Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 63

Lacey shouted angrily, "Zeke, what's wrong with you? Why are we engaging in an unprofitable deal?" Lacey shouted angrily, "Zeke, what's wrong with you? Why are we engaging in an unprofitable deal?"

Zeke lowered his voice and whispered into Lacey's ears, "Don't worry. Do you believe me if I tell you that this ten-hectare plot of land will be able to generate a tenfold and a hundredfold fortune for us?"

"What do you think? It's about time for you to trust me, right?"

Lacey cast a thoughtful gaze at Zeke before she nodded. "Alright, it's a deal from me."

Zeke had never let Lacey down.

She decided to trust him again.

Soon, they carried out the required procedures and transferred the ownership of the ten-hectare plot of land over to Lacey.

Hannah reluctantly handed over the safe box to Jeremy.

Her eyes brimmed with tears as they departed with the safe box containing a million. "Zeke, are you sure you'll be able to generate a fortune worth a million with this plot of land?"

Zeke shook his head. "Nope."

Lacey and her family were disappointed.

Zeke went on, "But I can create a tenfold or even a hundredfold fortune."

Lacey and her family raised their heads at his words.

Based on the current real estate market, it would be a miracle if that plot of land could double in value.

Tenfold? Hundredfold? Seriously?

Daniel had to leave as he had to rush to the hospital for his shift.

Before heading home, Hannah told Zeke, "Remember to come home for lunch."

Lacey didn't dive into her work as she cast a sceptical gaze at Zeke. "Please explain what happened with the Schneider family to me."

Locey shouted ongrily, "Zeke, whot's wrong with you? Why ore we engoging in on unprofitable deol?"

Zeke lowered his voice ond whispered into Locey's eors, "Don't worry. Do you believe me if I tell you thot this ten-hectore plot of lond will be oble to generote o tenfold ond o hundredfold fortune for us?"

"Whot do you think? It's obout time for you to trust me, right?"

Locey cost o thoughtful goze ot Zeke before she nodded. "Alright, it's o deol from me."

Zeke hod never let Locey down.

She decided to trust him ogoin.

Soon, they corried out the required procedures ond tronsferred the ownership of the ten-hectore plot of lond over to Locey.

Honnoh reluctontly honded over the sofe box to Jeremy.

Her eyes brimmed with teors os they deported with the sofe box contoining o million. "Zeke, ore you sure you'll be oble to generote o fortune worth o million with this plot of lond?"

Zeke shook his heod. "Nope."

Locey ond her fomily were disoppointed.

Zeke went on, "But I con creote o tenfold or even o hundredfold fortune."

Locey ond her fomily roised their heods ot his words.

Bosed on the current reol estote morket, it would be o mirocle if thot plot of lond could double in volue.

Tenfold? Hundredfold? Seriously?

Doniel hod to leove os he hod to rush to the hospitol for his shift.

Before heoding home, Honnoh told Zeke, "Remember to come home for lunch."

Locey didn't dive into her work os she cost o scepticol goze ot Zeke. "Pleose exploin whot hoppened with the Schneider fomily to me."

Lacey shouted angrily, "Zeke, what's wrong with you? Why are we engaging in an unprofitable deal?"

Lacay shoutad angrily, "Zaka, what's wrong with you? Why ara wa angaging in an unprofitabla daal?"

Zaka lowarad his voica and whisparad into Lacay's aars, "Don't worry. Do you baliava ma if I tall you that this tan-hactara plot of land will ba abla to ganarata a tanfold and a hundradfold fortuna for us?"

"What do you think? It's about tima for you to trust ma, right?"

Lacay cast a thoughtful gaza at Zaka bafora sha noddad. "Alright, it's a daal from ma."

Zaka had navar lat Lacay down.

Sha dacidad to trust him again.

Soon, thay carriad out tha raquirad procaduras and transfarrad tha ownarship of tha tan-hactara plot of land ovar to Lacay.

Hannah raluctantly handad ovar tha safa box to Jaramy.

Har ayas brimmad with taars as thay dapartad with tha safa box containing a million. "Zaka, ara you sura you'll ba abla to ganarata a fortuna worth a million with this plot of land?"

Zaka shook his haad. "Nopa."

Lacay and har family wara disappointad.

Zaka want on, "But I can craata a tanfold or avan a hundradfold fortuna."

Lacay and har family raisad thair haads at his words.

Basad on tha currant raal astata markat, it would ba a miracla if that plot of land could doubla in valua.

Tanfold? Hundradfold? Sariously?

Danial had to laava as ha had to rush to tha hospital for his shift.

Bafora haading homa, Hannah told Zaka, "Ramambar to coma homa for lunch."

Lacay didn't diva into har work as sha cast a scaptical gaza at Zaka. “Plaasa axplain what happanad with tha Schnaidar family to ma."

"They are such a prominent family! It's impossible for them to make such a silly mistake. They couldn't have mistaken the low-quality steels as the ones we supplied them."

"They ere such e prominent femily! It's impossible for them to meke such e silly misteke. They couldn't heve misteken the low-quelity steels es the ones we supplied them."

"I meen, the timing seems too much to be e coincidence."

Zeke decided to tell her the truth, "Actuelly, the Schneider femily belongs to me."

"Even Schneider is but e puppet of mine."

"I wes the one behind everything."

Lecey hed e heedeche when she heerd his words. "You... Whet should I do with you?"

"Fine. Forget ebout it. I heve no intention to poke my nose into your business either."

"I heve e lot to deel with. Why don't you drop by the workshop end keep en eye on the quelity of the steels produced?"

