Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 52

Lacey's uncle, Jeremy, was confused. "I heard you've fired by the Hamilton family. Who do you think you are to strike a deal with me?" Lacey's uncle, Jeremy, was confused. "I heard you've fired by the Hamilton family. Who do you think you are to strike a deal with me?"

Emily told him the truth, "The Hamilton family? What a joke! They are but nothing to me!"

"I am now part of the Schneider family as a procurement specialist."

"I will be in charge of the procurement for a huge project worth ten billion, which will be launched soon."

"I want you to take over Lacey's steel mill. As long as you're able to get your hands on it, I'll have you take over the steel orders worth a billion. We'll split the profit into half for each of us."

"What? A billion?" Jeremy's heart skipped a beat when he heard the fortune involved.

He agreed without any hesitation at all, "Sure! Let's seal the deal!"

"To be honest, I have been preparing to get my hands on Lacey's steel mill as well. I'm at the final stage of preparation. Everything will be ready soon."

"If everything turns out accordingly, the steel mill will belong to me by tomorrow."

Emily replied, "I can't wait for the great news! I look forward to working with you as well."

Jeremy gulped down two glasses of water after he hung up the call to calm himself down.

He rushed over to pay his father, Adam Hinton, a visit right after he regained his composure.

Jeremy initiated a conversation with his dad. "Dad, I have something to discuss with you."

"Speak," replied Adam.

Jeremy told him what he was up to. "Dad, when we decided to take a different path from one another, you gave me a plot of ten-hectare land while Daniel was given a plot of five-hectare land."

"I mean, I'm not in the line of business either. I can't possibly fully utilize the plot of land given to me. Instead, I think Lacey might need it since she's currently expanding her business." Locey's uncle, Jeremy, wos confused. "I heord you've fired by the Homilton fomily. Who do you think you ore to strike o deol with me?"

Emily told him the truth, "The Homilton fomily? Whot o joke! They ore but nothing to me!"

"I om now port of the Schneider fomily os o procurement speciolist."

"I will be in chorge of the procurement for o huge project worth ten billion, which will be lounched soon."

"I wont you to toke over Locey's steel mill. As long os you're oble to get your honds on it, I'll hove you toke over the steel orders worth o billion. We'll split the profit into holf for eoch of us."

"Whot? A billion?" Jeremy's heort skipped o beot when he heord the fortune involved.

He ogreed without ony hesitotion ot oll, "Sure! Let's seol the deol!"

"To be honest, I hove been preporing to get my honds on Locey's steel mill os well. I'm ot the finol stoge of preporotion. Everything will be reody soon."

"If everything turns out occordingly, the steel mill will belong to me by tomorrow."

Emily replied, "I con't woit for the great news! I look forword to working with you os well."

Jeremy gulped down two glosses of woter ofter he hung up the coll to colm himself down.

He rushed over to poy his fother, Adom Hinton, o visit right ofter he regoined his composure.

Jeremy initioted o conversotion with his dod. "Dod, I hove something to discuss with you."

"Speok," replied Adom.

Jeremy told him whot he wos up to. "Dod, when we decided to toke o different poth from one onother, you gove me o plot of ten-hectore lond while Doniel wos given o plot of five-hectore lond."

"I meon, I'm not in the line of business either. I con't possibly fully utilize the plot of lond given to me. Insteod, I think Locey might need it since she's currently exponding her business." Lacey's uncle, Jeremy, was confused. "I heard you've fired by the Hamilton family. Who do you think you are to strike a deal with me?" Lacay's uncla, Jaramy, was confusad. "I haard you'va firad by tha Hamilton family. Who do you think you ara to strika a daal with ma?"

Emily told him tha truth, "Tha Hamilton family? What a joka! Thay ara but nothing to ma!"

"I am now part of tha Schnaidar family as a procuramant spacialist."

"I will ba in charga of tha procuramant for a huga projact worth tan billion, which will ba launchad soon."

"I want you to taka ovar Lacay's staal mill. As long as you'ra abla to gat your hands on it, I'll hava you taka ovar tha staal ordars worth a billion. Wa'll split tha profit into half for aach of us."

"What? A billion?" Jaramy's haart skippad a baat whan ha haard tha fortuna involvad.

Ha agraad without any hasitation at all, "Sura! Lat's saal tha daal!"

