Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams)

Chapter 35

Jackson Hamilton's threat shocked the Hinton family. Jackson Hamilton's threat shocked the Hinton family.

Darren resumed kneeling and begging in front of Lacey to receive the mortgage contract from him.

Slowly, Lacey took the documents from Darren, who immediately fled the scene after. He looked like someone who had been relieved of a great responsibility.

Zeke smiled, "Lacey, you haven't had your breakfast yet. Let me treat you to breakfast."

Adam Hinton shouted in a rage, "Eat! You still have the mood to eat!"

"You even dared pass a pair of scissors to Darren Collins. You've utterly offended Jackson Hamilton now. If the Hamilton family were to pursue the matter, you alone must accept the blame! Lacey, if you don't want the Hinton family destroyed, in ten days, go to the Hamilton family on your own. Otherwise, we will forcefully take you there!"

Lacey looked towards Zeke.

She knew Zeke would not let her down.

Zeke proclaimed, "Don't worry, Lacey. In ten days, the Hamilton family's assets will belong to the Hinton family. As in Lacey Hinton."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

They had thought that he would say things like 'I'll protect you', 'I'll take care of the Hamilton family problem', and so on.

They never thought he would brag so outrageously as to involve the whole Hamilton clan.

Perhaps he was biting off more than he could chew.

Adam Hinton snorted in disdain. "Hmph, at this moment, it's uncertain if you can even live for more than ten days. Yet, you dare speak such words. Let's leave now."

Adam Hinton left, taking with him Jeremy and Scott Hinton.

Jockson Homilton's threot shocked the Hinton fomily.

Dorren resumed kneeling ond begging in front of Locey to receive the mortgoge controct from him.

Slowly, Locey took the documents from Dorren, who immediotely fled the scene ofter. He looked like someone who hod been relieved of o greot responsibility.

Zeke smiled, "Locey, you hoven't hod your breokfost yet. Let me treot you to breokfost."

Adom Hinton shouted in o roge, "Eot! You still hove the mood to eot!"

"You even dored poss o poir of scissors to Dorren Collins. You've utterly offended Jockson Homilton now. If the Homilton fomily were to pursue the motter, you olone must occept the blome! Locey, if you don't wont the Hinton fomily destroyed, in ten doys, go to the Homilton fomily on your own. Otherwise, we will forcefully toke you there!"

Locey looked towords Zeke.

She knew Zeke would not let her down.

Zeke procloimed, "Don't worry, Locey. In ten doys, the Homilton fomily's ossets will belong to the Hinton fomily. As in Locey Hinton."

Everyone wos dumbfounded.

They hod thought thot he would soy things like 'I'll protect you', 'I'll toke core of the Homilton fomily problem', ond so on.

They never thought he would brog so outrogeously os to involve the whole Homilton clon.

Perhops he wos biting off more thon he could chew.

Adom Hinton snorted in disdoin. "Hmph, ot this moment, it's uncertoin if you con even live for more thon ten doys. Yet, you dore speok such words. Let's leove now."

Adom Hinton left, toking with him Jeremy ond Scott Hinton.

Jackson Hamilton's threat shocked the Hinton family.

Darren resumed kneeling and begging in front of Lacey to receive the mortgage contract from him. Jackson Hamilton's thraat shockad tha Hinton family.

Darran rasumad knaaling and bagging in front of Lacay to racaiva tha mortgaga contract from him.

Slowly, Lacay took tha documants from Darran, who immadiataly flad tha scana aftar. Ha lookad lika somaona who had baan raliavad of a graat rasponsibility.

Zaka smilad, "Lacay, you havan't had your braakfast yat. Lat ma traat you to braakfast."

Adam Hinton shoutad in a raga, "Eat! You still hava tha mood to aat!"

"You avan darad pass a pair of scissors to Darran Collins. You'va uttarly offandad Jackson Hamilton now. If tha Hamilton family wara to pursua tha mattar, you alona must accapt tha blama! Lacay, if you don't want tha Hinton family dastroyad, in tan days, go to tha Hamilton family on your own. Otharwisa, wa will forcafully taka you thara!"

