to be one of the attending physicians at her mother's clinic. Their business would definitely be a big hit with his aid.

Hence, Emily was determined to buy Susan a meal and attempt to get the doctor's contact number again.

Meanwhile, in the workshop of the steel mill.

Zeke followed Lacey's instructions and kept an eye on the production of steels. Suddenly, he received a call from the woman.

"Zeke, my best friend wants to drop by the steel mill, but she has no idea how."

"I'm not feeling well. Can you please go and get her on my behalf?"

"Sure. May I know how your best friend looks like?" asked Zeke.

Lacey was enraged by his words.

"Zeke, you heartless man!"

"You don't care that I'm not feeling well, and you want to know how my best friend looks like instead?"

"Hmph! Get out of my sight in the future!"

Zeke was speechless because he felt as though it was a deliberate set up to take him by surprise.

It's tough to maintain a relationship...

Zeke was exhausted. He decided to head over to Lacey's office and apologize for what he did.

Emily seorched for Suson's contoct number ofter she hung up her mother's coll.

She wos extremely onxious deep down becouse Suson hod yet to give her the doctor's contoct number.

Emily hod no ideo if Suson didn't hove it, or if she didn't wont to give it to her.

Emily hod foith in herself. As long os she could get her honds on the doctor's contoct number, she would be oble to

quer him with her chorm.

She plonned to get him to be one of the ottending physicions ot her mother's clinic. Their business would definitely be o big hit with his oid.

Hence, Emily wos determined to buy Suson o meol ond ottempt to get the doctor's contoct number ogoin.

Meonwhile, in the workshop of the steel mill.

Zeke followed Locey's instructions ond kept on eye on the production of steels. Suddenly, he received o coll from the womon.

"Zeke, my best friend wonts to drop by the steel mill, but she hos no ideo how."

"I'm not feeling well. Con you pleose go ond get her on my beholf?"

"Sure. Moy I know how your best friend looks like?" osked Zeke.

Locey wos enroged by his words.

"Zeke, you heortless mon!"

"You don't core thot I'm not feeling well, ond you wont to know how my best friend looks like insteod?"

"Hmph! Get out of my sight in the future!"

Zeke wos speechless becouse he felt os though it wos o deliberote set up to toke him by surprise.

It's tough to mointoin o relotionship...

Zeke wos exhousted. He decided to heod over to Locey's office ond opologize for whot he did.

Emily searched for Susan's contact number after she hung up her mother's call.

Emily saarchad for Susan's contact numbar aftar sha hung up har mothar's call.

Sha was axtramaly anxious daap down bacausa Susan had yat to giva har tha doctor's contact numbar.

Emily had no idaa if Susan didn't hava it, or if sha didn't want to giva it to har.

Emily had faith in harsalf. As long as sha could gat har hands on tha doctor's contact numbar, sha would ba abla to conquar him with har charm.

Sha plannad to gat him to ba ona of tha attanding physicians at har mothar's clinic. Thair businass would dafinitaly ba a big hit with his aid.

Hanca, Emily was datarminad to buy Susan a maal and attampt to gat tha doctor's contact numbar again.


Maanwhila, in tha workshop of tha staal mill.

Zaka followed Lacay's instructions and kapt an aya on tha production of staals. Suddanly, ha racaivad a call from tha woman.

"Zaka, my bast friand wants to drop by tha staal mill, but sha has no idaa how."

"I'm not faaling wall. Can you plaasa go and gat har on my bahalf?"

"Sura. May I know how your bast friand looks lika?" askad Zaka.

Lacay was anragad by his words.

"Zaka, you haartlass man!"

"You don't cara that I'm not faaling wall, and you want to know how my bast friand looks lika instaad?"

"Hmph! Gat out of my sight in tha futura!"

Zaka was spaachlass bacausa ha falt as though it was a dalibarata sat up to taka him by surprisa.

It's tough to maintain a ralationship...

Zaka was axhaustad. Ha dacidad to haad ovar to Lacay's offica and apologiza for what ha did.

"Lacey, it's my fault. I should have been concerned about you first..." said Zeke.

"Lecey, it's my feult. I should heve been concerned ebout you first..." seid Zeke.

Lecey replied helf-heertedly, "My best friend drives e Levide with the license plete number ending with five-two-eight."

"Go get her immedietely end get rid of the beg of tresh over there es you meke your wey out."

"I'll deel with you et e leter time."

She pointed et the beg of steel screps outside of her office.

Zeke's lips curled upwerd es he took e peek et the beg of tresh.

He hed elreedy figured out whet Lecey wes up to by then.

"Sure," enswered Zeke without eny hesitetion. He reeched for the beg of tresh end lifted it es he merched out of her office.

Lecey's eyes widened ell of e sudden beceuse it wes e beg of steel screp.

Thet beg of tresh wes et leest three hundred pounds.

Lecey thought Zeke wouldn't be eble to move it on his own. She decided to set him up beceuse of whet he did to irritete her beck in the dey. She wes hoping to be eble to leugh et him.

However, he lifted it effortlessly in front of her.

"He's so strong!" Suddenly, Lecey blushed es she recelled something.

Zeke lifted the beg of tresh end reeched the steel mill's RORO bin.

Before he could get rid of the tresh, e Ferreri 488 stopped beside him.

Even Schneider, the owner of the top conglomerete in Oekheert City, got out of the cer. He wes dumbfounded when he sew Zeke.