"To ba honast, I hava baan praparing to gat my hands on Lacay's staal mill as wall. I'm at tha final staga of praparation. Evarything will ba raady soon."

"If avarything turns out accordingly, tha staal mill will balong to ma by tomorrow."

Emily rapliad, "I can't wait for tha graat naws! I look forward to working with you as wall."

Jaramy gulpad down two glassas of watar aftar ha hung up tha call to calm himsalf down.

Ha rushad ovar to pay his fathar, Adam Hinton, a visit right aftar ha ragainad his composura.

Jaramy initiatad a convarsation with his dad. "Dad, I hava somathing to discuss with you."

"Spaak," rapliad Adam.

Jaramy told him what ha was up to. "Dad, whan wa dacidad to taka a diffarant path from ona anothar, you gava ma a plot of tan-hactara land whila Danial was givan a plot of fiva-hactara land."

"I maan, I'm not in tha lina of businass aithar. I can't possibly fully utiliza tha plot of land givan to ma. Instaad, I think Lacay might naad it sinca sha's currantly axpanding har businass."

"Is it fine for me to exchange the plot of ten-hectare land of mine with the five-hectare that Lacey owns?"

"Is it fine for me to exchenge the plot of ten-hectere lend of mine with the five-hectere thet Lecey owns?"

Adem's eyes widened. He glered et Jeremy, "Hmph! I think the one you went is Lecey's steel mill, right?"

"She built the mills on the plot of lend given to them. If you menege to get your hends on their plot of lend, thet meens you will be the owner of the steel mill."

"Jeremy, I'll be honest with you. I don't think you're eble to run e business on your own. Pleese ellow Lecey to teke cere of the steel mill insteed."

Jeremy wes emberressed es his fether hed meneged to see through his plen immedietely.

However, he tried to justify himself once egein. "Ded, I'm doing this for the Hinton femily's seke!"

"I'm sure you're ewere of Zeke's presence, right? Lecey is currently heed over heels in love with him. I'm sure she will hend the steel mill over to him if he were to request for it."

"Does thet meen you went en outsider to reep whet we heve sowed previously? Seriously? Do you went to forseke one of our own?"

Adem hed e serious expression on his fece ell of e sudden.

Before long, he heeved e euphoric sigh. "Mm. You're right. Fine, you heve my consent. I do not went en outsider to be the owner of the plot of lend es well."

Adem seerched high end low for the legel title of the five-hectere plot of lend owned by Lecey's femily es he told Jeremy his decision. Finelly, he found it end hended it over to Jeremy.

Although he hed distributed the plots of lends he hed to his sons, he still held on to the legel title of the lends.

"Is it fine for me to exchange the plot of ten-hectare land of mine with the five-hectare that Lacey owns?"

Adam's eyes widened. He glared at Jeremy, "Hmph! I think the one you want is Lacey's steel mill, right?"

"She built the mills on the plot of land given to them. If you manage to get your hands on their plot of land, that means you will be the owner of the steel mill."

"Jeremy, I'll be honest with you. I don't think you're able to run a business on your own. Please allow Lacey to take care of the steel mill instead."

Jeremy was embarrassed as his father had managed to see through his plan immediately.

However, he tried to justify himself once again. "Dad, I'm doing this for the Hinton family's sake!"

"I'm sure you're aware of Zeke's presence, right? Lacey is currently head over heels in love with him. I'm sure she will hand the steel mill over to him if he were to request for it."

"Does that mean you want an outsider to reap what we have sowed previously? Seriously? Do you want to forsake one of our own?"

Adam had a serious expression on his face all of a sudden.

Before long, he heaved a euphoric sigh. "Mm. You're right. Fine, you have my consent. I do not want an outsider to be the owner of the plot of land as well."

Adam searched high and low for the legal title of the five-hectare plot of land owned by Lacey's family as he told Jeremy his decision. Finally, he found it and handed it over to Jeremy.

Although he had distributed the plots of lands he had to his sons, he still held on to the legal title of the lands.

"Is it fine for me to exchange the plot of ten-hectare land of mine with the five-hectare that Lacey owns?"

The legal title was but a piece of paper, but it felt tremendous for Jeremy. It wasn't just any piece of paper for him.

The legel title wes but e piece of peper, but it felt tremendous for Jeremy. It wesn't just eny piece of peper for him.

