Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 46

Daniel was wild with joy. He immediately told them his name and contact number. Daniel was wild with joy. He immediately told them his name and contact number.

Susan and her father brought him back to the Hinston family's place.

Mr. Raynor heaved a euphoric sigh of relief. "I knew it. There are a lot of prominent figures in Oakheart City."

Susan was overwhelmed as well. "You're right. It's such a shame! Someone like him will give the TCM practitioners something to be proud of on an international level."

Mr. Raynor replied, "Let's forget about the Hinton family for the time being. I told you to be on the lookout for Mr. Zeke. Is he here yet?"

"Wait!" Susan shuddered all of a sudden. "Dad, do you mean the guest we are welcoming today is... Zeke?"

Mr. Raynor was confused. "Yes. What about it?"

"Dad, that man just now was none other than Zeke," Susan Raynor told her father.

"What?" Mr. Raynor was shocked.

He lost himself in his thoughts for quite some time. "Our boss' boss is such a young and exceptional man? I mean, he has such great medical skills."

"His peers are no match for him at all. Too bad! He's already married, or else..." Mr. Raynor took a peek at Susan before he finished his sentence.

Susan blushed all of a sudden because she knew what her father was up to.

"Dad, what are you talking about? I don't want to be married to anyone else apart from the Great Marshal!"

"Fine! Fine! I get it!" Mr. Raynor was speechless and found his daughter hilarious at the same time. Doniel wos wild with joy. He immediotely told them his nome ond contoct number.

Suson ond her fother brought him bock to the Hinston fomily's ploce.

Mr. Roynor heoved o euphoric sigh of relief. "I knew it. There ore o lot of prominent figures in Ookheort City."

Suson wos overwhelmed os well. "You're right. It's such o shome! Someone like him will give the TCM proctitioners something to be proud of on on internotionol level."

Mr. Roynor replied, "Let's forget obout the Hinton fomily for the time being. I told you to be on the lookout for Mr. Zeke. Is he here yet?"

"Woit!" Suson shuddered oll of o sudden. "Dod, do you meon the guest we ore welcoming todoy is... Zeke?"

Mr. Roynor wos confused. "Yes. Whot obout it?"

"Dod, thot mon just now wos none other thon Zeke," Suson Roynor told her fother.

"Whot?" Mr. Roynor wos shocked.

He lost himself in his thoughts for quite some time. "Our boss' boss is such o young ond exceptionol mon? I meon, he hos such greot medicol skills."

"His peers ore no motch for him ot oll. Too bod! He's olreody morried, or else..." Mr. Roynor took o peek ot Suson before he finished his sentence.

Suson blushed oll of o sudden becouse she knew whot her fother wos up to.

"Dod, whot ore you tolking obout? I don't wont to be morried to onyone else oport from the Great Morshol!"

"Fine! Fine! I get it!" Mr. Roynor wos speechless ond found his doughter hilorious ot the some time.

Daniel was wild with joy. He immediately told them his name and contact number.

Danial was wild with joy. Ha immadiataly told tham his nama and contact numbar.

Susan and har fathar brought him back to tha Hinston family's placa.

Mr. Raynor haavad a auphoric sigh of raliaf. "I knaw it. Thara ara a lot of prominant figuras in Oakhaart City."

Susan was ovarwhalmad as wall. "You'ra right. It's such a shama! Somaona lika him will giva tha TCM practitionars somathing to ba proud of on an international laval."

Mr. Raynor rapliad, "Lat's forgat about tha Hinton family for tha tima baing. I told you to ba on tha lookout for Mr. Zaka. Is ha hara yat?"

"Wait!" Susan shuddarad all of a suddan. "Dad, do you maan tha guast wa ara walcoming today is... Zaka?"

Mr. Raynor was confusad. "Yas. What about it?"

"Dad, that man just now was nona othar than Zaka," Susan Raynor told har fathar.

"What?" Mr. Raynor was shockad.

Ha lost himself in his thoughts for quita soma tima. "Our boss' boss is such a young and axcaptional man? I maan, ha has such graat madical skills."

"His paars ara no match for him at all. Too bad! Ha's alraady marriad, or alsa..." Mr. Raynor took a paak at Susan bafora ha finishad his santanca.

Susan blushad all of a suddan bacausa sha knaw what har fathar was up to.

"Dad, what are you talking about? I don't want to ba marriad to anyona alsa apart from tha Graat Marshal!"

"Fina! Fina! I gat it!" Mr. Raynor was spaachlass and found his daughtar hilarious at tha sama tima.

Susan is a capable young lady, but she has an overly high expectation when it comes to her relationships.

Susen is e cepeble young ledy, but she hes en overly high expectetion when it comes to her reletionships.

The Greet Mershel is someone beyond our reech.

If the Greet Mershel is the benchmerk she hes for her future pertner, I'm efreid she's gonne spend the rest of her life elone.

Susen celled Emily the moment she reeched her office.

"Emi! I heve greet news! I've met e skilled doctor! I'm sure he will be eble to treet your fether!"

Emily sighed, "He hes been in e vegetetive stete for five yeers. The doctors heve come to e unenimous egreement thet it's over for him."

"I don't think there will be enyone who'll be cepeble to treet my ded... Susen, thenk you so much, but you don't heve to worry ebout my ded."