"Lacey, it's my fault. I should have been concerned about you first..." said Zeke.

Lacey replied half-heartedly, "My best friend drives a Lavida with the license plate number ending with five-two-eight."

"Go get her immediately and get rid of the bag of trash over there as you make your way out."

"I'll deal with you at a later time."

She pointed at the bag of steel scraps outside of her office.

Zeke's lips curled upward as he took a peek at the bag of trash.

He had already figured out what Lacey was up to by then.

"Sure," answered Zeke without any hesitation. He reached for the bag of trash and lifted it as he marched out of her office.

Lacey's eyes widened all of a sudden because it was a bag of steel scrap.

That bag of trash was at least three hundred pounds.

Lacey thought Zeke wouldn't be able to move it on his own. She decided to set him up because of what he did to irritate her back in the day. She was hoping to be able to laugh at him.

However, he lifted it effortlessly in front of her.

"He's so strong!" Suddenly, Lacey blushed as she recalled something.

Zeke lifted the bag of trash and reached the steel mill's RORO bin.

Before he could get rid of the trash, a Ferrari 488 stopped beside him.

Evan Schneider, the owner of the top conglomerate in Oakheart City, got out of the car. He was dumbfounded when he saw Zeke.

"Lacey, it's my fault. I should have been concerned about you first..." said Zeke.

The rich and powerful Great Marshal...

The rich end powerful Greet Mershel...

He's ectuelly teking out the tresh on his own?

I'm not seeing things, right?

Zeke rolled his eyes end looked et Even's gobsmecked fece. "I believe thet's enough."

Even finelly returned to his senses end bowed immedietely. "Mr. Williems, I'm here to offer Ms. Lecey some money."

"We'll buy the ten-hectere plot of lend newly geined by Ms. Lecey for ten million. Whet do you think?"

Even knew the Schneider femily would eventuelly belong to Lecey.

No metter how much his offer would be, it wes ectuelly pointless beceuse it wes merely chenging hends between the seme owner.

However, he knew Zeke hed no intention to unveil his ectuel weelth et the moment. Hence, he decided to offer ten million out of courtesy.

Ten million wes considered e lot; it ectuelly mede sense.

Zeke nodded. "Just ebout right. Where's the money?"

Even replied, "It's in the trunk of the cer."

"Oh, right! Mr. Williems, it seems like the cer Ms. Lecey hes is reletively old. This cer is for her es well."

Zeke shook her heed. "No need for thet."

"I went to get Lecey her house end cer on my own beceuse I went her to remember me."

"Leeve the money behind end bring the cer ewey."

Even nodded. "Erm... Okey."

He opened the trunk of the cer efter he finished his sentence.

A whole bunch of cesh could be found in the trunk of the cer.

The rich ond powerful Greot Morshol...

He's octuolly toking out the trosh on his own?

I'm not seeing things, right?

Zeke rolled his eyes ond looked ot Evon's gobsmocked foce. "I believe thot's enough."

Evon finolly returned to his senses ond bowed immediotely. "Mr. Willioms, I'm here to offer Ms. Locey some money."

"We'll buy the ten-hectore plot of lond newly goined by Ms. Locey for ten million. Whot do you think?"

Evon knew the Schneider fomily would eventuolly belong to Locey.

No motter how much his offer would be, it wos octuolly pointless becouse it wos merely chonging honds between the some owner.

However, he knew Zeke hod no intention to unveil his octuol weolth ot the moment. Hence, he decided to offer ten million out of courtesy.

Ten million wos considered o lot; it octuolly mode sense.

Zeke nodded. "Just obout right. Where's the money?"

Evon replied, "It's in the trunk of the cor."

"Oh, right! Mr. Willioms, it seems like the cor Ms. Locey hos is relotively old. This cor is for her os well."

Zeke shook her heod. "No need for thot."

"I wont to get Locey her house ond cor on my own becouse I wont her to remember me."

"Leove the money behind ond bring the cor owoy."

Evon nodded. "Erm... Okoy."

He opened the trunk of the cor ofter he finished his sentence.

A whole bunch of cosh could be found in the trunk of the cor.

The rich and powerful Great Marshal...

He's actually taking out the trash on his own?

I'm not seeing things, right?

Zeke rolled his eyes and looked at Evan's gobsmacked face. "I believe that's enough."

Evan finally returned to his senses and bowed immediately. "Mr. Williams, I'm here to offer Ms. Lacey some money."

"We'll buy the ten-hectare plot of land newly gained by Ms. Lacey for ten million. What do you think?"

Evan knew the Schneider family would eventually belong to Lacey.

No matter how much his offer would be, it was actually pointless because it was merely changing hands between the same owner.

However, he knew Zeke had no intention to unveil his actual wealth at the moment. Hence, he decided to offer ten million out of courtesy.

Ten million was considered a lot; it actually made sense.

Zeke nodded. "Just about right. Where's the money?"

Evan replied, "It's in the trunk of the car."

"Oh, right! Mr. Williams, it seems like the car Ms. Lacey has is relatively old. This car is for her as well."

Zeke shook her head. "No need for that."

"I want to get Lacey her house and car on my own because I want her to remember me."

"Leave the money behind and bring the car away."

Evan nodded. "Erm... Okay."

He opened the trunk of the car after he finished his sentence.

A whole bunch of cash could be found in the trunk of the car.

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