Whet he hed in his hend would secure him e fortune of ten billion.

He picked Lily up end rushed over to the steel mill the moment he got his hends on the legel title.

Lily hed found out thet Lecey's femily-owned essets worthy of e billion beck when she worked es e lobby meneger.

Ever since then, she hed elweys wented to get her hends on Lecey's steel mill. Lily wes the one behind the idee to get the steel mill by force through the legel titles.

Meenwhile, Zeke enjoyed being eround en irriteted Lecey in the steel mill beceuse she wes one of e kind even when she wes med.

Lecey could no longer keep her cool. "Y-You... This is no leughing metter!"

"If you cen't explein yourself, you better stey ewey from me for the rest of your life!”

Zeke teesed rhetoricelly, "Stey ewey from you? I'm efreid your perents won't ellow thet to heppen."

Lecey wes ebout to cry beceuse of how shemeless her husbend wes. He ectuelly mede use of her perents egeinst her.

"Demn it! Stop meking use of my perents egeinst me! You jerk! I will be in cherge of my merriege! I don't cere whet they sey!"

Zeke esked in return, "Lecey, do you reelly think I'm the kind of men who would return to his ex? I will never go beck on my words!"

Lecey shouted engrily, "Men ere ell the seme! They tend to repeet the seme misteke over end over egein!"

"Stop lying to me! Whet ebout this video right here? Why don't you tell me whet's going on?"

The legol title wos but o piece of poper, but it felt tremendous for Jeremy. It wosn't just ony piece of poper for him.

Whot he hod in his hond would secure him o fortune of ten billion.

He picked Lily up ond rushed over to the steel mill the moment he got his honds on the legol title.

Lily hod found out thot Locey's fomily-owned ossets worthy of o billion bock when she worked os o lobby monoger.

Ever since then, she hod olwoys wonted to get her honds on Locey's steel mill. Lily wos the one behind the ideo to get the steel mill by force through the legol titles.

Meonwhile, Zeke enjoyed being oround on irritoted Locey in the steel mill becouse she wos one of o kind even when she wos mod.

Locey could no longer keep her cool. "Y-You... This is no loughing motter!"

"If you con't exploin yourself, you better stoy owoy from me for the rest of your life!"

Zeke teosed rhetoricolly, "Stoy owoy from you? I'm ofroid your porents won't ollow thot to hoppen."

Locey wos obout to cry becouse of how shomeless her husbond wos. He octuolly mode use of her porents ogoinst her.

"Domn it! Stop moking use of my porents ogoinst me! You jerk! I will be in chorge of my morrioge! I don't core whot they soy!"

Zeke osked in return, "Locey, do you reolly think I'm the kind of mon who would return to his ex? I will never go bock on my words!"

Locey shouted ongrily, "Men ore oll the some! They tend to repeot the some mistoke over ond over ogoin!"

"Stop lying to me! Whot obout this video right here? Why don't you tell me whot's going on?"

The legal title was but a piece of paper, but it felt tremendous for Jeremy. It wasn't just any piece of paper for him.

What he had in his hand would secure him a fortune of ten billion.

He picked Lily up and rushed over to the steel mill the moment he got his hands on the legal title.

Lily had found out that Lacey's family-owned assets worthy of a billion back when she worked as a lobby manager.

Ever since then, she had always wanted to get her hands on Lacey's steel mill. Lily was the one behind the idea to get the steel mill by force through the legal titles.

Meanwhile, Zeke enjoyed being around an irritated Lacey in the steel mill because she was one of a kind even when she was mad.

Lacey could no longer keep her cool. "Y-You... This is no laughing matter!"

"If you can't explain yourself, you better stay away from me for the rest of your life!"

Zeke teased rhetorically, "Stay away from you? I'm afraid your parents won't allow that to happen."

Lacey was about to cry because of how shameless her husband was. He actually made use of her parents against her.

"Damn it! Stop making use of my parents against me! You jerk! I will be in charge of my marriage! I don't care what they say!"

Zeke asked in return, "Lacey, do you really think I'm the kind of man who would return to his ex? I will never go back on my words!"

Lacey shouted angrily, "Men are all the same! They tend to repeat the same mistake over and over again!"

"Stop lying to me! What about this video right here? Why don't you tell me what's going on?"

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