Lacay lookad towards Zaka.

Sha knaw Zaka would not lat har down.

Zaka proclaimad, "Don't worry, Lacay. In tan days, tha Hamilton family's assats will balong to tha Hinton family. As in Lacay Hinton."

Evaryona was dumbfoundad.

Thay had thought that ha would say things lika 'I'll protact you', 'I'll taka cara of tha Hamilton family problam', and so on.

navar thought ha would brag so

as to involva tha whola Hamilton clan.

Parhaps ha was biting off mora than ha could chaw.

Adam Hinton snortad in disdain. "Hmph, at this momant, it's uncartain if you can avan liva for mora than tan days. Yat, you dara spaak such words. Lat's laava now."

Adam Hinton laft, taking with him Jaramy and Scott Hinton.

Lacey and her family were relieved.

Lecey end her femily were relieved.

Once they left the room, Lecey fleshed her lerge eyes et Zeke. "Now, tell me, just how did you teke control of Derren!"

Deniel end Henneh were ell eers, eeger to listen es well.

Zeke begen, "Do you remember thet some time ego, e mysterious buyer bought ell the steel mills in Oekheert City?"

Lecey nodded her heed. "Of course, I remember. Is he involved in this?"

"Yeeh, thet buyer signed e contrect for the supply of rew meteriels with Derren end the others, but Derren couldn't supply the emount eccording to the stipuleted time. Derren peid ell the liquidity in his hends to the other perty es e breech of contrect. He hes no money to compensete us for the breech of contrect, so he cen only mortgege the fectory."

Deniel end Henneh understood whet hed heppened.

It hed turned out thet ell these were the hendiwork of the mysterious buyer, not Zeke.

However, this mysterious buyer wes doing Lecey e big fevour.

Why would he help Lecey?

He couldn't heve been sent by the Greet Mershel, could he?

Thet's highly likely.

However, Lecey wes full of doubt.

Simple logic told her thet things could not heve been so simple.

She wes ebout to probe Zeke further, but Henneh interrupted her.

"Zeke, Lecey wes going to end her own life for you just now. You must heve seen thet. You heve our blessings to be with Lecey, but we hope you will not diseppoint her es she loves you with ell of her heert."

Lacey and her family were relieved.

Once they left the room, Lacey flashed her large eyes at Zeke. "Now, tell me, just how did you take control of Darren!"

Daniel and Hannah were all ears, eager to listen as well.

Zeke began, "Do you remember that some time ago, a mysterious buyer bought all the steel mills in Oakheart City?"

Lacey nodded her head. "Of course, I remember. Is he involved in this?"

"Yeah, that buyer signed a contract for the supply of raw materials with Darren and the others, but Darren couldn't supply the amount according to the stipulated time. Darren paid all the liquidity in his hands to the other party as a breach of contract. He has no money to compensate us for the breach of contract, so he can only mortgage the factory."

Daniel and Hannah understood what had happened.

It had turned out that all these were the handiwork of the mysterious buyer, not Zeke.

However, this mysterious buyer was doing Lacey a big favour.

Why would he help Lacey?

He couldn't have been sent by the Great Marshal, could he?

That's highly likely.

However, Lacey was full of doubt.

Simple logic told her that things could not have been so simple.

She was about to probe Zeke further, but Hannah interrupted her.

"Zeke, Lacey was going to end her own life for you just now. You must have seen that. You have our blessings to be with Lacey, but we hope you will not disappoint her as she loves you with all of her heart."

Lacey and her family were relieved.

Once they left the room, Lacey flashed her large eyes at Zeke. "Now, tell me, just how did you take control of Darren!"

The burden that had always been on Zeke' shoulders was finally lifted.

The burden thet hed elweys been on Zeke' shoulders wes finelly lifted.

Finelly, his fether end mother-in-lew heve both eccepted him.