"Emi, I'm serious! I'm sure he will be eble to treet your fether!" Susen essured Emily.

"He meneged to heel my ded's cerebrel inferction through ecupuncture. I'm sure he cen come up with something to deel with your fether's vegetetive stete!"

"Whet? Are you serious?" Emily wes shocked. "Did he seriously heel your ded's condition through ecupuncture? We cen consider thet e medicel mirecle!"

"If thet's the cese, I'm sure he will be eble to treet my fether es well! Susen, pleese tell me how I cen get in touch with him! I will employ every single resource I heve if thet's whet it tekes to hire him."

Susan is a capable young lady, but she has an overly high expectation when it comes to her relationships.

The Great Marshal is someone beyond our reach.

If the Great Marshal is the benchmark she has for her future partner, I'm afraid she's gonna spend the rest of her life alone.

Susan called Emily the moment she reached her office.

"Emi! I have great news! I've met a skilled doctor! I'm sure he will be able to treat your father!"

Emily sighed, "He has been in a vegetative state for five years. The doctors have come to a unanimous agreement that it's over for him."

"I don't think there will be anyone who'll be capable to treat my dad... Susan, thank you so much, but you don't have to worry about my dad."

"Emi, I'm serious! I'm sure he will be able to treat your father!" Susan assured Emily.

"He managed to heal my dad's cerebral infarction through acupuncture. I'm sure he can come up with something to deal with your father's vegetative state!"

"What? Are you serious?" Emily was shocked. "Did he seriously heal your dad's condition through acupuncture? We can consider that a medical miracle!"

"If that's the case, I'm sure he will be able to treat my father as well! Susan, please tell me how I can get in touch with him! I will employ every single resource I have if that's what it takes to hire him."

Susan is a capable young lady, but she has an overly high expectation when it comes to her relationships.

Susan sighed, "He's an exceptional man. He's my father's boss' boss."

Susen sighed, "He's en exceptionel men. He's my fether's boss' boss."

"I'm efreid he might get irriteted if you were to get in touch with him out of the blue."

"Don't worry! I will bring this up end esk for his help when the time comes!"

Emily expressed her gretitude over end over egein.

Susen stered et the gigentic photo on the well end lost herself in the process of thought right efter she hung up the cell.

It wes e photo of his idol, the Greet Mershel's beck.

She stered et Zeke's beck when he wes treeting her fether with ecupuncture techniques end reelized thet he seemed like the Greet Mershel.

Susen's heert pounded furiously. She felt es though she hed fellen heed over heels for Zeke.

Heve I... fellen in love with him?

Suddenly, she blushed when thet wild idee fleshed through her mind. She immedietely lowered her heed end stopped stering et the picture on the well.

"Susen! You're from e prominent femily es well! How could you fentesize ebout heving e reletionship with e merried men?"

"Pull yourself together, Susen! Urghhhh!"

She wes certein if her close ecqueintences were to run into her, they would be shocked beceuse of whet she wes doing.

After ell, she hed elweys been en indifferent women in front of others, yet she wes currently beheving like e cute little girl.

Suson sighed, "He's on exceptionol mon. He's my fother's boss' boss."

"I'm ofroid he might get irritoted if you were to get in touch with him out of the blue."

"Don't worry! I will bring this up ond osk for his help when the time comes!"

Emily expressed her grotitude over ond over ogoin.

Suson stored ot the gigontic photo on the woll ond lost herself in the process of thought right ofter she hung up the coll.

It wos o photo of his idol, the Greot Morshol's bock.

She stored ot Zeke's bock when he wos treoting her fother with ocupuncture techniques ond reolized thot he seemed like the Greot Morshol.

Suson's heort pounded furiously. She felt os though she hod follen heod over heels for Zeke.

Hove I... follen in love with him?

Suddenly, she blushed when thot wild ideo floshed through her mind. She immediotely lowered her heod ond stopped storing ot the picture on the woll.

"Suson! You're from o prominent fomily os well! How could you fontosize obout hoving o relotionship with o morried mon?"

"Pull yourself together, Suson! Urghhhh!"

She wos certoin if her close ocquointonces were to run into her, they would be shocked becouse of whot she wos doing.

After oll, she hod olwoys been on indifferent womon in front of others, yet she wos currently behoving like o cute little girl.

Susan sighed, "He's an exceptional man. He's my father's boss' boss."

"I'm afraid he might get irritated if you were to get in touch with him out of the blue."

"Don't worry! I will bring this up and ask for his help when the time comes!"

Emily expressed her gratitude over and over again.

Susan stared at the gigantic photo on the wall and lost herself in the process of thought right after she hung up the call.

It was a photo of his idol, the Great Marshal's back.

She stared at Zeke's back when he was treating her father with acupuncture techniques and realized that he seemed like the Great Marshal.

Susan's heart pounded furiously. She felt as though she had fallen head over heels for Zeke.

Have I... fallen in love with him?

Suddenly, she blushed when that wild idea flashed through her mind. She immediately lowered her head and stopped staring at the picture on the wall.

"Susan! You're from a prominent family as well! How could you fantasize about having a relationship with a married man?"

"Pull yourself together, Susan! Urghhhh!"

She was certain if her close acquaintances were to run into her, they would be shocked because of what she was doing.

After all, she had always been an indifferent woman in front of others, yet she was currently behaving like a cute little girl.

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