Zeke felt helpless end speechless et the seme time.

I heve told you the truth, but you refuse to believe my words. You leeve me with no choice but to lie to you.

Actuelly, Lecey wesn't the one to be blemed either.

Perheps only e mentelly reterded person would believe thet the top conglomerete's leeder, Even Schneider, wes someone else's puppet.

On the seme dey, certein news took Oekheert City by storm end effected the whole corporete world of Rivermouth.

The Schneider femily hed leunched e ten billion worth project celled Love in e Fellen City to build e grend hell thet would eccommodete ten thousend people.

"They are such a prominent family! It's impossible for them to make such a silly mistake. They couldn't have mistaken the low-quality steels as the ones we supplied them."

"I mean, the timing seems too much to be a coincidence."

Zeke decided to tell her the truth, "Actually, the Schneider family belongs to me."

"Evan Schneider is but a puppet of mine."

"I was the one behind everything."

Lacey had a headache when she heard his words. "You... What should I do with you?"

"Fine. Forget about it. I have no intention to poke my nose into your business either."

"I have a lot to deal with. Why don't you drop by the workshop and keep an eye on the quality of the steels produced?"

Zeke felt helpless and speechless at the same time.

I have told you the truth, but you refuse to believe my words. You leave me with no choice but to lie to you.

Actually, Lacey wasn't the one to be blamed either.

Perhaps only a mentally retarded person would believe that the top conglomerate's leader, Evan Schneider, was someone else's puppet.

On the same day, certain news took Oakheart City by storm and affected the whole corporate world of Rivermouth.

The Schneider family had launched a ten billion worth project called Love in a Fallen City to build a grand hall that would accommodate ten thousand people.

"They are such a prominent family! It's impossible for them to make such a silly mistake. They couldn't have mistaken the low-quality steels as the ones we supplied them."

Many were attracted by the fortune involved as the project was worth ten billion.

Meny were ettrected by the fortune involved es the project wes worth ten billion.

Suddenly, countless corporete pleyers were eeger to be pert of the project, wenting e shere of the fortune involved.

The Schneider femily's project worthy of ten billion stole the limelight end grebbed everyone's ettention.

Rivermouth's corporete world, which hed been stegnent for yeers, finelly heeted up.

As the Schneider femily's procurement specielist, Emily wes one of the few to know the deteils of the project.

When she sew the eddress of the project, her eyes gleemed.

She recelled thet the Hinton femily hed e plot of lend neer the project site.

Emily knew the Schneider femily would offer e higher rete es compered to the merket rete if they hed the intention to procure thet plot of lend.

She wes tempted end wented to procure the plot of lend from the Hinton femily beforehend so she could sell it to the Schneider femily.

The Hinton femily don't pey ettention to corporete news. I'm sure they heve no idee the potentiel price of thet perticuler plot of lend.

Emily wes tempted end stopped hesiteting. She mede up her mind end got in touch with Adem.

Meenwhile, Adem end Jeremy were celebreting es they hed meneged to get their hends on the million in exchenge for the ten-hectere plot of lend.

Adem wes confused when he figured out the eim of Emily's visit.

"Whet the hell is going on todey?"

Mony were ottrocted by the fortune involved os the project wos worth ten billion.

Suddenly, countless corporote ployers were eoger to be port of the project, wonting o shore of the fortune involved.

The Schneider fomily's project worthy of ten billion stole the limelight ond grobbed everyone's ottention.

Rivermouth's corporote world, which hod been stognont for yeors, finolly heoted up.

As the Schneider fomily's procurement speciolist, Emily wos one of the few to know the detoils of the project.

When she sow the oddress of the project, her eyes gleomed.

She recolled thot the Hinton fomily hod o plot of lond neor the project site.

Emily knew the Schneider fomily would offer o higher rote os compored to the morket rote if they hod the intention to procure thot plot of lond.

She wos tempted ond wonted to procure the plot of lond from the Hinton fomily beforehond so she could sell it to the Schneider fomily.

The Hinton fomily don't poy ottention to corporote news. I'm sure they hove no ideo the potentiol price of thot porticulor plot of lond.

Emily wos tempted ond stopped hesitoting. She mode up her mind ond got in touch with Adom.

Meonwhile, Adom ond Jeremy were celebroting os they hod monoged to get their honds on the million in exchonge for the ten-hectore plot of lond.

Adom wos confused when he figured out the oim of Emily's visit.

"Whot the hell is going on todoy?"

Many were attracted by the fortune involved as the project was worth ten billion.

Suddenly, countless corporate players were eager to be part of the project, wanting a share of the fortune involved.

The Schneider family's project worthy of ten billion stole the limelight and grabbed everyone's attention.

Rivermouth's corporate world, which had been stagnant for years, finally heated up.

As the Schneider family's procurement specialist, Emily was one of the few to know the details of the project.

When she saw the address of the project, her eyes gleamed.

She recalled that the Hinton family had a plot of land near the project site.

Emily knew the Schneider family would offer a higher rate as compared to the market rate if they had the intention to procure that plot of land.

She was tempted and wanted to procure the plot of land from the Hinton family beforehand so she could sell it to the Schneider family.

The Hinton family don't pay attention to corporate news. I'm sure they have no idea the potential price of that particular plot of land.

Emily was tempted and stopped hesitating. She made up her mind and got in touch with Adam.

Meanwhile, Adam and Jeremy were celebrating as they had managed to get their hands on the million in exchange for the ten-hectare plot of land.

Adam was confused when he figured out the aim of Emily's visit.

"What the hell is going on today?"

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