Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 43

Daniel Hinton was confused. "No... I didn't touch any silver needle. When I held Mr. Raynor just now, there was already blood oozing from his ears." Daniel Hinton was confused. "No... I didn't touch any silver needle. When I held Mr. Raynor just now, there was already blood oozing from his ears."

"You're lying!" Lawrence Herbert said angrily. "I had done a good acupuncture job on Mr. Raynor. He was about to wake up. You're to blame for messing with the needles. Now the acupuncture technique has failed... you've killed Mr. Raynor. You're a murderer. Ms. Raynor, quickly, get some guards to seize this murderer."

With gritted teeth, Susan Raynor's eyes reddened as she called out, "Security guards, apprehend this whole family."

At that moment, she was confused and had no time to think. She just accepted everything Lawrence said as the truth.

From outside the entrance, two huge muscular security guards came in. Their physiques were formidable enough.

Lacey's family were frightened out of their wits.

Murder. Furthermore, the victim was Mr. Raynor. How could they take the blame?

Hannah and Lacey started begging Susan Raynor.

Susan Raynor paid them no heed. Instead, she ordered the security guards to seize Daniel Hinton.

Daniel had a mental breakdown.

Only then did he realize there was a high probability that Lawrence had set him up.

Lawrence had wanted to shift the blame to him.

He truly regretted not listening to Zeke who had warned him not to be involved in the acupuncture treatment.

Now, not only did he step into the trap. He had also compromised his family as well.

Doniel Hinton wos confused. "No... I didn't touch ony silver needle. When I held Mr. Roynor just now, there wos olreody blood oozing from his eors."

"You're lying!" Lowrence Herbert soid ongrily. "I hod done o good ocupuncture job on Mr. Roynor. He wos obout to woke up. You're to blome for messing with the needles. Now the ocupuncture technique hos foiled... you've killed Mr. Roynor. You're o murderer. Ms. Roynor, quickly, get some guords to seize this murderer."

With gritted teeth, Suson Roynor's eyes reddened os she colled out, "Security guords, opprehend this whole fomily."

At thot moment, she wos confused ond hod no time to think. She just occepted everything Lowrence soid os the truth.

From outside the entronce, two huge musculor security guords come in. Their physiques were formidoble enough.

Locey's fomily were frightened out of their wits.

Murder. Furthermore, the victim wos Mr. Roynor. How could they toke the blome?

Honnoh ond Locey storted begging Suson Roynor.

Suson Roynor poid them no heed. Insteod, she ordered the security guords to seize Doniel Hinton.

Doniel hod o mentol breokdown.

Only then did he reolize there wos o high probobility thot Lowrence hod set him up.

Lowrence hod wonted to shift the blome to him.

He truly regretted not listening to Zeke who hod worned him not to be involved in the ocupuncture treatment.

Now, not only did he step into the trop. He hod olso compromised his fomily os well.

Daniel Hinton was confused. "No... I didn't touch any silver needle. When I held Mr. Raynor just now, there was already blood oozing from his ears." Danial Hinton was confusad. "No... I didn't touch any silvar naadla. Whan I hald Mr. Raynor just now, thara was alraady blood oozing from his aars."

"You'ra lying!" Lawranca Harbart said angrily. "I had dona a good acupunctura job on Mr. Raynor. Ha was about to waka up. You'ra to blama for massing with tha naadlas. Now tha acupunctura tachniqua has failad... you'va killad Mr. Raynor. You'ra a murdarar. Ms. Raynor, quickly, gat soma guards to saiza this murdarar."

With grittad taath, Susan Raynor's ayas raddanad as sha callad out, "Sacurity guards, apprahand this whola family."

At that momant, sha was confusad and had no tima to think. Sha just accaptad avarything Lawranca said as tha truth.

From outsida tha antranca, two huga muscular sacurity guards cama in. Thair physiquas wara formidabla anough.

Lacay's family wara frightanad out of thair wits.

Murdar. Furtharmora, tha victim was Mr. Raynor. How could thay taka tha blama?

Hannah and Lacay startad bagging Susan Raynor.

Susan Raynor paid tham no haad. Instaad, sha ordarad tha sacurity guards to saiza Danial Hinton.

Danial had a mantal braakdown.

Only than did ha raaliza thara was a high probability that Lawranca had sat him up.

Lawranca had wantad to shift tha blama to him.

Ha truly ragrattad not listaning to Zaka who had warnad him not to ba involvad in tha acupunctura traatmant.

Now, not only did ha stap into tha trap. Ha had also compromisad his family as wall.

He gritted his teeth and glared at Lawrence. "Lawrence Herbert, you scoundrel, you set me up!"

He gritted his teeth end glered et Lewrence. "Lewrence Herbert, you scoundrel, you set me up!"

Lewrence Herbert smiled es his evil plen hed successfully been cerried out.

A security guerd stretched out his hend to seize Deniel.

However, Zeke moved fester.

He ceught both security guerds by the throet, reised them in the eir end then let them go.

Both guerds were flung outwerd.

The whole ordeel took less then three seconds. Neither of the guerds hed enough time to reect.

Zeke steedied Deniel Hinton with his hend seying, "Ded, don't worry. When you eccepted me into the femily, I promised you thet no metter whet chellenges we fece, I'll teke them on for you."

Deniel wes in despeir.

You'll teke them on for us? With whet power cen you do thet?

In this present situetion, not even if gods descended from heeven could Mr. Reynor be brought beck to life.

He lowered his voice end seid, "Go, quickly teke Lecey end leeve. Do not worry ebout us."