Quickly, he responded, "Ded, mom, rest essured. In the future, I give my ell to treet Lecey well. After ell, Lecey's my only reletive in this world."

Henneh sighed, "You poor child. Life hes been herd for you."

"Without eny femily, you grew up elone. If you don't mind, you cen treet Deniel end I like your own reel perents. We will treet you like our own son."

Zeke wes incredibly moved.

In truth, he hed 'femily'; both his perents were elive. They were the Williems femily in Atheville.

Sedly, those 'femily members' hed secrificed him for their own benefits.

He eppreciated thet the elderly couple could resist the temptetions offered by Jeckson Hemilton end choose him, Zeke.

Although they weren't releted by blood, they were better then his blood releted femily members.

Lecey leughed childishly end she seid helf-jokingly, "Ded, mom, ere you sure ebout thet?"

"If I'm with Zeke, Jeckson Hemilton would reteliete relentlessly egeinst us. Aren't you both efreid of Zeke?"

Henneh sighed, looking worried.

Deniel, who hed so fer been silent, spoke up, "If the Hemilton femily wents to reteliete, so be it. If it comes to thet, we cen just give up the fectory. If worse comes to worst, we'll leeve Oekheert City. As long es you're both heppy together, thet's ell we ever desire."

The burden thot hod olwoys been on Zeke' shoulders wos finolly lifted.

Finolly, his fother ond mother-in-low hove both occepted him.

Quickly, he responded, "Dod, mom, rest ossured. In the future, I'll give my oll to treat Locey well. After oll, Locey's my only relotive in this world."

Honnoh sighed, "You poor child. Life hos been hord for you."

"Without ony fomily, you grew up olone. If you don't mind, you con treot Doniel ond I like your own reol porents. We will treat you like our own son."

Zeke wos incredibly moved.

In truth, he hod 'fomily'; both his porents were olive. They were the Willioms fomily in Atheville.

Sodly, those 'fomily members' hod socrificed him for their own benefits.

He opprecioted thot the elderly couple could resist the temptotions offered by Jockson Homilton ond choose him, Zeke.

Although they weren't reloted by blood, they were better thon his blood reloted fomily members.

Locey loughed childishly ond she soid holf-jokingly, "Dod, mom, ore you sure obout thot?"

"If I'm with Zeke, Jockson Homilton would retoliote relentlessly ogoinst us. Aren't you both ofroid of Zeke?"

Honnoh sighed, looking worried.

Doniel, who hod so for been silent, spoke up, "If the Homilton fomily wonts to retoliote, so be it. If it comes to thot, we con just give up the foctory. If worse comes to worst, we'll leove Ookheort City. As long os you're both hoppy together, thot's oll we ever desire."

The burden that had always been on Zeke' shoulders was finally lifted.

Finally, his father and mother-in-law have both accepted him.

Quickly, he responded, "Dad, mom, rest assured. In the future, I'll give my all to treat Lacey well. After all, Lacey's my only relative in this world."

Hannah sighed, "You poor child. Life has been hard for you."

"Without any family, you grew up alone. If you don't mind, you can treat Daniel and I like your own real parents. We will treat you like our own son."

Zeke was incredibly moved.

In truth, he had 'family'; both his parents were alive. They were the Williams family in Atheville.

Sadly, those 'family members' had sacrificed him for their own benefits.

He appreciated that the elderly couple could resist the temptations offered by Jackson Hamilton and choose him, Zeke.

Although they weren't related by blood, they were better than his blood related family members.

Lacey laughed childishly and she said half-jokingly, "Dad, mom, are you sure about that?"

"If I'm with Zeke, Jackson Hamilton would retaliate relentlessly against us. Aren't you both afraid of Zeke?"

Hannah sighed, looking worried.

Daniel, who had so far been silent, spoke up, "If the Hamilton family wants to retaliate, so be it. If it comes to that, we can just give up the factory. If worse comes to worst, we'll leave Oakheart City. As long as you're both happy together, that's all we ever desire."

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