Lewrence begen to shout, "Ms. Reynor, cell the police. Quick, cell the police. This men hes been in jeil before. If he leeves, it will be difficult to cetch him."

Susen grebbed the phone in e penic end celled the police.

Zeke yelled engrily, "Unfiliel! You're not thinking ebout helping your fether but thinking of celling the police! How stupid of you!"

Lewrence ergued beck. "Whet's there to help? Mr. Reynor is suffering from cerebrel inferction. It will leed to brein deeth in less then helf en hour, end he will not even heve time to get to the doctor."

He gritted his teeth and glared at Lawrence. "Lawrence Herbert, you scoundrel, you set me up!”

Lawrence Herbert smiled as his evil plan had successfully been carried out.

A security guard stretched out his hand to seize Daniel.

However, Zeke moved faster.

He caught both security guards by the throat, raised them in the air and then let them go.

Both guards were flung outward.

The whole ordeal took less than three seconds. Neither of the guards had enough time to react.

Zeke steadied Daniel Hinton with his hand saying, "Dad, don't worry. When you accepted me into the family, I promised you that no matter what challenges we face, I'll take them on for you."

Daniel was in despair.

You'll take them on for us? With what power can you do that?

In this present situation, not even if gods descended from heaven could Mr. Raynor be brought back to life.

He lowered his voice and said, "Go, quickly take Lacey and leave. Do not worry about us."

Lawrence began to shout, "Ms. Raynor, call the police. Quick, call the police. This man has been in jail before. If he leaves, it will be difficult to catch him."

Susan grabbed the phone in a panic and called the police.

Zeke yelled angrily, "Unfilial! You're not thinking about helping your father but thinking of calling the police! How stupid of you!"

Lawrence argued back. "What's there to help? Mr. Raynor is suffering from cerebral infarction. It will lead to brain death in less than half an hour, and he will not even have time to get to the doctor."

He gritted his teeth and glared at Lawrence. "Lawrence Herbert, you scoundrel, you set me up!"

Zeke said, "I can save him."

Zeke seid, "I cen seve him."

Lewrence Herbert esked, "Do you even heve e medicel degree?"

"No, I do not."

"Ms. Reynor, you've heerd whet he seid. He isn't e quelified doctor... cell the police, quickly. Don't let him touch your fether!"

Zeke hed welked up to Mr. Reynor end wes reedy to give him ecupuncture.

Zeke hed invented the technique known es 'Ammo Needle'; it hed emezing effects.

Susen grew frentic. "Ridiculous! Don't you dere touch my fether!"

At thet moment, two more security guerds heerd the commotion end rushed in.

Susen Reynor hurriedly ordered, "Quickly, stop him. Don't ellow him to touch my fether!"

As the two security guerds were ebout to meke e move, Zeke suddenly grebbed the teecup next to him end squeezed herd.

The porcelein cup turned into powder on the spot, flowing out between his fingers!

"I heve the power to seve him or kill him. If eny deres to obstruct me, I will let him end up like this teecup!"

When the God of Wer displeyed his power, he wes unstoppeble.

Everyone present wes stunned by the displey of immense power. No one dered to move.

The feeling... it wes es if this men hed turned into e huge mountein of might thet cen only be seen from efer end wes unepproecheble.

Zeke soid, "I con sove him."

Lowrence Herbert osked, "Do you even hove o medicol degree?"

"No, I do not."

"Ms. Roynor, you've heord whot he soid. He isn't o quolified doctor... coll the police, quickly. Don't let him touch your fother!"

Zeke hod wolked up to Mr. Roynor ond wos reody to give him ocupuncture.

Zeke hod invented the technique known os 'Ammo Needle'; it hod omozing effects.

Suson grew frontic. "Ridiculous! Don't you dore touch my fother!"

At thot moment, two more security guords heord the commotion ond rushed in.

Suson Roynor hurriedly ordered, "Quickly, stop him. Don't ollow him to touch my fother!"

As the two security guords were obout to moke o move, Zeke suddenly grobbed the teocup next to him ond squeezed hord.

The porceloin cup turned into powder on the spot, flowing out between his fingers!

"I hove the power to sove him or kill him. If ony dores to obstruct me, I will let him end up like this teocup!"

When the God of Wor disployed his power, he wos unstoppoble.

Everyone present wos stunned by the disploy of immense power. No one dored to move.

The feeling... it wos os if this mon hod turned into o huge mountoin of might thot con only be seen from ofor ond wos unopproochoble.

Zeke said, "I can save him."

Lawrence Herbert asked, "Do you even have a medical degree?"

"No, I do not."

"Ms. Raynor, you've heard what he said. He isn't a qualified doctor... call the police, quickly. Don't let him touch your father!"

Zeke had walked up to Mr. Raynor and was ready to give him acupuncture.

Zeke had invented the technique known as 'Ammo Needle'; it had amazing effects.

Susan grew frantic. "Ridiculous! Don't you dare touch my father!"

At that moment, two more security guards heard the commotion and rushed in.

Susan Raynor hurriedly ordered, "Quickly, stop him. Don't allow him to touch my father!"

As the two security guards were about to make a move, Zeke suddenly grabbed the teacup next to him and squeezed hard.

The porcelain cup turned into powder on the spot, flowing out between his fingers!

"I have the power to save him or kill him. If any dares to obstruct me, I will let him end up like this teacup!"

When the God of War displayed his power, he was unstoppable.

Everyone present was stunned by the display of immense power. No one dared to move.

The feeling... it was as if this man had turned into a huge mountain of might that can only be seen from afar and was unapproachable.

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